Piezoelectric Materials
From Fundamentals to Emerging Applications

1. Auflage Juni 2024
656 Seiten, Hardcover
23 Abbildungen (18 Farbabbildungen)
This book provides a comprehensive coverage from various types of piezoelectric materials to related applications, including traditional piezoelectric materials, new lead-free materials and their biomedical related emerging applications.
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Piezoelectric Effects and Crystallographic Structures
Lead-Based Piezoelectric Materials
Lead-Free Perovskite Piezoelectric Materials - Part One
Lead-Free Perovskite Piezoelectric Materials - Part Two
Piezoelectricity in Molecular Ferroelectrics
High-Temperature BiScO3-PbTiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics
Bi4Ti3O12-Based High-Temperature Piezoelectric Ceramics and their Applications
Textured Piezoceramics: Processing, Properties, and Applications
Piezoelectric Thin Films
Lead-Free KNN and KTN Single Crystals: Piezoelectric and Electro-Optic Properties
Electrostrictive Effect
Ferroelectric Materials for Dielectric Energy Storage: Fundamentals and Applications
Ferroelectric Materials for Dielectric Energy Storage: Progress and Material Design
Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Ceramics
Piezo-bioelectronic Materials and Emerging Applications
Porous Piezoelectric Materials for Energy Applications
Piezoelectric Flexible Devices
Ferroelectrics under Compression and Applications
Piezoelectricity in Biomedical Applications