From "Mass Tourism" to "Overtourism"
ISTE Consignment

1. Auflage November 2024
208 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
At the heart of "tourismophobia", past and present, is the question of the masses and the differentiation between those who call themselves "travellers", denying their own tourism, and tourists.
Tourismophobia studies the persistence of the repulsion for them, and though their number is infinitely greater today, they are no longer socially the same and practices have radically changed. This book brings this cultural invariant out of the shadows to understand the driving forces behind this social posture, which has taken a new turn with climate change.
Without overlooking the negative effects of tourism, this book is a response to the current debate on "overtourism", which is the most contemporary form of tourismophobia.
Introduction ix
Chapter 1 Allegations 1
1.1 Unsustainable exponential growth 2
1.2 Overtourism 3
1.3 A form of colonization 9
1.4 An outcry against cruise ships 12
1.5 Conclusion 16
Chapter 2 Inventions 17
2.1 Original sin 17
2.2 Tourism versus travel 20
2.3 The sententious elite 27
2.4 Conclusion 31
Chapter 3 Distinctions 33
3.1 The crowd and the masses 34
3.2 "Happy few" 41
3.3 Too easy! 48
3.4 Conclusion 55
Chapter 4 Discriminations 57
4.1 "Refugees welcome, Tourist go home!" 58
4.2 Anglophobia 62
4.3 Misogyny 67
4.4 Conclusion 72
Chapter 5 Illusions 73
5.1 Nostalgia 73
5.2 The good old days 76
5.3 The feeling of being too late 79
5.4 Urbanophobia 83
5.5 Conclusion 91
Chapter 6 Alienations 93
6.1 Conditioned beings 94
6.2 It is all fake 98
6.3 Egotourism 103
6.4 Tourism posture 106
6.5 Conclusion 110
Chapter 7 Omissions 111
7.1 Half-measures 111
7.2 Who remembers the Minister of Tourism? 116
7.3 Tourism and academia 120
7.4 The Bourdieu mystery 126
7.5 Conclusion 131
Chapter 8 Injunctions 133
8.1 Sustainable tourism 134
8.2 What about your carbon footprint? 139
8.3 Whose turn is it? 143
8.4 Conclusion 145
Conclusion 147
References 155
Index of Common Nouns 161
Index of Proper Nouns 163