Busy Is a Four-Letter Word
A Guide to Achieving More by Doing Less

1. Auflage Dezember 2024
288 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Improve your productivity, take a more enjoyable approach to life and amplify your leadership
Using a human centered approach, Busy Is a Four Letter Word looks at the essential relationship between living well and leading well, aiming to end the self-gratifying martyrdom of "busy" culture, and working to uncomplicate personal and professional prosperity.
By highlighting topics such as real self-care, rest, wellness, and saying "no" as indispensable to success and productivity, the powerful 5 step ReThink Method in Busy Is a Four Letter Word helps readers get more out of life while also being more productive in their pursuits. In this book, you'll learn:
* How to stop piling on to your to-do list and instead take bite-sized actions that will shift, turn, and restart the next professional or personal season of your life
* The idea of "martyritis": consistently taking actions that leave you feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and underappreciated as your default state of being
* How to create your 5 Star wellness plan to help you rethink your work ethic and create new patterns and rituals routines that allow you to get the most out of life and to thrive while doing less.
With Busy Is a Four Letter Word and Palmer's highly effective ReThink Method at your fingertips, leaders and team members alike can find ways to get more done by rethinking their approach to work and life.
1 The Pursuit of Happy Less: Busy Is A Four-Letter Word 1
2 The Sands of Time Are Littered with To-Do Lists 15
3 From Activity to Achievement: Cutting Through the Clutter 39
4 Check Up Before You Charge Up: Healthy Assessment Before You Act (reTHINK) 55
5 The Paradox of Self-Care Sacrifice: Working Smarter, Not Harder 73
6 The Art of the Elegant Brush-Off (reTHINK): An Inclusive Approach to Setting and Reaching Goals 93
7 Snooze More, Snore Less: Rest Is Not a Reward: The Critical Role of Downtime 107
8 Flexibility in the Face of Resistance: Navigating Shifts in Culture and Values (reTHINK) 131
9 Revolutionizing Rest: The Unseen Powerhouse of Productivity: Know When to Rest Before You Act (reTHINK) 157
10 From Busy Bee to Queen Bee: Mastering Work-Life Synergy 171
11 Cultivating Your Circle: The Strength in Supportive Networks 191
12 Digital Discipline: Harnessing Technology for True Productivity 207
Epilogue: Embracing Simplicity: The Path to Enlightened Leadership and a Fulfilling Life 219
Appendix: The Process Model for Prioritization and Focus (PMPF) 237
Index 243