John Wiley & Sons The Care Economy Cover Care is the foundation of organic life. But its fate in the economy is precarious and uncertain. The.. Product #: 978-1-5095-5428-7 Regular price: $63.46 $63.46 Auf Lager

The Care Economy

Jackson, Tim


1. Auflage Februar 2025
342 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-5095-5428-7
John Wiley & Sons

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Care is the foundation of organic life. But its fate in the economy is precarious and uncertain. The labour of care is arduous and underpaid. Yet without it health and vitality are impossible. Care itself ends up leading a curious dual life. In our hearts it's honoured as an irreducible good. But in the market it's treated as a second class citizen - barely recognised in the relentless rush for productivity and wealth.

How did we arrive in this dysfunctional place? And what can we do to change things? What would it mean to take health seriously as a societal goal? What would it take to adopt care as an organising principle in the economy?

Renowned ecological economist Tim Jackson sets out to tackle these questions in this timely and deeply personal book. His journey travels through the history of medicine, the economics of capitalism and the philosophical underpinnings of health. He unpacks the gender politics of care, revisits the birthplace of a universal dream and confronts the demons that prevent us from realising it.

Irreverent, insightful and profoundly inquisitive, The Care Economy offers a bold and accessible manifesto for a healthier and more humane society.


1 The Road to Hell
2 Euphoria
3 Vital Signs
4 The Myth of Care
5 No Good Deed
6 Passarelle
7 Shoot the Messenger
8 The Lost Generation
9 Care in the Time of Cholera
10 Pathogenesis
11 Death and the Maiden
12 Fuck the Patriarchy
13 Land's End
14 Jenga
15 The Red Pill

"The Care Economy is a well-timed warning about the dire consequences of prioritising wealth over health and sacrificing happiness for growth. Jackson takes his reader on a fascinating journey, peppered with entertaining characters and colourful stories. But his message is deeply serious - as persuasive as it is challenging. A 'must read' for anyone who cares about the future. A book that could change the world."
Dr Michael Dixon CVO, OBE, FRCP (hon), FRCGP, Chair of the College of Medicine

"The Care Economy is a profoundly insightful and personal book with a powerful message: a new economics guided by care for people and planet is urgently needed. I applaud Tim Jackson and this manifesto for a healthy and sustainable world."
Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade and The Real Wealth of Nations

"The Care Economy rocks. Enjoy the rhythms of this compelling take-down of the dismal science and dance to the beat of new economic principles, joyfully explained. This music will stick in your head."
Nancy Folbre, author of The Invisible Heart

"The absence of 'Care' in economics limits the reach of policy. Jackson shows not only what is missed by this ... but also what gives us a better economics."
Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland

"From the staggering rise of chronic disease to the dark persistence of gender-based violence, Tim Jackson's uncompromising examination of capitalism's failings is a passionate call to arms."
Stephanie Kelton, author of The Deficit Myth

"Jackson has plumbed the depths of economics, psychology, philosophy and spirituality to prove that we were born to care, and when we choose not to, we kill ourselves, our children and our planet."
Dr Robert Lustig, author of Metabolical

"If you ever doubted what truly matters in life, you need doubt no more. Jackson makes his case with compassion, honesty and analytical force."
Johan Rockström, Professor in Earth System Science, University of Potsdam

"Is there such a thing as poetic economics? A postgrowth page-turner? Everyone who dreams of a better world should read this compelling account of how a care economy could replace our current capitalistic, growth-addicted system."
Joan Tronto, author of The Caring Democracy and Who Cares?

"If you want to understand why it's high time to reframe the whole concept of care (and you should) then start here."
Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

"A forthright and original book. Jackson encourages his readers to think afresh about their own well-being - and that of humanity and the planet."
Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation

"In this deeply personal book, Tim Jackson takes readers on a wonderful journey into the possibilities for an economy of care, offering a unique take on the potential for modern economic practices to transform into something more humane, universal and healthy for people and planet."
Remco van de Pas, International Institute for Global Health, United Nations University

"We are taken on a tour of everything that makes, breaks and takes care ... I'd like all politicians to read this brilliant book."
Tim Lang, Emeritus Professor of Food Policy, City & St George's, University of London
Tim Jackson is Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) and Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey in the UK. For over three decades, he has pioneered research on the moral, economic and social dimensions of prosperity on a finite planet. His landmark book Prosperity without Growth (2009/2017) was a Financial Times book of the year, and UnHerd's book of the decade. It appeared in 17 foreign language editions worldwide. In 2016, he was awarded the Hillary Laureate for exceptional international leadership in sustainability. In addition to his academic work, Tim is an award-winning dramatist with numerous radio-writing credits for the BBC.

T. Jackson, University of Surrey, UK