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The Wiley Handbook on the Theories, Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offending

Boer, Douglas P.


1. Auflage November 2016
1768 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-118-57266-5
John Wiley & Sons

The Wiley Handbook on the Theories, Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offending ist eine dreibändige Sammlung aktueller Beiträge international renommierter Experten zu den Themengebieten Begutachtung, Intervention und theoretische Grundlagen im Bereich Sexualstraftaten.


About the Editors xi

Contributors xiii

Acknowledgements xxxi

The Wiley Handbook on the Theories, Assessment, & Treatment of Sexual Offending: Introduction xxxiii
Douglas P. Boer

Theories: Introduction xxxix
Anthony R. Beech and Tony Ward

Section I: Current Multifactorial Theories 1

1 An Attachment-Based Theory of the Aetiology of Affiliative Child Molestation: Resilience/Vulnerability Factors Across Life-Span Development 3
William L. Marshall and Liam E. Marshall

2 The Four Preconditions Model: An Assessment 25
David Finkelhor, Carlos Cuevas, and Dara Drawbridge

3 The Confluence Mediational Model of Sexual Aggression 53
Neil M. Malamuth and Gert Martin Hald

4 A Theoretical Integration of Aetiological and Typological Models of Rape 73
Raymond A. Knight and Judith E. Sims-Knight

5 Multimodal Self-Regulation Theory of Sexual Offending 103
Jill D. Stinson, Judith V. Becker, and Lee Ann McVay

6 The Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending - Revised: A Multifield Perspective 123
Tony Ward and Anthony R. Beech

Section II: Single Factor Theories 139

7 Incentive Theory of Sexual Motivation: A Framework for the Description of Sexual Offending Behaviour and the Role of Sexual Deviance 141
Wineke J. Smid and Edwin C. Wever

8 Theories of Deviant Sexual Fantasy 165
Ross M. Bartels and Anthony R. Beech

9 Intimacy Deficits/Attachment Problems in Sexual Offenders: Towards a Neurobiological Explanation 187
Anthony R. Beech and Ian J. Mitchell

10 The Cognitive Distortions of Child Sexual Abusers: Evaluating Key Theories 207
Caoilte O Ciardha, Theresa A. Gannon, and Tony Ward

11 Theories of Empathy Deficits in Sexual Offenders 223
Georgia D. Barnett and Ruth E. Mann

12 Theories of Emotion Regulation 245
Steven M. Gillespie and Anthony R. Beech

Section III: Process Models 265

13 The Sociology of Sex Offending: The Offender, Culture, and Context 267
Annie Cossins

14 Situational Theories 289
Stephen Smallbone and Jesse Cale

15 Theories of the Offence and Relapse Process 313
Devon L. L. Polaschek

16 Models of Modus Operandi in Sexual Offending: A Criminological Perspective 337
Eric Beauregard and Jean Proulx

Section IV: Practice Theories 357

17 Organizing Principles for an Integrated Model of Change for the Treatment of Sexual Offending 359
Adam J. Carter and Ruth E. Mann

18 Strengths-Based Theories and Sexual Offending 383
Gwenda M. Willis and Pamela M. Yates

19 The Risk-Need-Responsivity Model: An Expansion and Revision with an Emphasis on Groups of High-Risk, High-Need Offenders 399
Jeffrey Abracen and Jan Looman

20 Therapeutic Processes in Sex Offender Treatment 421
Jackie Craissati

21 Theories of Desistance from Sexual Offending 433
Danielle Arlanda Harris

Section V: Special Populations 451

22 Understanding Female Sexual Offenders 453
Franca Cortoni and Theresa A. Gannon

23 Theoretical Approaches for Sexual Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 473
William R. Lindsay

24 Exploring the Theories Explaining Male Adolescent Perpetration of Sexual Crimes 497
David Burton and Michael Miner

25 Applying Sexual Offence Theory to Online Sex Offenders 519
Ian A. Elliott

Section VI: Conclusions 547

26 Looking to the Future: Risk and Explanation 549
Tony Ward and Anthony R. Beech


Section I: Introduction

1. Overview and structure of the book
Leam A. Craig and Martin Rettenberger

2. Trends over time in clinical assessment practices with individuals who have sexually offended
Calvin M. Langton and James R. Worling

Section II: Assessing Risk of Sexual Recidivism

3. Actuarial risk assessment of sexual offenders
Martin Rettenberger and Leam A. Craig

4. The Structured Professional Judgment Approach to Violence Risk Assessment: Origins, Nature, and Advances
Stephen D. Hart, Kevin S. Douglas and Laura S. Guy

5. Advancing the evolution of sexual offender risk assessment: The relevance of psychological risk factors
David Thornton and Deirdre M. D'Orazio

6. Further support for a convergent approach to sex offender risk assessment
Jeffrey C. Singer, Martin Rettenberger and Douglas P. Boer

Section III: Assessing Treatment Need

7. Risk assessment and treatment planning
Jayson Ware and Danielle Matsuo

8. Case formulation
Jo Thakker

9. Neurobiological implications in assessing treatment need in sexual offenders
Andreas Mokros, Benedikt Habermeyer and Elmar Habermeyer

