Evolution of the Pyrenees During the Variscan and Alpine Cycles, Volume 1
Variscan Cycle and Cretaceous Rifting
ISTE Invoiced

1. Auflage Juli 2024
336 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Evolution of the Pyrenees during the Variscan and Alpine Cycles 1 presents the evolution of geological knowledge of the Pyrenees as a result of major scientific research programs in the early 21st century.
This book, dedicated to the Variscan cycle and Cretaceous rifting, traces the evolution of the Pyrenean domain between 340 Ma and 90 Ma. It begins with an analysis of the state of knowledge of the Pyrenean basement, whose structure is inherited from the Variscan evolution of this domain. It then traces the kinematic evolution of the western Mediterranean domain since the Paleozoic. Finally, it discusses the evolution of our knowledge of Cretaceous rifting and the sedimentary and metasomatic processes associated with the individualization of the Iberian-Eurasian plate boundary.
Nicolas SASPITURRY, Jessica UZEL and Alexandre ORTIZ
Chapter 1. Tectonics and Geodynamics of the Variscan Cycle in the Pyrenees 1
Bryan COCHELIN, Charles GUMIAUX, Benjamin LE BAYON, Yoann DENÈLE and Thierry BAUDIN
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. State of the knowledge at the start of the RGF Pyrenees project 2
1.3. Variscan tectonics 19
1.4. Geodynamic integration 54
1.5. Implications of Paleozoic basement structuring on Alpine phases 59
1.6. References 63
Chapter 2. Structure and Texture of Pb-Zn Mineralization: Example of a Multiscale Study in the Pyrenees to Constrain One-forming Processes and Critical Metals Mobility 81
Alexandre CUGERONE, Bénédicte CENKI, Émilien OLIOT and Manuel MUÑOZ
2.1. Introduction 81
2.2. Geological overview of the Pyrenean Axial Zone . 85
2.3. Structures of the studied Pb-Zn mineralizations 87
2.4. A novel interest in base metal mineralizations: the presence of critical metals 93
2.5. Discussion and conclusions 95
2.6. References 96
Chapter 3. Meso-Cenozoic Kinematics of Western Europe Applied to the Pyrenean Domain 103
3.1. Introduction 103
3.2. Geological and scientific background 105
3.3. State of the art: the Iberian-European plate boundary and issues 108
3.4. Geodynamic evolution of the Western European domain 112
3.5. Discussion of the main scientific issues surrounding the kinematics of the Iberian plate 124
3.6. Acknowledgments 127
3.7. References 127
Chapter 4. Sedimentary Breccias Synextension in the North-Eastern Pyrenees 149
Tarik KERNIF, Thierry NALPAS, Romain BOUSQUET and Roman CHELALOU
4.1. Introduction 149
4.2. The breccias of the north-eastern Pyrenees 151
4.3. Discussion 159
4.4. Conclusion 162
4.5. References 163
Chapter 5. The North Pyrenean Zone: Hyper-thinned Rift Crust and Exhumed Mantle 165
5.1. The North Pyrenean Zone: introduction 165
5.2. The NPZ: a surprising association of varied lithologies 168
5.3. Mechanisms of crustal thinning and mantle denudation in the NPZ - recent field data and modern models 188
5.4. Conclusion 221
5.5. Acknowledgments 221
5.6. References 222
Chapter 6. The Bay of Biscay Opening in the Frame of the Iberian-European Plate Boundary Formation 241
Julie TUGEND and Isabelle THINON
6.1. Introduction 242
6.2. Structure and age of the Bay of Biscay . 245
6.3. The Bay of Biscay and the Iberian-European plate boundary 258
6.4. Future challenges 260
6.5. Acknowledgments 262
6.6. References 262
Chapter 7. The Trimouns Talc-Chlorite Deposit 273
7.1. The central place of Trimouns in the geology of the Pyrenees 273
7.2. Pyrenean talc and its exploitation 275
7.3. History of the work 279
7.4. Geological context 281
7.5. Lithology, structure and microstructures 284
7.6. Ore, mineralogy and fluids 295
7.7. Geochronological data 302
7.8. Synthesis and formation model 305
7.9. Conclusions and perspectives 306
7.10. Acknowledgments 309
7.11. References 310
List of Authors 317
Index 321
Jessica Uzel has a doctorate in geology and a degree in life, earth and universe sciences. She specializes in the post-compressive evolution of the Pyrenean domain.
Alexandre Ortiz has a doctorate in geology. He specializes in the syn- to post-compressive evolution of the North Pyrenean foreland basin.