The Negativity Fast
Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success

1. Auflage Oktober 2023
256 Seiten, Hardcover
Learn to transform your perspective and lead with positivity
In The Negativity Fast: Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success, sales leader and strategist Anthony Iannarino delivers an exciting and effective new take on creating and sustaining powerful sales processes. You'll learn to lead with positivity as you harness negative emotions to make lasting changes for the better and explore the power of gratitude to transform your mental outlook.
Discover how to reframe the negative events of your life into the ways they made you stronger and prepared you for future setbacks. The author also offers:
* Concrete advice on perspective-taking and strategies for avoiding being triggered by people with different beliefs
* A thirteen-week Negativity Fast, in which you'll eliminate sources of negativity for 90 days and introduce positivity into your mental diet
* Discussions of the necessity for optimism in a difficult world
An inspiring and exciting take on leadership, The Negativity Fast walks you through how to cultivate a positive attitude and perspective you can pass on to the people who follow you.
Disclaimer xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Chapter 1 Why You Are Negative 1
Chapter 2 Talking Yourself into a Negative State 19
Chapter 3 Empathy and How to Lie to Yourself 37
Chapter 4 How to Stop Complaining 57
Chapter 5 The Awesome Power of Gratitude 77
Chapter 6 Reframing Negative Events 97
Chapter 7 How to Live Happily with Political Divisiveness 113
Chapter 8 Wanting and the Perils of Social Media 131
Chapter 9 How to Change Your State 149
Chapter 10 Minding Mindfulness 165
Chapter 11 How to Forget Your Problems and Concerns 177
Chapter 12 The Negativity Fast 189
Endnotes 205
Recommended Resources 219
About the Author 223
Index 225
--Victor Antonio, Author & Speaker
"If there was no Anthony Iannarino, we'd have to invent him."
--Jeb Blount, Sales Gravy
"The actual title of this book is The Positivity Buffet. It's a hands-on, research-based and practical guide to taking control of how we see the world. If you value your freedom, independence and responsibility, you'll be thrilled to give it a try."
--Seth Godin, author of This is Marketing
"Thank you for tackling this topic, Anthony Iannarino! I desperately needed this book and love how it combines the intellectual, emotional, and practical causes and components of negativity. Chapter 7 was particularly poignant and I'm not only ready to become post-political, I'm excited to start my own Negativity Fast immediately! This is a must-read to not only survive, but thrive emotionally, in today's often toxic environment."
--Mike Weinberg, author of New Sales. Simplified. and Sales Management. Simplified.
"The Negativity Fast is engaging, fun, and riddled with advice whose positive powers are backed by research."
--Howard Bloom, author of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Journey Into the Forces of History
"In a world where negativity can take a toll on our well-being and relationships, The Negativity Fast offers a refreshing and actionable approach to transform our lives. With transparency about his own journey, Anthony provides a practical roadmap to shift from negative to positive, backed by science and his personal experience. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to break free from negativity and embrace a brighter, more positive future, and lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life."
--Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won't Get You There