Language Teacher Identity
Confronting Ideologies of Language, Race, and Ethnicity

1. Auflage März 2024
320 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
The first volume to focus on race, ethnicity, and accent as elements of language teacher identity, a valuable guide for in-service teachers and teachers-in-training
Language Teacher Identity presents a groundbreaking critical examination of how ideologies of race, ethnicity, accent, and immigration status impact perceptions of plurilingual teachers. Bringing together contributions by an international panel of established and emerging scholars, this important work of scholarship addresses issues related to native-speakerism, monolingualism, racism, competence, authenticity, and legitimacy while examining their role in the construction of professional identity.
With an intersectional and holistic approach, the authors draw upon case studies of practical teacher experiences from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, Mongolia, Pakistan, and the United States to provide teachers with real-world insights on responding to the assumptions, biases, and prejudices that students, student teachers, and teachers may bring into the classroom. Topics include the impact of policies and ideologies on teacher identity development, the intersection between L2 teacher identity and teacher emotion research, awareness of ethnic accent bullying, and the use of transraciolinguistic approaches in the classroom. This unique new work:
* Provides a broad overview of the different types of challenges language teachers face in their careers
* Focuses on race, ethnicity, plurilingualism, and accent as fundamental elements of a language teacher's identity
* Discusses the sensitive political and social factors that complicate the role of a language teacher in the classroom
* Covers the teaching of a wide range of languages, including English, Japanese, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Norwegian
* Addresses key issues and significant gaps in contemporary research on language teacher education, including the experiences of teachers of two or more languages
Employing a variety of methodological and theoretical approaches, Language Teacher Identity is a forward-looking look at an exciting area of research and theory in language teacher education and training. It is essential reading for students training to become language teachers, in-service teachers, and for students and scholars in applied linguistics with a focus on TESOL, teacher and language education.
Foreword: Filling the Gaps in Language Teacher
Education: A Prologue xviii
Ofelia García
1 Language Teacher Identity and Education in the Crossfire of Evolving Raciolinguistic and Monolingual Ideologies 1
Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer and Vander Tavares
1.1 Introduction: How and Why Did We Get Here? 1
1.2 Addressing the Key Concepts of This Volume 4
1.3 The Volume in a Nutshell 9
1.4 Conclusion 16
References 18
Part 1 Experiences of Identity Construction of Plurilingual Language Teachers 21
2 Future Teachers of Two Languages in Germany: Self-reported Professional Knowledge and Teaching Anxieties 23
Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer and Vander Tavares
2.1 Introduction: Moving Beyond the Dichotomy of Native/Nonnative Foreign Language Teachers in the Study of Professional Knowledge and Teaching Anxiety 23
2.2 Teachers of Two Languages and Foreign Language (Teaching) Anxiety: Crisscrossing Two Research Fields 25
2.2.1 Teachers of Two Languages: Why Do They Matter? 25
2.2.2 Foreign Language (Teaching) Anxiety 27
2.3 The Empirical Study 29
2.3.1 Context and Participants 29
2.3.2 Data Collection Instrument 31
2.3.3 Data Analysis 31
2.4 Findings 32
2.4.1 Representations of Teachers' Knowledge 32 Quantitative Analysis 32 Qualitative Analysis 34
2.4.2 Representations of Teachers' Emotions: A Focus on Language Anxiety 37 Quantitative Analysis 37 Qualitative Analysis 38
2.5 Discussion of the Results, Unanswered Questions, and Further Research Perspectives 39
2.6 Implications for Teacher Education Programs 41
References 42
3 Exploring Identities and Emotions of a Teacher of Multiple Languages: An Arts-based Narrative Inquiry Using Clay Work 45
