Systems Biology
A Textbook

2. Auflage Mai 2016
504 Seiten, Softcover
Now a "big" textbook, "Systems Biology" comes in a large format with a vastly improved layout and professional artwork throughout. The website includes all figures as well as an exam prep version of the book; a section on medical systems biology has been added.
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"Systems Biology" hat sich in der Neuauflage zu einem großformatigen Lehrbuch mit einem in vielen Punkten verbesserten Layout und professionellen Illustrationen entwickelt. Die Website enthält sämtliche Abbildungen sowie eine Buchzusammenfassung für die Examensvorbereitung. Hinzugekommen ist auch ein Abschnitt zur medizinischen Systembiologie.
Modeling of Biochemical Systems
Structural Modeling and Analysis of Biochemical Networks
Kinetic Models of Biochemical Networks Introduction
Data Formats, Simulation Techniques, and Modeling Tools
Model Fitting, Reduction, and Coupling
Discrete, Stochastic, and Spatial Models
Network Structures, Dynamics and Function
Gene Expression Models
Variability, Robustness, and Information
Evolution and Optimality
Models of Biochemical Systems
Cell Biology
Experimental Techniques
Mathematical and Physical Concepts
Software Tools for Modeling
Wolfram Liebermeister (born 1972) studied physics in Tübingen and Hamburg and obtained a PhD of theoretical biophysics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In his works on complex biological systems, he points out functional aspects like variability, information, and optimality.
Christoph Wierling (born 1973) studied biology at the University of Münster and recently obtained a PhD degree on the modeling and simulation of biological systems.
Axel Kowald (born 1963) holds a PhD in mathematical biology from the National Institute for Medical Research, London. His current research interests focus on the mathematical modeling of processes involved in the biology of aging and systems biology.