Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Ion Exchange Membranes Cover a comprehensive book that that covers the ion exchange membrane structure design, membrane fabricati.. Product #: 978-3-527-35194-7 Regular price: $148.60 $148.60 Auf Lager

Ion Exchange Membranes

Design, Preparation, and Applications

Xu, Tongwen / Wang, Yaoming


1. Auflage April 2024
432 Seiten, Hardcover
9 Abbildungen (8 Farbabbildungen)

ISBN: 978-3-527-35194-7
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


a comprehensive book that that covers the ion exchange membrane structure design, membrane fabrication and latest applications.

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Weitere Versionen

1. Necessity and advantages of developing rechargeable organic batteries
2. Redox mechanisms and characterization methods of organic electrode materials
3. Carbonyl-based Organic Cathodes
4. Sulfur-containing Organic Cathodes
5. Radical-based organic cathodes
6. Organometallic complexes-based electrodes
7. Polymer-based organic cathodes
8. Organic anode
9. All-Organic Batteries
10. Outlook
Dr. Tongwen Xu is a full-time Professor of Chemistry Engineering at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He obtained B.E (1989) and M.E. degree (1992) from Hefei University and Technology and Ph. D from Tianjin University (1995). Dr. Xu joined the USTC as an associate professor in 1997 was promoted to professor in 2001. Dr. Xu was a short-term visiting scientist of the University of Tokyo (2000), Tokyo Institute of Technology (2001) and also a Brain-Pool Professor of Korea in Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (2006-2007). The research interests of Dr. Xu are focused on the development and practical applications of ion exchange membranes. Prof. Xu has authored more than 500 publications, 6 Books, 20 Chapters, and holds more than 80 issued China Patents for ion exchange membranes and related processes. He is named as a highly cited researcher by Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge) with over 20000+ citations and H-index of 74.