Eric K. Ku
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Identities and Emotions in Teaching Multiple Languages 46
3.3 Clay Work as Arts-based Narrative Inquiry 47
3.4 Methodology 48
3.4.1 Data Collection 48
3.4.2 Data Analysis 49
3.5 Park's Narratives 50
3.5.1 Learning Japanese and English 50
3.5.2 Teaching Korean and English 53
3.6 Discussion 58
3.6.1 Multiple Identities and Emotions as a TML 58
3.6.2 Race and Ethnicity in Teaching Multiple Languages 59
3.7 Reflections on Using Clay Work 60
References 61
4 Emotional Geographies of Teaching Two Languages: Power, Agency, and Identity 63
Vander Tavares
4.1 L2 Teachers' Experiences: Beyond Ideologies 64
4.2 Understanding Teaching Through Emotional Geographies 65
4.3 Research Design: Autoethnography 68
4.3.1 Data Collection and Analysis 69
4.4 Findings in Stories 71
4.4.1 Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language 71
4.4.2 Teaching English as a Second Language 73
4.5 Discussion and Conclusion 75
References 78
5 Teaching Languages in the Linguistic Marketplace: Exploring the Impact of Policies and Ideologies on My Teacher Identity Development 82
Jonas Yassin Iversen
5.1 Introduction 82
5.2 Language Teaching in Norway 83
5.3 The Linguistic Marketplace 85
5.4 A Poststructuralist Perspective on Teacher Identity 87
5.5 Autoethnography 89
5.6 Teaching a Language of Convenience: Destabilizing Identity 90
5.7 Teaching a Language of Necessity: Disintegrating Identity 92
5.8 Teaching a Language of High Prestige: Regaining Agency 93
5.9 Teacher Identity in the Linguistic Marketplace 95
5.10 Practical Implications for Language Teacher Education 96
References 97
Part 2 Emergent and Critical Perspectives on Language Teacher Education Programs 103
6 Cultivating the Critical: Professional Development as Ideological Development for Teachers of Racialized Bi/Multilingual Students 105
Kate Seltzer
6.1 Introduction 105
6.2 A Critical Translingual Approach to PD: Theoretical Framings 106
6.3 Project Design and Methods 108
6.3.1 Project Overview 108
6.3.2 Participants 109
6.3.3 Data Collection and Analysis 110
6.3.4 Researcher Positionality 111
6.4 Findings 112
6.4.1 "I Don't Want to Contribute to the Problems That I Feel Are Just, Like, Inherent in Our System" 112
6.4.2 "Who Educates the Educators?" 114
6.4.3 "I Have to Think and Really, Concretely, Make Sure That It Happens" 115
6.5 Discussion and Implications for Language Teacher Education 117
6.6 Conclusion 119
References 120
7 "The Words Flowed Like a River": Taking Up Translanguaging in a Teacher Education Program 123
Cecilia M. Espinosa, Melissa L. García, and Alison Lehner-Quam
7.1 Introduction 123
7.2 Methodology 125
7.2.1 The Setting 126
7.3 Translanguaging and Translanguaging in Teacher Education 127
7.4 Capitalizing on Our Languaging Practices: Cecilia's Story of Her Pedagogical Practices 129
7.5 Serving the Campus Community Through Multilingual Library Services and Collections: Alison's Story of Her Pedagogical Practice 131
7.6 Child Development Reflections: Melissa's Story of Her Pedagogical Practice 134
7.7 Implications and Conclusion 136
References 138
8 Linguistic Journeys: Interrogating Linguistic Ideologies in a Teacher Preparation Setting 142
Ivana Espinet
8.1 Introduction 142
8.2 Developing Teachers' Stances and Leadership 143
8.3 Pre-service Teachers at a Community College 145
8.3.1 Starting Points: Examining Our Language Practices 147
8.3.2 Widening the Lenses: Understanding District and School Language Policies 150
8.3.3 Learning from Experienced Teachers 152
8.4 Conclusion 154
References 155
Part 3 Confronting Ideologies of Ethnicity, Language, and Accent 159
9 Racialization of the Japanese Language in the Narratives of Brazilian Undergraduate Students 161
Fabiana Cristina Ramos Patrocínio and Paula Garcia de Freitas
9.1 Introduction 161
9.2 Methods and objectives 163
9.3 The Racialization of the Japanese Language 164
9.3.1 Perception of Non-descendants as Japanese Students 164
9.3.2 The Perception of Descendants as Japanese Learners 168
9.3.3 A Parallel Between the Effects of Racialization Among Descendants and Non-descendants 170
9.4 Discussion 174
9.5 Conclusion 176
References 178
10 Ethnic Accent Bullying, EFL Teaching and Learning in Mongolia 180