10. Assessing treatment change in sexual offenders
Mark Olver and Stephen C. P. Wong

Section IV: Diagnostic Assessment and Sexual Interest

11. Clinical assessment of sexual deviance
Jan Looman

12. The use of phallometric testing in the diagnosis, treatment, and risk management of male adults who have sexually offended
Robin J. Wilson

13. Assessment of Sexual sadism
William. L. Marshall, Stephen. J. Hucker, Joachim Nitschke and Andreas Mokros

14. The forensic relevance of pedophilia in the assessment of child molesters
Reinhard Eher

15. The Assessment of Paraphilic and Nonparaphilic Rapists
Drew Kingston

16. Use of the DSM-5 Paraphilias Taxonomy and its Residual Categories in Sexually Violent

Predator Evaluations
Richard Wollert and Allen Frances

17. Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging in assessing sexual preference
Kirsten Jordan, Peter Fromberger and Jürgen L. Müller

18. Indirect measures of deviant sexual interest
Ross M. Bartels, Nicola S. Gray and Robert J. Snowden

19. Eye-tracking and assessing sexual interest in forensic contexts
Todd E. Hogue, Charlotte Wesson and Derek Perkins

Section V: Special Populations

20. The assessment of female sexual offenders
Franca Cortoni and Theresa A. Gannon

21. Internet offenders: Typologies and risk
Ethel Quayle

22. Offense related issues, quality of life and risk in sex offenders with intellectual disability
William R. Lindsay

23. Mentally ill sexual offenders
Johann Brink and Karen Chu

24. Assessment of adolescents who have sexually offended
James R. Worling and Calvin Langton

25. Assessing unicorns: Do incest offenders warrant special assessment considerations?
A. Scott Aylwin and John R. Reddon

26. Assessment of sexual homicide offenders
Kevin Kerr and Anthony R. Beech

Section VI: Ethics and Rights

27. Rights and Risk Assessment in Sex Offenders
Tony Ward and Astrid Birgden

28. Risk assessment and culture: Issues for research and practice
Armon Tamatea and Douglas P. Boer

Section VII: Conclusions

29. Risk assessment for sexual offenders: Where to from here?
Leam A. Craig and Martin Rettenberger


1. The treatment of adult male sexual offenders
W. L. Marshall and L. E. Marshall

2. Treatment of adolescents who have sexually offended
James R. Worling and Calvin M. Langton

3. Treatment of female sexual offenders
Franca Cortoni

4. Treatment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Problematic Sexual Behaviours
Douglas P. Boer

5. The Rise and Fall of Relapse Prevention: An Update
D. Richard Laws

6. The Risk-Need-Responsivity Model: Applications to Sex offender Treatment
Mark E. Olver

7. Multi-systemic therapy
Charles Borduin

8. Psychoanalytic Treatment of Sex Offenders: A Short Historical Sketch
Friedmann Pfäfflin

9. Application of an Integrated Good Lives Approach to Sex Offender Treatment
Gwenda M. Willis, David S. Prescott, and Pamela M. Yates

10. Sexual functioning in the treatment of sex offenders
W. L. Marshall, Kathryn S. K. Hall, and Woo, Chin Pang

11. Treating Cognitive Components of Sexual Offending
Ruth Mann

12. The Ties that Bind: Relationship and Attachment Targets in Work with Sex Offenders
Phil Rich

13. Self-regulation targets
Clare-Ann Fortunes

14. Responsive contexts and therapeutic processes
Andrew Frost

15. At our Best: Motivation and Motivational Interviewing
David Prescott

16. Sex offender treatment skills and approaches: Group Therapy
Andrew Frost

17. Support and Accountability: Promoting Desistance from Sexual Offending Through Community Engagement
Robin J. Wilson, Kathryn J. Fox, and Andrew J. McWhinnie

18. Training and supervision to ensure therapeutic competency
Yolanda Fernandez

19. Ethical Sexual Offender Treatment
Astrid Birgden

20. Preparing people for treatment
Matt O'Brien

21. Responding to categorical denial, refusal, and drop-out
Jayson Ware

22. Client-based assessment of need and change
Ralph C. Serin and Laura J. Hanby

23. Therapist-based assessment of need and change
Sarah Beggs

24. Where to from here?
Liam Marshall
Douglas P. Boer began working at the University of Canberra in September 2012 after working for 7 years at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Prior to 2006 he worked for the Correctional Service of Canada for 15 years in a variety of contexts including sex offender therapist and treatment programme supervisor. Professor Boer's research interests include offender rehabilitation and the integration of modern theories of offending with practical intervention strategies to try and help effective reintegration. His primary area of clinical work is currently that of working with offenders with an intellectual disability and other complicating mental health issues. He has published approximately 75 articles and book chapters as well as several structured clinical assessment manuals in regard to sexual offenders, most notably helping to co-author the Sexual Violence Risk - 20 (the SVR-20) and the Assessment of Risk and Manageability for Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Limitations who Offend - Sexually (the ARMIDILO-S). Professor Boer is also a clinical associate of the Forensic Department Brøset, St. Olav's Hospital, Trondheim, Norway.

D. P. Boer, University of Canberra, Australia