John Wiley & Sons Managing Innovation Cover The new edition of the bestselling textbook on Innovation Management, provides a strong knowledge ba.. Product #: 978-1-394-25206-0 Regular price: $57.85 $57.85 Auf Lager

Managing Innovation

Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

Tidd, Joe / Bessant, John R.


8. Auflage Dezember 2024
672 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-25206-0
John Wiley & Sons

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The new edition of the bestselling textbook on Innovation Management, provides a strong knowledge base and a creative and entrepreneurial management mindset

Acclaimed for its practical, evidence-based tools and resources, Managing Innovation provides the knowledge base required to manage innovation, technology, and new product development. With an integrated process approach, this classic textbook helps students understand and develop the unique skill set required to manage innovation and innovation processes, in the commercial, public and social sectors.

Fully updated with new data, new methods, and new approaches, the eighth edition of Managing Innovation emphasizes real-world application over abstract theory. Numerous practical and experience-tested processes, models, and tools help students develop a productive innovation management mindset, accompanied by a wealth of case studies and examples illustrating that successful innovation management is much more than managing a single aspect, such as creativity, entrepreneurship, or product development.

Offering a strong empirical approach that is supportive of tailored experimentation, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Eighth Edition, is the perfect textbook for MBA, MSc, and final-year undergraduate management and engineering courses on innovation, and a must-have resource for professional training courses, seminars, and workshops.

New to this Edition:

* Updated chapters on digital innovation, business model innovation, open innovation, user innovation, social and sustainable innovation, service, and crowdsourcing
* Enhanced presentation of material, organized around a clear process model reflecting the new ISO standard for innovation systems
* Additional web resources, including video, audio podcasts, case studies, innovation tools, and interactive exercises and tests
* New "Research Notes" present the latest empirical findings from academic studies to deepen students' knowledge
* New "Views from the Front Line" sections connect chapter topics to the actual experiences and challenges of practicing innovation managers
* Expanded "Innovation Portal" for students and instructors, containing searchable innovation tools, cases, and exercises

About the Authors vii

Preface to the Eighth Edition ix

Acknowledgements xi

How to Use This Book: Key Features xii

1 Innovation -- What It Is and Why It Matters 1

2 Digital Is Different? 50

3 Innovation as a Core Business Process 71

4 Developing an Innovation Strategy 115

5 Building the Innovative Organization 166

6 Sources of Innovation 220

7 Search Strategies for Innovation 261

8 Innovation Networks 287

9 Dealing with Uncertainty 319

10 Creating New Products and Services 369

11 Exploiting Open Innovation and Collaboration 428

12 Promoting Entrepreneurship and New Ventures 473

13 Capturing the Business Value of Innovation 534

14 Creating Social Value 576

15 Capturing Learning from Innovation 604

Index I-1
Joe Tidd is a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management in the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex Business School and a visiting Professor at University College London. He was Director of the Executive MBA Program at Imperial College London and co-creator of the Imperial Distance Learning MBA. He is the author of nine books and more than 100 papers on the management of technology and innovation, and the founder and Managing Editor of the International Journal of Innovation Management.

John R. Bessant is Emeritus Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter and has visiting appointments at the University of Stavanger (Norway) and Friedrich-Alexander University (Germany). Active in the field of research and consultancy in technology and innovation management for over 40 years, he has served as an advisor to a wide range of companies and international bodies, including the United Nations, The World Bank, and the OECD. He is the author of 40 books and monographs and numerous articles published in leading journals.

J. Tidd, The Management School, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London; J. R. Bessant, University of Brighton