Concepts and Green Applications

2. Edition October 2017
320 Pages, Softcover
243 Pictures (43 Colored Figures)
Short Description
After the great success now in its 2nd Edition: This textbook covers all aspects of catalysis, including computational methods, industrial applications and green chemistry. Additional teaching material is freely available in the Supplementary Material.
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This introductory textbook covers all aspects of catalysis. It also bridges computational methods, industrial applications and green chemistry, with over 600 references. The book is aimed at chemistry and chemical engineering students, and is suitable for both senior undergraduate- and graduate-level courses, with many examples and hands-on exercises. The author, a renowned researcher in catalysis, is well known for his clear teaching and writing style (he was voted "lecturer of the year" by the chemistry students).
Following an introduction to green chemistry and the basics of catalysis, the book covers the principles and applications of homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis. Each chapter includes up-to-date industrial examples, that demonstrate how catalysis helps our society reach the goals of sustainable development.
Since its publication in 2008, Catalysis: Concepts and Green Applications has become the most popular textbook in catalysis. This second edition is updated with the latest developments in catalysis research in academia and industry. It also contains 50 additional exercises, based on the suggestions of students and teachers of chemistry and chemical engineering from all over the world.
The book is also available in the Chinese language (
Additional teaching material (original figures as PowerPoint lecture slides) is freely available in the Supplementary Material.
Green chemistry and sustainable development
What is catalysis and why is it important?
Tools in catalysis research
Catalysis is a kinetic phenomenon
Practical approaches in kinetic studies
An overview of the basic concepts in catalysis
Metal complex catalysis in the liquid phase
Homogeneous catalysis without metals
Scaling up and down: Pros and cons
"Click chemistry" and homogeneous catalysis
Classic gas/solid systems
Liquid/solid and liquid/liquid catalytic systems
Advanced process solutions using heterogeneous catalysis
The basics of enzymatic catalysis
Applications of enzyme catalysis
Developing new biocatalysts: Better than nature's best
Non-enzymatic biocatalysts
Industrial examples
Computers as research tools in catalysis
Modelling catalysts and catalytic cycles
Predictive modelling and rational catalyst design
An overview of data mining methods in catalysis
and scientific writing. He has published over 180 papers in peer-reviewed journals, was awarded 15 patents, and co-founded the companies Sorbisense A/S, Yellow Diesel BV and Plantics BV. Rothenberg?s current research interests
include fuel cells, biomass conversion and multifunctional materials. His latest invention is a simple catalytic process for removing cyanide from industrial waste streams.