Systems Biology
A Textbook

1. Auflage Juni 2009
XXII, 570 Seiten, Softcover
375 Abbildungen (75 Farbabbildungen)
This advanced textbook is related to the successful previous title by the same authors and has incorporated the suggestions from many lecturers. It is tailored to the needs of introductory courses in Systems Biology.
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Dieses Lehrbuch, als Begleiter einer einführenden Vorlesung in Systembiologie konzipiert, wurde aus dem Band "Systems Biology in Practice" unter Einbeziehung vieler Verbesserungsvorschläge des weltweiten Publikums entwickelt. Auf der Web-Seite WWW.WILEY-VCH.DE/HOME/SYSTEMSBIOLOGY stehen Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und zusätzliche Arbeitsmaterialien bereit.
Modeling of Biochemical Systems
Specific Biochemical Systems
Model Fitting
Analysis of High-throughput Data
Gene Expression Models
Stochastic Systems and Variability
Network Structures, Dynamics, and Function
Optimality and Evolution
Cell Biology
Experimental Techniques in Molecular Biology
Stochastic Processes
Linear Control Systems
Modeling Tools
Wolfram Liebermeister (born 1972) studied physics in Tübingen and Hamburg and obtained a PhD of theoretical biophysics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In his works on complex biological systems, he points out functional aspects like variability, information, and optimality.
Christoph Wierling (born 1973) studied biology at the University of Münster and recently obtained a PhD degree on the modeling and simulation of biological systems.
Axel Kowald (born 1963) holds a PhD in mathematical biology from the National Institute for Medical Research, London. His current research interests focus on the mathematical modeling of processes involved in the biology of aging and systems biology.
Hans Lehrach (born 1946) is a director at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin and was spokesman for the German Human Genome Initiative. His research interests focus on functional genomics, technology development and systems biology.
Ralf Herwig (born 1967) studied mathematics and physics at the Free University Berlin and completed a PhD on statistical clustering methods. He has specialized in integrative bioinformatics projects covering genomics, proteomics and systems biology.