Aerogels for Energy Saving and Storage

1. Auflage Juli 2024
544 Seiten, Hardcover
Explore the energy storage applications of a wide variety of aerogels made from different materials
In Aerogels for Energy Storage Applications, an expert team of researchers delivers a one-stop resource covering the state-of-the-art in aerogels for energy applications. The book covers their morphology, properties, and processability and serves as a valuable resource for researchers and professionals working in materials science and environmentally friendly energy and power technology.
The authors offer a comprehensive review of highly efficient energy applications of aerogels that bridges the gap between engineering, science, and chemistry and advances the field of materials development. They provide a Life Cycle Assessment of aerogels in energy systems, as well as discussions of their impact on the environment. Aerogel synthesis, characterization, fabrication, morphology, properties, energy-related applications, and simulations are all explored, and likely future research directions are provided.
Readers will also find:
* A thorough introduction to aerogels in energy, including state-of-the-art advancements and challenges newly encountered
* Comprehensive explorations of chitin-based and cellulose-derived aerogels, as well as lignin-, clay-, and carbon nanotube-based aerogels
* Practical discussions of organic, natural, and inorganic aerogels, with further analyses of the lifecycle of aerogels
* In-depth examinations of the theory, modeling, and simulation of aerogels
Perfect for chemical and environmental engineers, Aerogels for Energy Storage Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of chemistry and materials science researchers in academia and industry.
Chapter 1: The history, physical properties and energy-related applications of the aerogels
Chapter 2: Aerogels and their Composites in Energy Generation and Conversion Devices
Chapter 3: Metal Aerogels for Energy Storage and Conversion
Chapter 4: Aerogels using polymer composites
Chapter 5: Epoxide related aerogels; Sol-gel synthesis, property studies and energy applications
Chapter 6: CNT-based aerogels and their applications
Chapter 7: Silica Based Aerogels for Building Transparent Components
Chapter 8: Inorganic Aerogels and their Composites for Thermal Insulation in White Goods
Chapter 9: Natural Polymer-Based Aerogels for Filtration Applications
Chapter 11: Carbonaceous aerogels for fuel cells and supercapacitors
Chapter 12: Aerogels for electrocatalytic hydrogen production
Chapter 13: Clay-Based Aerogel composites
Chapter 14: Hybrid Aerogels for Energy Saving Applications
Chapter 15: Yet to come
Chapter 16: Theoretical Modeling of the Thermal and Mechanical Structure-Property Relationships in Aerogels
Chapter 17: Aerogels in energy: state of art and new challenges
Ange Nzihou, PhD, is Director of the RAPSODEE Research Center under the Joint Research Units of the French National Center for Scientific Research in Albi, France.
Sabu Thomas, PhD, is Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam, Kerala, India.