John Wiley & Sons The Management of Living Beings or Emo-management Cover This book is based on the author's research carried out over the last ten years in terms of emotiona.. Product #: 978-1-78630-292-2 Regular price: $157.94 $157.94 Auf Lager

The Management of Living Beings or Emo-management

Van Hoorebeke, Delphine


1. Auflage Juli 2018
192 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-78630-292-2
John Wiley & Sons

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This book is based on the author's research carried out over the last ten years in terms of emotional management. It establishes the intervention of emotions at all levels of management: the Littré definition, management being the art of the possible, "the art of guiding, managing, handling, motivating ... even resolving and arranging". Emotion is a subject studied particularly in management in English speaking countries and has become a topic of growing interest in organizational behavior. E-motion is, in this book, considered based on its etymological origin (ex-movere: put into action by the external factors). The objective is to demonstrate a new vision of responsible management and to confront the current challenges in motion. In this way, the latter tends to take into consideration the 'living', i.e. the psychobiological, neurological and sociological aspects of people in business.

Foreword by Martine Brasseur ix

Foreword by Claude Berghmans xiii

Preface xvii

Introduction xxi

Chapter 1. Emotion 1

1.1. Emotion: a complex concept 1

1.2. Expression 6

1.3. An adjustment tool 8

1.4. A neurological system 10

1.5. A complex system 12

1.6. Subject to dissonance and inhibition 13

1.7. Contagion 14

Chapter 2. Managing Individuals 19

2.1. The art of managing customer focus: the relations dependent on monitoring and margins to maneuver 19

2.1.1. Organizational norms 21

2.1.2. Dissonances 23

2.2. The art of motivating: commitment and satisfaction 27

2.2.1. Different types of commitment 27

2.2.2. Commitment-satisfaction-e-motion 29

2.3. The art of administering well: the process approach, a proactive and sustainable method 31

2.3.1. Emo-management, a process that concerns everyone 32

2.3.2. A multitude of effects in the workplace 35

2.3.3. Levers for managing 38

2.4. The art of ensuring health and safety in the workplace: well-being at work 42

2.4.1. A neurobiological process 43

2.4.2. Reasons to become ill? 44

2.4.3. Real consequences? 45

2.4.4. A schema like this in business? 48

2.5. A factual approach for effective decision-making: knowledge of the emotional decision-making process 52

2.5.1. Decision and emotion 52

2.5.2. Decision and emotion, at the origin: a rejection 53

2.5.3. Decision and the neurobiological process 57

2.5.4. Decision and emo-management? 60

2.5.5. Decision, emo-management and contagion 62

Chapter 3. Managing a Collective 65

3.1. An evidence-based approach for effective collective decision-making: understanding the process of emo-decisional contagion 65

3.2. The art of leading: authentic leadership and emotional intelligence 69

3.2.1. The manager and emotions 70

3.2.2. The manager and emotional intelligence 71

3.2.3. Is everyone capable of emo-managing? 73

3.3. The art of reconciling the present with the future: the principle of continuous improvement 75

3.3.1. Change and emotion 76

3.3.2. Change = trust = emotion 78

3.3.3. Change, a shared emotional acceptance 81

3.3.4. Lever for the acceptance of change through emo-management 82

3.4. The art of bringing people together: mutually beneficial relations with others and the social aspect of managerial responsibility 84

3.4.1. Collective emotion, arsenal of emo-management 85

3.4.2. A paradoxical arsenal: positive and negative effects 86

3.5. The art of managing diversity: learning and creating collectively 89

3.5.1. Diversity between conflicts and group work 90

3.5.2. Managing diversity with emo-management 93

3.5.3. Emo-management, a factor in diversity 94

3.6. A common point: an essential element for collective intelligence, emotional contagion 99

3.6.1. Emo-management: dealing with emotional contagion 101

3.6.2. Mathematical and economic tools to better manage emotional contagion 101

Conclusion 107

Bibliography 115

Index 143
Delphine Van Hoorebeke, University of Toulon, France.