John Wiley & Sons Transforming Your Business with AWS Cover Expert guidance on how to use Amazon Web Services to supercharge your digital services business In .. Product #: 978-1-119-81597-6 Regular price: $35.42 $35.42 Auf Lager

Transforming Your Business with AWS

Getting the Most Out of Using AWS to Modernize and Innovate Your Digital Services

Abdoulaye, Philippe


1. Auflage Dezember 2021
336 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-81597-6
John Wiley & Sons

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Expert guidance on how to use Amazon Web Services to supercharge your digital services business

In Transforming Your Business with AWS: Getting the Most Out of Using AWS to Modernize and Innovate Your Digital Services, renowned international consultant and sought-after speaker Philippe Abdoulaye delivers a practical and accessible guide to using Amazon Web Services to modernize your business and the digital services you offer. This book provides you with a concrete action plan to build a team capable of creating world-class digital services and long-term competitive advantages.

You'll discover what separates merely average digital service organizations from the truly outstanding, as well as how moving to the cloud will enable your business to deliver your services faster, better, and more efficiently.

This book also includes:
* A comprehensive overview of building industry-leading digital service delivery capabilities, including discussions of the development lifecycle, best practices, and AWS-based development infrastructure
* Explanations of how to implement a digital business transformation strategy
* An exploration of key roles like DevOps Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration, Automation, and DevSecOps
* Hands-on treatments of AWS application management tools, including Elastic Beanstalk, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline

Perfect for executives, managers, and other business leaders attempting to clarify and implement their organization's digital vision and strategy, Transforming Your Business with AWS is a must-read reference that answers the "why" and, most importantly, the "how," of digital transformation with Amazon Web Services.

Introduction xxvii

Part I Understanding the Digital Transformation Challenges 1

Chapter 1 The Digital Economy's Challenges, Opportunities, and Relevance of AWS 3

Understanding the Digital Economy's Impacts 4

Surviving Disruptions Are Your Business's Primary Challenge 4

Understanding the Digital Economy's Opportunities 4

Surviving the Disruptions: The AWS Solutions 5

The AWS Universal Architecture: Simplifying AWS Understanding 5

Navigating AWS IaaS Building Block 6

AWS Compute Resources 7

AWS Network Resources 8

AWS Storage Resources 9

Understanding Essential AWS PaaS Tools 10

AWS Elastic Beanstalk 10

AWS CodeDeploy 10

AWS CodePipeline 11

Understanding Innovation with AWS: Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Elastic MapReduce 11

AWS Machine Learning 11

AWS Internet of Things 12

Amazon Elastic MapReduce 12

Understanding the AWS Integration Building Block 13

Site-to-Site VPN 13

Hybrid Cloud with VMware Cloud on AWS 13

Changes in the AWS Implementation Paradigm 14

Lift-and-Shift Migration is a Problem 14

Failure Factors Making Lift-and-Shift Irrelevant 14

Understanding the Benefits of Enterprise Architecture for AWS 15

Key Takeaways 16

References 16

Chapter 2 What is a Digital Product? 17

Differences Between Digital Products and Digital Services 17

Digital Service Delivers Information 18

Digital Product Exists in Intangible Formats 18

Anatomy of the Digital Product 18

The Digital Product's Technology Stack 18

The 4G/5G Services 19

Cloud Computing Services: Innovation as a Service 20

Smart Mobile Devices 24

Impacts on Digital Product and Service Development 24

The Growing Complexity of the Technological Stack 24

Technology Innovation Alone Isn't Enough Anymore 25

Key Takeaways 25

References 26

Chapter 3 Digital Product and Service Development Challenges 27

What is Digital Product and Service Development? 28

Digital Product and Service Development Defined 28

How is Digital Product and Service Development Performed? 28

Ideation 29

Concept 30

Business Case 30

Development 30

Testing 31

Launch 31

Digital Product and Service Development Approach Evaluation 31

Understanding the Digital Product and Service Development Assessment Framework 32

Assessment Framework Overview 32

The Context Elements 33

The Performance Enablers 33

The Digital Transformation Solutions 34

Assessing Current Digital Product and Service Development 35

What is a Digital Product and Service Development Platform? 35

Capturing Business Context 37

Evaluating Your Digital Operating Model 37

Evaluating Your Technical Platform 38

Evaluating Your Organizational Model 40

Assessing Your Human Capital 41

Challenges of Current Digital Product Development 42

Focus on Digital Product and Service Development 42

Accurate Customer Insights 43

Competitive Pricing 43

Premium Customer Experience 43

Rapid Go-to-Market 44

Key Takeaways 44

References 44

Chapter 4 Industrializing Digital Product and Service Development 47

The Total Quality Management and Mass Production Heritage 48

Total Quality Management Principles Defined 48

Customer Focus 48

Workforce Commitment 49

Process Approach 49

Integrated System 49

Continual Improvement 49

Transversal Communication 49

Mass Production Principles Defined 49

Assembly Line 50

Work Specialization 50

Automation 50

Industrialization Factors 50

Industrialization Factor Defined 50

Families of Industrialization Factors 51

Principles Family 51

Design Patterns Family 52

Methodology Family 52

Technology Family 53

Understanding DevOps as the Framework for Implementing Your Digital Product and Service Development Platform 54

