John Wiley & Sons Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation Cover Complete playbook to plan, execute, and showcase corporate sustainability initiatives Based on exte.. Product #: 978-1-394-31407-2 Regular price: $45.70 $45.70 In Stock

Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation

A Playbook from IMD

Binder, Julia / Haanaes, Knut (Editor)


1. Edition December 2024
400 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-31407-2
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


Complete playbook to plan, execute, and showcase corporate sustainability initiatives

Based on extensive research conducted in the past several years at the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland (IMD), Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation: A Playbook from IMD helps readers understand why sustainability matters, what it involves, how it fits with corporate strategy and how to implement it according to the specifics of their companies. This playbook emphasises both strategic and organisational work, delivering a framework to generate solid financial returns without depleting the world's natural and social wealth.

With detailed case studies and quotations from executives to provide context, this book explores topics including:

* How social and environmental sustainability initiatives sharply differ from the much-criticised Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework

* Barriers to change based on gaps in organisational capacity and how to overcome them

* Minimising risks, accelerating change and fostering innovation through AI powered by Big Data

* Managing performance and measuring impact through new KPIs that utilise relevant metrics

* Marketing strategies to showcase sustainability efforts in a way that resonates with consumers

Filled with actionable strategies to navigate the intersection of global impact and financial success with precision and purpose, Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation is an essential read for executives and business leaders seeking to transform their organisations for the better.

Foreword by Michel Demaré and David Bach ix

Preface xiii

Part I Framing the Conversation 1

Chapter 1 Defining Sustainability 9

Chapter 2 Why Now? 19

Chapter 3 Seizing Opportunities Rather Than Managing Risks 33

Chapter 4 The Geopolitical Context 47

Part II The Strategic Imperative 59

Chapter 5 Roadmapping with a Future- Back Approach 63

Chapter 6 Scenario Planning 75

Chapter 7 Innovating Toward New Business Models 87

Chapter 8 Models for Social Sustainability 101

Chapter 9 An End- to- End Perspective 113

Chapter 10 Brand Strategies 127

Chapter 11 Navigating Climate- Related Financial Risks 137

Chapter 12 Nonmarket Strategy 151

Chapter 13 Navigating the New Era of Sustainability Reporting 167

Chapter 14 The Paradox of Digital Technology 183

Chapter 15 Artificial Intelligence 195

Part III The Leadership Imperative 207

Chapter 16 Leading Change 213

Chapter 17 Managing Change in the Organization 225

Chapter 18 Leading Transformation 233

Chapter 19 Developing Leaders' Capabilities 243

Chapter 20 The Courage of "Power With" 257

Chapter 21 Ecosystem Partnerships 271

Chapter 22 Changing Culture 281

Chapter 23 Improving Governance 291

Chapter 24 Family Business 305

Chapter 25 Leading for Inclusion 319

Chapter 26 Talking the Walk 331

Conclusion 345

Contributors 353

Index 367
Julia Binder is IMD Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Business Transformation. She is also a director at IMD's Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business. Her work has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing and the Academy of Management Review.

Knut Haanaes is IMD Professor of Strategy and the Lundin Chair Professor of Sustainability. He is involved with IMD's partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. His work has been published in the Harvard Business Review.

J. Binder, IMD; K. Haanaes, IMD