Bolormaa Shinjee and Sender Dovchin
10.1 Introduction 180
10.2 Ethnic Accent Bullying 184
10.3 Research Methodology 186
10.3.1 Data Collection and Analysis 187
10.4 Overt Ethnic Accent Bullying 188
10.5 Covert Ethnic Accent Bullying 190
10.6 Conclusion 192
References 194
Part 4 Disrupting Raciolinguistic Ideologies 199
11 Englishes as a Site of Colonial Conflict: Nuances in Teacher Enactment of a Transraciolinguistic Approach 201
Patriann Smith, Crystal Dail Rose, and Tala M. Karkar-Esperat
11.1 Immigrant Multilingual Teachers Crossing Transnational Boundaries 204
11.1.1 Teacher Beliefs About English for Teaching Language and Literacy 204
11.1.2 Tensions Between Teacher Beliefs and Practice Based on Context 205
11.1.3 Teacher Enactment of Ideologies About English in Teaching 206
11.1.4 Former "Foreign-Born" Literacy Teachers in the United States 207
11.2 Raciolinguicizing World/Global Englishes in a "Post-colonial" Transnational World 208
11.3 Methods 210
11.3.1 Participants 210
11.3.2 Data Sources, Collection, Procedures 211
11.3.3 Analysis 211
11.4 Findings 212
11.4.1 Colonially Inherited Raciolinguistic Ideologies 212 Preference for Standardized English in the Home Country 212 Emphasis on Basic Language Skills 214
11.4.2 Sources for Inadvertently Subscribing to Raciolinguistic Ideologies 215
11.4.3 Transraciolinguistics in World Englishes as Part of a "Postcolonial" Era 217
11.5 Conclusion 220
References 222
12 The Raciolinguistic Enregisterment and Aestheticization of ELT Labor 226
Vijay A. Ramjattan
12.1 Introduction 226
12.2 Aestheticizing and Racializing Labor 228
12.3 The Consequences of Raciolinguistically Enregistered Aesthetic Labor in ELT 229
12.3.1 Employment Discrimination 229
12.3.2 Lower Wages 232
12.3.3 Just Whiteness for Sale 233
12.3.4 Erasure of Expertise and Compensatory Identity Work 235
12.4 Concluding Thoughts 237
References 239
13 Issues of Legitimization, Authority, and Acceptance: Pakistani English Language Teachers and Their Confrontation of Raciolinguistic Ideologies in ELT/TESOL Classrooms 242
Kashif Raza
13.1 Introduction 242
13.2 The Anecdotal Narrative and Raciolinguistic Ideologies 244
13.3 English as a Lingua Franca-Aware Teaching and Learning 246
13.4 Two-way Multilingual Turn in TESOL 248
13.5 Research on English Language Teaching in the Gulf 252
13.6 Conclusion and Implications for Confronting Raciolinguistic Ideologies 253
References 254
14 Language Student-Teachers of a Racialized Background: The Transracial Construction of the Competent Language Teacher 258
Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
14.1 Introduction 258
14.2 Empirical study 261
14.2.1 Participants and methodology of the larger study 261
14.2.2 The Comparative Case Study: Student-teachers 2 and 5 263
14.3 Findings 265
14.3.1 Student 2: "Oh Man, You Can See It So Clearly!?" 265
14.3.2 Student 5: "It Could Have Been That I Am Cuban or Something" 268
14.4 Discussion 271
14.4.1 The Interplay of Raciolinguistic and Language Teaching Ideologies: Passing or Posing as a Native-speaker Teacher? 271
14.4.2 The Transracial Construction of the Competent Language Teacher 274
14.5 Conclusion 276
References 277
Postface 281
Rahat Zaidi
Index 285
"This exciting volume asks deep questions about language teacher identity focusing on teachers of two or more languages and racialised language teachers in diverse contexts. Melo-Pfeifer and Tavares have done an amazing job in interrogating the dominant linguistic ideologies of race, ethnicity and language in language teacher education." - Xuesong (Andy) Gao, UNSW Australia
"This volume is ground-breaking. Its focus on teachers of two or more languages and racialized language teachers is bold. Its decolonial theoretical compass is timely. A powerful contribution to the language teacher identity literature!" - Lourdes Ortega, Professor of Linguistics, Georgetown University
VANDER TAVARES is Postdoctoral Researcher at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway. His research focuses on language teacher identity development and second language education. He is the co-editor of Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion and the author of International Students in Higher Education: Language, Identity, and Experience from a Holistic Perspective.