DevOps Defined 54

Understanding DevOps Components 54

Software Delivery Lifecycle's Importance 54

DevOps Practices Purpose 56

Methodologies Benefit 58

DevOps Toolchain Importance 63

AWS Industrialization Factors 64

Understanding AWS Design Patterns: The Enterprise Cloud Migration Pattern 64

Defining AWS Enterprise Cloud Migration Pattern 65

Understanding the Baseline Architecture Purpose 66

AWS Methodology 66

Defining AWS Well-Architected Framework 66

Understanding the Industrialization Matrix for AWS 70

Key Takeaways 73

References 73

Part II Digitizing the Business Model Using AWS 75

Chapter 5 The J&S Food Digital Transformation Project 77

History of J&S Food, Inc. 77

Company's Evolution 78

Territorial Conquest 78

Diversification 79

Company's Culture 79

Productivity 80

Effectiveness 80

Innovation 80

Technology 81

Transformation Journey's First Stage: Planning the Transformation 81

The Kickoff Meeting 82

Understanding the Grocery Sector's Digital Disruption Impacts on J&S Food 82

Capturing and Analyzing the Factors Driving the Grocery Sector Disruption 84

Discussing and Agreeing on the Factors Affecting J&S's Food Business 87

Developing and Sharing J&S Food's Digital Mission and Digital Strategy 90

Defining J&S Food's Mission 90

Developing J&S Food's Digital Strategy 91

Developing J&S Food's Digital Transformation Roadmap 94

Digital Transformation Roadmap Defined 94

Developing a Digital Transformation Roadmap 96

Understanding J&S Food's Digital Transformation Roadmap 98

The J&S Food Digital Transformation Project's Statement of Work 99

The Statement of Work Defined 99

Introduction/Background 99

Scope of Work 100

Work Requirements 100

Schedule/Milestones 101

Acceptance Criteria 101

Other Requirements 101

The Next Step 102

Key Takeaways 102

References 102

Chapter 6 Rethinking J&S Food's Business 103

Transformation Journey's Second Stage: Rethinking the Business 104

Understanding J&S Food's Current Business 105

Capturing the Current Business Model 105

Understanding Use Cases 106

Understanding Actors 106

Understanding Links 106

The Current Business Model Captured 106

Buy 107

Fulfill Order 108

Pay 109

Perform Customer Service 109

Manage Supply Chain 110

Maintain Website 111

Develop Food Product 112

Understanding J&S Food's Current Data Model 112

Assessing the As-Is Operational Model 113

Digital Food Experience Defined 113

Assessing J&S Food's Operational Model 114

Defining the Digital Smart Shopping Bag 116

Optimizing the Fulfill Order Experience Based on a Two-Sided

Marketplace Platform 117

Enhancing Online Order Experience Using a Mobile App 118

Implementing a Digital Products and Services Development Platform 118

Defining the Future Digital Business Model 118

Reconfiguring J&S Food's Operational Model 119

Understanding Michael Porter's Value Chain 119

The Value Chain for Digital Business Defined 121

J&S Food's Digital Business Model Defined 123

Understanding J&S Food's Next Digital Value Chain 123

Support Digital Business Activities 123

Primary Digital Business Activities 124

Understanding J&S Food's AWS Cloud Platform 126

J&S Food's AWS Software as a Service 126

The J&S Food's Platform as a Service 126

The J&S Food's AWS Virtual Infrastructure 126

Integrating J&S Food's Digital Operational Model with the Organization 127

The Digital Business Value Chain: A Shortcut to the Digital Business Organization 127

Digital Business Organizational Model Defined 127

Developing the Digital Business Organizational Model 128

The J&S Organizational Model Defined 130

Roles and Responsibilities 130

Interaction and Collaboration Mechanisms 132

Key Takeaways 132

References 133

Chapter 7 Digitizing J&S Food's Business Model Using AWS--Implementing the VPC 135

