John Wiley & Sons Essentials of WISC-V Assessment Cover Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interp.. Product #: 978-1-118-98087-3 Regular price: $54.11 $54.11 In Stock

Essentials of WISC-V Assessment

Flanagan, Dawn P. / Alfonso, Vincent C.

Essentials of Psychological Assessment


1. Edition April 2017
656 Pages, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-118-98087-3
John Wiley & Sons

Short Description

Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with practical tips for more accurate assessment, this informative guide includes numerous case studies that illustrate a range of real-world issues. Special attention is devoted to the assessment of individuals who have significant learning difficulties, such as learning disabilities, and who speak English as a second language.

This book gives you an in-depth understanding of the WISC-V assessment and interpretive process to assist practitioners in:
* Conducting efficient and informative WISC-V assessments
* Utilizing WISC-V in cross-battery and neuropsychological assessment
* Applying WISC-V in the identification of specific learning disabilities
* Utilizing WISC-V in nondiscriminatory assessment of English language learners
* Writing theory-based WISC-V reports
* Linking WISC-V findings to interventions based on individual performance

Essentials of WISC-V Assessment is the all-in-one practical resource for both students and practitioners. The book can be used on its own or with companion software (purchased separately) that provides a user-friendly tool for producing psychometrically and theoretically defensible interpretations of WISC-V performance, and may be used to develop interventions based on each individual's strengths and weaknesses.

The comprehensive reference for informative WISC-V assessment

Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with practical tips for more accurate assessment, this informative guide includes numerous case studies that illustrate a range of real-world issues. Special attention is devoted to the assessment of individuals who have significant learning difficulties, such as learning disabilities, and who speak English as a second language. The WISC-V is a valuable assessment tool, but it must be administered and scored appropriately to gain meaning from score interpretation. This book gives you an in-depth understanding of the WISC-V assessment and interpretive process to assist practitioners in:
* Conducting efficient and informative WISC-V assessments
* Utilizing WISC-V in cross-battery and neuropsychological assessment
* Applying WISC-V in the identification of specific learning disabilities
* Utilizing WISC-V in nondiscriminatory assessment of English language learners
* Writing theory-based WISC-V reports
* Linking WISC-V findings to interventions based on individual performance

As the world's most widely-used intelligence test for children, the WISC-V is useful in diagnosing intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, as well as in identifying giftedness. In this volume, sample reports demonstrate how WISC-V assessment results may be linked to interventions, accommodations, modifications, and compensatory strategies that facilitate positive outcomes for children. Essentials of WISC-V Assessment is the all-in-one practical resource for both students and practitioners. The book can be used on its own or with companion software (purchased separately) that provides a user-friendly tool for producing psychometrically and theoretically defensible interpretations of WISC-V performance, and may be used to develop interventions based on each child's strengths and weaknesses.


Series Preface


Susie Engi Raiford, PhD; Pearson Clinical Assessment; San Antonio, Texas

Chapter 1: Overview of the WISC-V

W. Joel Schneider, Ph.D.; Dawn P. Flanagan, Ph.D.; and Vincent C. Alfonso, Ph.D.

From Prediction to Prevention

From Explanation to Enduring Empathy

General Trends in Intelligence Test Interpretation

Why the History of the Wechsler Scales Matters

Description of the WISC-V

Test Yourself


Chapter Two: How to Administer the WISC-V

Appropriate Testing Conditions

Rapport with Examinee

Testing Individuals with Special Needs

Administration Considerations

Rules for Starting and Discontinuing Subtests

Recording Responses



Subtest-By-Subtest Rules of Administration of the WISC-V Primary Subtests

Subtest-by-Subtest Rules of Administration of the WISC-V Secondary & Complementary Subtests

Frequently Asked Questions: Subtest Administration

Test Yourself


Chapter 3: How to Score the WISC-V

Types of Scores

Step-by-Step: How the WISC-V is Scored

Test Yourself


Chapter 4: How to Interpret The WISC-V

Getting Started

WISC-V Interpretation Step-by-Step


Test Yourself


Chapter 5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the WISC-V

Test Yourself


Chapter 6: A Neuropsychological Approach to Interpretation of the WISC-V

George McCloskey, Ph.D.; Jamie Slonim; Robert Whitaker, Psy.S. NCSP, ABSNP; Samantha Kaufman; Naoko Nagoshi, Ph.D.


