Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Industry Immersion Learning Cover Aiming to smooth the transition from university to industry for MBA students and biologists intendin.. Product #: 978-3-527-32408-8 Regular price: $88.69 $88.69 Auf Lager

Industry Immersion Learning

Real-Life Industry Case-Studies in Biotechnology and Business

Borbye, Lisbeth / Stocum, Michael / Woodall, Alan / Pearce, Cedric / Sale, Elaine / Barrett, William / Clontz, Lucia / Peterson, Amy / Shaeffer, John


1. Auflage Januar 2009
XVI, 204 Seiten, Hardcover
31 Abbildungen (6 Farbabbildungen)

ISBN: 978-3-527-32408-8
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


Aiming to smooth the transition from university to industry for MBA students and biologists intending to work within the biotech industry, this book has been specifically designed for a new Science Master's program at NC University, which has now been introduced all over the USA.

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Auf ihren ersten Job in der Biotech- oder Pharmabranche sind viele Studenten nur unzureichend vorbereitet. Der Autor dieses Bandes, selbst ein erfahrener Dozent im MBA-Umfeld, möchte den potenziellen Bewerbern die Unsicherheit nehmen, indem er anhand ausführlicher Fallstudien zeigt, wie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit in der Praxis funktioniert. Ideal für Absolventen in Naturwissenschaften und MBA-Programmen -- als Kursbegleiter oder zum Selbststudium.

Principles of Industry Immersion Learning
Integration of Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Co-Development and Commercialization: Adding Value to Therapeutics by Applying Biomarkers
Pharmaceutical Industry Product Portfolio Planning and Management
Entrepreneurship: Establishing a New Biotechnology Venture
Introduction to U.S. Patent Law
Intellectual Property Management
Operational Excellence In Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Aligning Behaviors and Standards in a Regulated Industry: Design and Implementation of a Job Observation Program
Lisbeth Borbye received a PhD in Genetics at the University of Copenhagen and was a post-doctoral fellow in the Human Genome Project. Since 1995 Dr. Borbye has held appointments in both academic and industry settings involving a range of technological, managerial, editorial and educational disciplines. The most prominent of these is the establishment and directorship of the professional Master's program in Microbial Biotechnology at North Carolina State University, a new type of education which seeks to integrate business and science to meet industry and society's needs. Dr. Borbye is a pioneer in establishing alliances between industry and academia. She has published numerous journal articles and holds several patents. In addition, she recently published the book entitled "Secrets to Success in Industry careers - Essential Skills in Science and Business" (Academic Press).