Transformation Journey's Third Stage: Digitizing the Business Model 136

Defining J&S Food's AWS Migration Strategy 137

Sharing J&S Food's Digital Business Model 138

Defining the J&S Food's Digital Business Application Portfolio 139

Specifying J&S Food's Virtual Private Cloud Architecture 141

Understanding the Enterprise Cloud Migration Model For AWS 141

J&S Food's Virtual Private Cloud Specified 141

The Availability Zone 142

Amazon CloudFront and the Content Delivery Network 143

J&S Food's Virtual Private Cloud 143

J&S Food's Extended Elastic Compute Cloud Building Block 145

J&S Food's Extended Storage Build Block 149

J&S Food's Extended Fault Tolerance Building Block4 150

J&S Food's Extended Security Build Block 151

Executing J&S Food's AWS Migration Strategy 152

Understanding the AWS Application Migration Process 152

Discover 152

Design 152

Build 153

Integrate 153

Validate 153

Cutover 153

Migrating J&S Food's Ecommerce Website Into a Two-Sided Marketplace Platform 154

Implementing J&S Food's Virtual Private Cloud 154

Discovering the Ecommerce Website Three-Tier Architecture 155

Extending the Ecommerce Website Architecture to a Two-Sided Marketplace Platform 157

Implementing J&S Food's Two-Sided Marketplace Platform 161

Validating the Two-Sided Marketplace Platform 165

Key Takeaways 165

References 166

Chapter 8 Implementing J&S Food's DevOps Platform Using AWS PaaS 167

Transformation Journey's Third Stage: Implementing J&S Food's DevOps Platform 168

Understanding What J&S Food is Trying to Achieve 169

Understanding the DevOps Implementation in the AWS Computing Environment 169

Discussing the Challenges 170

Understanding the Common Mistakes 171

The DevOps Implementation Framework for AWS 171

The Digital Business Value Chain Primary Activities and AWS Modern Application Influence 172

The AWS CodePipeline Service 173

Understanding DevOps Implementation for AWS 175

Implementing J&S Food's Digital Product and Service Development Platform 177

J&S Food's Digital Product and Service Development Platform 177

J&S Food's DevOps Toolchain 178

J&S Food's Digital Business Primary Activities 180

Designing the Agile Operating Model 181

The Usual Challenges and Solutions 181

J&S Food's Agile Operating Model Defined 182

Key Takeaways 183

References 184

Chapter 9 Developing J&S Food's Innovation as a Service Platform Using AWS 185

Transformation Journey's Third Stage: Developing J&S Food's Innovation as a Service 185

Software Engineering Methodology for Innovations Development in the AWS Cloud 186

Software Engineering Methodology for Innovations Development 187

Driving Principles Explained 187

Key Concepts to Understand 189

Understanding the Innovative Digital Product Development Lifecycle 193

The Five-Step Development Lifecycle 193

Specifying the Innovative Digital Product Using a UML Use Case Diagram 194

Designing the Innovative Digital Product Using a UML Package Diagram 196

Prototyping the Microservices Using AWS Amplify 197

Developing and Deploying the Application Supporting the Innovative Digital Product 198

Implementing the Microservices Architecture of the Digital Product and Service 200

The User Interface Microservices 201

The Business Logic Microservices 201

The Technology Microservices 201

Key Takeaways 202

References 202

Part III Developing World-Class Digital Products and Services Using AWS 205

Chapter 10 J&S Food's Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product Project 207

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Experimenting with the Digital Business Model 208

The Smart Shopping Bag Project Overview 208

The Smart Shopping Bag Project's Organization 209

The Smart Shopping Bag Project's Opportunity Statement 209

The Smart Shopping Bag Project's Objectives 210

The Smart Shopping Bag Project's Scope 210

The Pilot Project Management 211

Key Takeaways 211

References 212

Chapter 11 Specifying J&S Food's Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product 213

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Specification of the Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product 213

Specifying the Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product's Scope 214

Using Context Diagrams to Improve the Specification Process 215

Developing the Smart Shopping Bag's Context Diagram 215

J&S Food's Stores IoT Infrastructure 215

J&S Food's AWS IoT Core Platform 216

Developing the Smart Shopping Bag Use Case Diagram 216

Identifying the Smart Shopping Bag's Actors and Use Cases 218

Specifying the Smart Shopping Bag's Functions Using Sequence Diagrams 221

Use Case Description: Press Start to Begin Shopping 221

Use Case Description: Respond to In-Store Customer Button Presses 222

Use Case Description: Detect Product Code Put in the Bag 223

Use Case Description: Send EEPROM Data to Billing System 225

Use Case Description: Respond to RFID Reader Queries 226

Use Case Description: Calculate the Bill Amount 226

Specifying the Smart Shopping Business Rules Using Class Diagram 228

The In-Store Customer 228

The Smart Shopping Bag 230

The RFID Reader 230

The Product RFID Tag 230

The Smart Mobile Device 231

The Shopping Session 231

The Smart Shopping Service 231

The Smart Shopping Bag Application 231

Key Takeaways 232

References 232

Chapter 12 Designing J&S Food's Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product 233