Levels of Interpretation

Neuropsychological Interpretation of WISC-V Performance

WISC-V Complementary Subtests


Test Yourself


Chapter 7: Use of the WISC-V in the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities

The Dual Discrepancy/Consistency Operational Definition of SLD

Using X-BASS for SLD Identification: Three Steps to PSW Output

PSW-A Data Summary

PSW-A g-Value Data Summary

Dual Discrepancy/Consistency Model: PSW Analyses for SLD


Test Yourself


Chapter 8: Illustrative Case Report

Erin M. McDonough, Ph.D.

Psycho-Educational Evaluation Report

Chapter 9: Assessment of English Learners with the WISC-V

Samuel O. Ortiz, Ph.D.; Kristan E. Melo, M.S.; Meghan A. Opperman, B.A.


Fairness, Bias, and Traditional Assessment Approaches

A Recommended Best Practice Approach

Best Practices in the Evaluation of ELs with the WISC-V

Case Study: Jose Maria


Test Yourself


Chapter 10: WISC-V and Q-interactive

Carlea Dries, M.A., M.Ed., N.C.C.; Ron Dumont, Ed.D., NCSP; Kathleen D. Viezel, Ph.D., NCSP


Digital Platform





Training and Tech Support


Security and Legal Issues

Considerations for University Trainers


Overall Impressions and Recommendations

Test Yourself


Epilogue: Dorothea McCarthy Remembered

Alan S. Kaufman, Ph.D.


Appendix A: A Brief Overview of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory

Appendix B: Norms Tables for New Clinical Composites

Appendix C: Case Reports

Gail Cheramie, Ph.D.; Jamie Chaffin, Ed.D.; Robert Lichtenstein, Ph.D.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Psychoeducational Report

Psychoeducational Assessment Report

Appendix D: Form for Manifestations of Cognitive Weaknesses

Appendix E: Definition of Terms and Clarification of Concepts Used in the DD/C Definition and X-BASS

Appendix F: Task Characteristics of WISC-V Subtests

Appendix G: Cognitive Constructs Assessed with the WISC-V Subtests

Verbal Comprehension Domain Subtests

Cognitive Constructs Assessed with the Fluid Reasoning and Visual Spatial Subtests

Cognitive Capacities Assessed with the Working Memory Subtests and the Arithmetic and Immediate Symbol Translation Subtests

Cognitive Constructs assessed with the Processing Speed Subtests

Cognitive Constructs assessed with the Naming Speed Subtests

Cognitive Constructs Assessed with the Symbol Translation Tasks

Appendix H: Behavior Observations and Process-oriented Assessment at the Subtest, Item, and Cognitive Construct Levels

Verbal Comprehension Subtests

Fluid Reasoning and Visual Spatial Subtests

Working Memory Domain and Arithmetic and Symbol Translation Subtests

Processing Speed Subtests

Naming Speed Subtests

Appendix I: Cluster Analysis Interpretation

Steps for Completing Subtest Cluster Analyses

Verbal Comprehension Clinical Clusters and Cluster Contrasts

Verbal Comprehension Clinical Cluster Contrasts

Fluid Reasoning and Visual Spatial Clinical Clusters and Cluster Contrasts

Fluid Reasoning/Visual Spatial Clinical Cluster Contrasts

Working Memory Clinical Clusters and Clinical Cluster Contrasts

Appendix J: Subtest and Process Score Comparison Worksheets

Appendix K: CBRS Scores

Appendix L: Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS): Dual-Discrepancy/Consistency Model: PSW Results for Amanda Farris

Appendix M: Factors That May Facilitate Learning and Aid in Bypassing or Minimizing the Effects of Deficits

About the Authors

Dawn P. Flanagan, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at St. John's University and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology at Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine. She serves as an expert witness, learning disabilities consultant, and psychoeducational test/measurement consultant and trainer for national and international organizations. Dr. Flanagan is an author of numerous publications and best known for her development of the Cross-Battery Assessment approach and the development of an operational definition of specific learning disability.

Vincent C. Alfonso, PhD, is the Dean of School of Education at Gonzaga University. He is the past president of Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, fellow of Divisions 16 and 5 of the APA, and a certified school psychologist and licensed psychologist. He has been providing psychoeducational services to individuals across the lifespan for more than 20 years. He is the co-editor with Dawn Flanagan of Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification, and co-author of Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Third Edition.

D. P. Flanagan, St. John's University, Jamaica, NY; V. C. Alfonso, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA