John Wiley & Sons The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment Cover A comprehensive guide to empirically supported approaches for child protection cases The Wiley Hand.. Product #: 978-1-118-97617-3 Regular price: $44.77 $44.77 In Stock

The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment

An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Child Protection

Dixon, Louise / Perkins, Daniel F. / Hamilton-Giachritsis, Catherine / Craig, Leam A. (Editor)


1. Edition June 2017
536 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-118-97617-3
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


A comprehensive guide to empirically supported approaches for child protection cases

The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment offers clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals an evidence-based approach to best professional practice when working in the area of child protection proceedings and the provision of assessment and intervention services in order to maximize the well-being of young people. It brings together a wealth of knowledge from expert researchers and practitioners, who provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary work informing theory, assessment, service provision, rehabilitation and therapeutic interventions for children and families undergoing care proceedings. Coverage includes theoretical perspectives, insights on the prevalence and effects of child neglect and abuse, assessment, children's services, and interventions with children, victims and families.

About the Editors x

Notes on Contributors xiii

Foreword xxiii

Acknowledgements xxv

1 Overview and Structure of the Book 1
Louise Dixon, Daniel F. Perkins, Catherine Hamilton?]Giachritsis and Leam A. Craig

Part I Research and Theoretical Perspectives 13

2 Child Abuse and Neglect: Prevalence and Incidence 15
Lorraine Radford

3 Child Abuse and Neglect: Ecological Perspectives 29
Catherine Hamilton?]Giachritsis and Alberto Pellai

4 Fatal Child Maltreatment 48
Peter Sidebotham

5 Psychological, Economic and Physical Health Consequences of Child Maltreatment 71
Sarah A. Font

6 The Neurobiology and Genetics of Childhood Maltreatment 85
Eamon McCrory, Amy Palmer and Vanessa Puetz

7 Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment 97
Louise Dixon and Amy M. Smith Slep

Part II Children's Services and Public Health Approaches to Prevention 111

8 Implications of Children's Services Policy on Child Abuse and Neglect in England 113
Jenny Gray

9 Children's Services: Toward Effective Child Protection 131
Chris Goddard, Karen Broadley and Susan Hunt

10 Using the Formal Pre?]Proceedings Process to Prevent or Prepare for Care Proceedings in the UK 150
Judith Masson

11 The Prevention of Child Maltreatment: The Case for a Public Health Approach to Behavioural Parenting Intervention 163
Matthew R. Sanders and John A. Pickering

12 What Works to Prevent the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth 176
Sandy K. Wurtele and Cindy Miller?]Perrin

Part III Assessment 199

13 Evidence?]Based Assessments of Children and Families: Safeguarding Children Assessment and Analysis Framework 201
Stephen Pizzey, Arnon Bentovim, Liza Bingley Miller and Antony Cox

14 Utilising an Attachment Perspective in Parenting Assessment 222
Carol George

15 Evidence?]Based and Developmentally Appropriate Forensic Interviewing of Children 239
Annabelle Nicol, David La Rooy and Michael E. Lamb

16 Considering Parental Risk in Parenting (Child Custody) Evaluation Cases Involving Child Sexual Exploitation Material 258
Hannah L. Merdian, David M. Gresswell and Leam A. Craig

17 Assessments in Child Care Proceedings: Observations in Practice 278
Martin C. Calder

Part IV Interventions with Children and Families 295

18 Evidence?]Based Approaches to Empower Children and Families at Risk for Child Physical Abuse to Overcome Abuse and Violence 297
Melissa K. Runyon, Stephanie Cruthirds and Esther Deblinger

19 Effective Therapies for Children and Non?]offending Caregivers in the Aftermath of Child Sexual Abuse or Other Traumas 313
Esther Deblinger, Elisabeth Pollio and Melissa K. Runyon

20 Effectiveness of Cognitive and Behavioural Group?]Based Parenting Programmes to Enhance Child Protective Factors and Reduce Risk Factors for Maltreatment 328
Tracey Bywater

21 Critical Factors in the Successful Implementation of Evidence?]Based Parenting Programmes: Fidelity, Adaptation and Promoting Quality 349
Nick Axford, Tracey Bywater, Sarah Blower, Vashti Berry, Victoria Baker and Louise Morpeth

22 School?]Based Prevention of and Intervention in Child Maltreatment: Current Practice in the United States and Future Directions 367
Cristin M. Hall, Megan C. Runion and Daniel F. Perkins

23 Using Assessment of Attachment in Child Care Proceedings to Guide Intervention 385
Patricia McKinsey Crittenden and Clark Baim

Part V Novel Interventions with Families 403

24 Working Systemically with Families with Intimate Partner Violence 405
Arlene Vetere

25 Working with Non?]Offending Parents in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse 415
Isabelle V. Daignault, Mireille Cyr and Martine Hébert

26 Working with Parents with Intellectual Disabilities in Child Care Proceedings 433
Beth Tarleton

27 Working with Parents with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder 452
Tanya Garrett

28 Working with Parents Who Misuse Alcohol and Drugs 466
Rebecca L. Sanford, Stephanie Haynes Ratliff and Michele Staton?]Tindall

Index 493
Louise Dixon, PhD, CPsychol is a Reader of Forensic Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Daniel F. Perkins, PhD is a Professor of Family and Youth Resiliency and Policy at the Pennsylvania State University.

Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS is a Reader in Clinical Psychology at the University of Bath, UK.

Leam A. Craig, PhD, CPsychol, CSci, FBPsS, FAcSS, is a Consultant Forensic and Clinical psychologist at Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd, a visiting Professor of Forensic Clinical Psychology at Birmingham City University and Professor (Hon) of Forensic Psychology at University of Birmingham UK

L. Dixon, University of Birmingham, UK; C. Hamilton-Giachritsis, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK; L. A. Craig, Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd, UK