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Designing the Smart Shopping Bag Digital Product 233

The Agile Operational Model Confirmed as the Foundation of J&S Food's Work Organization 234

J&S Food's New Organization of Work 234

The Princeton's Digital Product Development Team Defined 235

UML Package Diagram Facilitates the Microservices Architecture Design Process 237

Lucidchart Confirmed as the Best Architecture Tool 237

Overall Feedback 237

The Resulting Smart Shopping Bag's Architecture 238

The Smart Shopping Bag Blueprint 239

The In-Store Customer Package 240

The Shopping Session Package 240

The Smart Shopping Bag Package 241

Acquired Digital Business Competency: Digital Products and Services Architecture Design 241

Key Takeaways 241

References 242

Chapter 13 Prototyping J&S Food's Smart Shopping Bag Using Innovation as a Service 243

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Prototyping the Smart Shopping Bag's Application 244

Sharing the Prototyping Process Goal and Approach 245

Prototyping Using AWS Amplify Defined 245

The Prototyping Iterations Using AWS Amplify 245

The Prototyping Team 251

The Team's Feedback 252

The Smart Shopping Bag Application Prototype 253

The Business Logic, Technological, and UI Microservices Prototyped 255

The Microservices Development Process in the AWS Amplify Context 255

Defining the Microservices Granularity 256

The Smart Shopping Bag Business Logic Microservices Implemented 257

The Smart Shopping Bag Business Logic Microservices Documented 257

The Smart Shopping Bag Technological Innovation Microservices Implemented 259

IoT Gateway Microservices 259

AWS IoT Core Microservices 261

RFID Reader Microservices 263

RFID Tag Microservices 265

The Smart Shopping Bag UI Microservices Implemented 265

Key Takeaways 266

References 267

Chapter 14 Implementing J&S Food's Smart Shopping Bag Application 269

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Implementing the Smart Shopping Bag's Production Release 270

The Smart Shopping Bag App: Production Release 270

Blueprint of the Smart Shopping Bag in Production 270

Understanding the Production Release Building Blocks 271

Application Layer 271

AWS Innovation Layer 273

AWS Virtual Infrastructure Layer 274

Understanding the Pivotal Role Played by Agile Methodologies 275

The Architectural Spike and Prototyping Benefits 275

The Importance of Scrum Sprints in the Incremental Development Effort 275

Understanding the Vital Role of the Daily Scrums 276

The Development Team's Feedback: Lessons Learned 277

Key Takeaways 278

References 278

Chapter 15 Launching J&S Food's First Digital Food Product 279

Transformation Journey's Fourth Stage: Deploy J&S Food's Digital Business 279

Defining J&S Food's Go-To-Market Strategy 280

The Go-To-Market Strategy Defined 281

Articulating J&S Food's Go-To-Market Strategy 281

The Objectives Questionnaire 282

The Value Propositions Questionnaire 282

The Key Processes to Stress Questionnaire 282

The Organizational and Technological Assets to Stress Questionnaire 282

J&S Food's Go-To-Market Strategy Defined 282

Understanding J&S Food's Go-To-Market Strategy 283

Declaring J&S Food's Digital Business Opened 284

Key Takeaways 284

References 285

Chapter 16 Maintaining and Supporting J&S Food's Digital Business on a Daily Basis 287

The New J&S Food Day-to-Day Business 287

J&S Food's Customer Value Creation Virtuous Circle 288

J&S Food's Virtuous Circle for Creating Customer Value 288

Customer Insights Management on a Daily Basis 289

J&S Food's AWS EMR Infrastructure 289

Business Data Providers 290

Data Lake 290

Data Warehouse 290

Data Mart 290

The Big Data Analytics Activity in the Customer Insights Management Team 291

Customer Value Increase Management's Day-to-Day Operations 292

J&S Food's AI/ML Development Environment 292

Generate Data 293

Train Models 293

Deploy Models 294

The Customer Increase Value Management Team's Activity 294

Digital Product and Service Releases Development 295

Defining Product Backlog 295

Sprint Planning 296

Sprint Execution 296

Key Takeaways 296

References 297

Index 299
PHILIPPE ABDOULAYE is an international digital business transformation consultant. He advises business and IT leaders on how to take advantage of digital technologies to grow and prosper. He is a sought-after speaker for technology conferences around the world and has authored seven books on digital transformation and digital technologies.