John Wiley & Sons A Companion to the Holocaust Cover Provides a cutting-edge, nuanced, and multi-disciplinary picture of the Holocaust from local, transn.. Product #: 978-1-118-97052-2 Regular price: $157.94 $157.94 Auf Lager

A Companion to the Holocaust

Gigliotti, Simone / Earl, Hilary (Herausgeber)

Blackwell Companions to World History


1. Auflage April 2020
704 Seiten, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-118-97052-2
John Wiley & Sons

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Provides a cutting-edge, nuanced, and multi-disciplinary picture of the Holocaust from local, transnational, continental, and global perspectives

Holocaust Studies is a dynamic field that encompasses discussions on human behavior, extremity, and moral action. A diverse range of disciplines - history, philosophy, literature, social psychology, anthropology, geography, amongst others - continue to make important contributions to its scholarship.

A Companion to the Holocaust provides exciting commentaries on current and emerging debates and identifies new connections for research. The text incorporates new language, geographies, and approaches to address the precursors of the Holocaust and examine its global consequences. A team of international contributors provides insightful and sophisticated analyses of current trends in Holocaust research that go far beyond common conceptions of the Holocaust's causes, unfolding and impact.

Scholars draw on their original research to interpret current, agenda-setting historical and historiographical debates on the Holocaust. Six broad sections cover wide-ranging topics such as new debates about Nazi perpetrators, arguments about the causes and places of persecution of Jews in Germany and Europe, and Jewish and non-Jewish responses to it, the use of forced labor in the German war economy, representations of the Holocaust witness, and many others. A masterful framing chapter sets the direction and tone of each section's themes. Comprising over thirty essays, this important addition to Holocaust studies:
* Offers a remarkable compendium of systematic, comparative, and precise analyses
* Covers areas and topics not included in any other companion of its type
* Examines the ongoing cultural, social, and political legacies of the Holocaust
* Includes discussions on non-European and non-Western geographies, inter-ethnic tensions, and violence

A Companion to the Holocaust is an essential resource for students and scholars of European, German, genocide, colonial and Jewish history, as well as those in the general humanities.

Notes on Editors and Contributors ix

Introduction 1
Simone Gigliotti and Hilary Earl

Theme 1 New Orientations and Topical Integrations 19

1 "Final Solution," Holocaust, Shoah, or Genocide? From Separate to Integrated Histories 21
Devin O. Pendas

2 Raphael Lemkin and Genocide before the Holocaust: Ethnic and Religious Minorities under Attack 45
Cathie Carmichael

3 Ideologies of Race: The Construction and Suppression of Otherness in Nazi Germany 59
Dan Stone

4 Queering Holocaust Studies: New Frameworks for Understanding Nazi Homophobia and the Politics of Sexuality under National Socialism 75
William J. Spurlin

5 The Holocaust as Genocide: Milestones in the Historiographical Discourse 95
Daniel Blatman

Theme 2 Plunder, Extermination, and Prosecution 115

6 Old Nazis, Ordinary Men, and New Killers: Synthetic and Divergent Histories of Perpetrators 117
Edward B. Westermann

7 The Nazi War Economy, the Forced Labor System, and the Murde of Jewish and Non-Jewish Workers 135
Mark Spoerer

8 All the Other Neighbors: Communal Genocide in Eastern Europe 153
Waitman Wade Beorn

9 War Crimes Trials, the Holocaust, and Historiography, 1943-2011 173
Kim Christian Priemel

10 Crimes against Culture: From Plunder to Postwar Restitution Politics 191
Bianca Gaudenzi

Theme 3 Reframing Jewish Histories 209

11 Characteristics of Holocaust Historiography and Their Contexts since 1990: Emphases, Perceptions, Developments, Debates 211
Dan Michman

12 A Sustained Civilian Struggle: Rethinking Jewish Responses to the Nazi Regime 233
David Engel

13 Ghettos and Ghettoization - History and Historiography 247
Guy Miron

14 Survivors of the Holocaust within the Nazi Universe of Camps 263
Martin C. Dean

15 Social Networks of Support: Trajectories of Escape, Rescue and Survival 279
Natalia Aleksiun

16 A Young Person's War: The Disrupted Lives of Children and Youth 295
Joanna B. Michlic

17 Anything But Silent: Jewish Responses to the Holocaust in the Aftermath of World War II 311
Elisabeth Gallas and Laura Jockusch

Theme 4 Local, Mobile, and Transnational Holocausts 331

18 Geographies of the Holocaust 333
Tim Cole

19 The Global "Final Solution" and Nazi Imperialism 349
Gerhard L. Weinberg

20 Refugees' Routes: Emigration, Resettlement, and Transmigration 363
Susanne Heim

21 The Geopolitics of Neutrality: Diplomacy, Refuge, and Rescue during the Holocaust 381
David A. Messenger

22 Spain and the Holocaust: Contested Past, Contested Present 397
Alejandro Baer and Pedro Correa

23 Contesting the "Zionist" Narrative: Arab Responses to the Holocaust 413
Esther Webman

24 Redrawing Holocaust Geographies: A Cartography of Vichy and Nazi Reach into North Africa 431
Aomar Boum

Theme 5 Witnessing in Dialogue: Testifiers, Readers, and Viewers 449

25 The Holocaust Witness: Wartime and Postwar Voices 451
Alan Rosen

26 Sexual Violence: Recovering a Suppressed History 469
Monika J. Flaschka

27 Ethical Grey Zones: On Coercion and Complicity in the Concentration Camp and Beyond 487
Jonathan Druker

28 Holocaust Photography and the Challenge of the Visual 503
Carol Zemel

29 Holocaust Memory in a Post-Survivor World: Bearing Lasting Witness 519
Nicholas Chare

30 Postmemory: Digital Testimony and the Future of Witnessing 537
Noah Shenker

Theme 6 Human Rights and Visual Culture: Pivots and Disruptions 553

31 The Problem of Human Rights after the Holocaust 555
Valerie Hébert

32 Indigenous Genocide and Perceptions of the Holocaust in Canada 577
David B. MacDonald

33 Lessons from History? The Future of Holocaust Education 599
Avril Alba

34 The Changing Landscape of Holocaust Memorialization in Poland 619
Amanda F. Grzyb

35 #Holocaust #Auschwitz: Performing Holocaust Memory on Social Media 639
Meghan Lundrigan

36 Contemporary Holocaust Film Beyond Mimetic Imperatives 657
Daniel H. Magilow

Index 673
Simone Gigliotti is a Senior Lecturer/Reader in Holocaust Studies in the Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Hilary Earl is a Professor of European History at Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario, Canada. She is the author of the award-winning book, Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, 1945-1958: Atrocity, Law, and History.

S. Gigliotti, Victoria University of Wellington; H. Earl, Nipissing University