John Wiley & Sons Coastal Ecosystems in Transition Cover Explores how two coastal ecosystems are responding to the pressures of human expansion The Northern.. Product #: 978-1-119-54358-9 Regular price: $185.98 $185.98 Auf Lager

Coastal Ecosystems in Transition

A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay

Malone, Thomas C. / Malej, Alenka / Faganeli, Jadran (Herausgeber)

Geophysical Monograph Series (Band Nr. 256)


1. Auflage Dezember 2020
256 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-54358-9
John Wiley & Sons

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Explores how two coastal ecosystems are responding to the pressures of human expansion

The Northern Adriatic Sea, a continental shelf ecosystem in the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, and the Chesapeake Bay, a major estuary of the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, are semi-enclosed, river-dominated ecosystems with urbanized watersheds that support extensive industrial agriculture.

Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay presents an update of a study published two decades ago. Revisiting these two ecosystems provides an opportunity to assess changing anthropogenic pressures in the context of global climate change. The new insights can be used to inform ecosystem-based approaches to sustainable development of coastal environments.

Volume highlights include:
* Effects of nutrient enrichment and climate-driven changes on critical coastal habitats
* Patterns of stratification and circulation
* Food web dynamics from phytoplankton to fish
* Nutrient cycling, water quality, and harmful algal events
* Causes and consequences of interannual variability

The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the editors

List of Contributors vii

Preface xi

1. Introduction: Coastal Ecosystem Services at Risk 1
Thomas C. Malone, Alenka Malej, and Jadran Faganeli

2. Recent Status and Long-Term Trends in Freshwater Discharge and Nutrient Inputs 7
Qian Zhang, Stefano Cozzi, Cindy Palinkas, and Michele Giani

3. Sea State: Recent Progress in the Context of Climate Change 21
William C. Boicourt, Matja? Li er, Ming Li, Martin Vodopivec, and Vlado Mala i

4. Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Changing Environment 49
Mark J. Brush, Patricija Mozeti , Janja Francé, Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Tamara Djakovac, Jadran Faganeli, Lora A. Harris, and Meghann Niesen

5. Eutrophication, Harmful Algae, Oxygen Depletion, and Acidification 75
Mark J. Brush, Michele Giani, Cecilia Totti, Jeremy M. Testa, Jadran Faganeli, Nives Ogrinc, W. Michael Kemp, and Serena Fonda Umani

6. Mesozooplankton and Gelatinous Zooplankton in the Face of Environmental Stressors 105
James Pierson, Elisa Camatti, Raleigh Hood, Tjasa Kogovsek, Davor Lucic, Valentina Tirelli, and Alenka Malej

7. Ecological Role of Microbes: Current Knowledge and Future Prospects 129
Valentina Turk, Sairah Malkin, Mauro Celussi, Tinkara Tinta, Jacob Cram, Francesca Malfatti, and Feng Chen

8. Advances in Our Understanding of Pelagic-Benthic Coupling 147
Jeremy M. Testa, Jadran Faganeli, Michele Giani, Mark J. Brush, Cinzia De Vittor, Walter R. Boynton, Stefano Covelli, Ryan J. Woodland, Nives Kova , and W. Michael Kemp

9. Status of Critical Habitats and Invasive Species 177
Cindy Palinkas, Michele Mistri, Lorie Staver, Lovrenc Lipej, Petar Kru?ic, J. Court Stevenson, Mario Tamburri, Cristina Munari, and Martina Orlando-Bonaca

10. Status of Fish and Shellfish Stocks 203
Victor S. Kennedy, Luca Bolognini, Jakov Dulcic, Ryan J. Woodland, Michael J. Wilberg, and Lora A. Harris

11. Ecosystem-Based Management of Multiple Pressures: Summary and Conclusions 229
Alenka Malej, Jadran Faganeli, and Thomas C. Malone

Index 233
Thomas C. Malone, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, USA

Alenka Malej, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia

Jadran Faganeli, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia

T. C. Malone, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, USA; A. Malej, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia; J. Faganeli, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia