Wiley-VCH, Berlin Adventures in Celestial Mechanics Cover Introduces the fundamentals of orbital mechanics in an encompassing manner that examines the dynamic.. Product #: 978-0-471-13317-9 Regular price: $154.21 $154.21 Auf Lager

Adventures in Celestial Mechanics

Szebehely, Victor G. / Mark, Hans


2. Auflage Februar 1998
X, 310 Seiten, Hardcover
86 Abbildungen

ISBN: 978-0-471-13317-9
Wiley-VCH, Berlin


Introduces the fundamentals of orbital mechanics in an encompassing manner that examines the dynamic of both natural and artificial bodies in the solar system without getting lost in a maze of unnecessary detail. This revised and updated edition includes additional material on artifical bodies in space and features chapters on rocket propulsion and elementary spacecraft dynamics.

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Begleiten Sie die Autoren auf eine abenteuerliche Reise durch Zeit und Raum, zu einem Besuch bei den großen Philosophen, Forschern und Mathematikern, die an der 'Erschaffung' unseres Universums beteiligt waren! Behandelt werden viele interessante Gebiete - die Erforschung, Entwicklung und das Verhalten des Universums, die Entwicklung des Kalenders, die Newtonschen Bewegungs- und Gravitationsgesetze, aktuelle Entwicklungen der Satelliten- und Raumfahrttechnik und vieles mehr. (11/97)

On the Shoulders of Giants; Circular Orbits; The General Problem of Two Bodies; Elliptic Orbits; Rockets; Energy Relationships; Hyperbolic and Parabolic Orbits; Kepler's Equation and Lambert's Theorem; Orbital Manoeuvring of Spacecraft; Planetary Exploration; General Perturbation Theory and a Specific Application to the Motion of the Planet Mercury; The Motion of Earth Orbiting Satellites; The Problem of Three Bodies.
VICTOR G. SZEBEHELY, DEng, PhD(1921-1997), was Professor and former chairman of the Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department of the University of Texas at Austin. He served as a consultant to the U.S. Air Force Space Command. HANS MARK, PhD, is Professor in the Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department of the University of Texas at Austin. His other books include The Space Station: A Personal Journey. He serves as a consultant to NASA.