Optical and Electronic Fibers
Emerging Applications and Technological Innovations

1. Auflage Dezember 2024
256 Seiten, Hardcover
3 Abbildungen (2 Farbabbildungen)
This book highlights the state-of-the-art scientific and technological innovations of various optical and electronic fibers based on different functional structures and materials.
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2. Post-Processing of Semiconductor Optical Fibers
3. Processed Optical Fiber Based Wearable Sensors for Healthcare
4. Electrochemical Plasmonic Fibers for Operando Monitoring of Renewable Energy
5. Fiber Optofluidic Microlasers Towards High Performance Biochemical Sensing
7. Advanced Fibers for Optogenetic Modulation
6. 2 Micrometer Ultra-Fast Fiber Laser
8. Novel Functional Fibers for Neural Interfacing
9. Very Large-Scale Integration for Fibers
10. Inorganic Thermoelectric Fibers: Materials, Fabrication Methods, and Applications