Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes

1. Auflage April 2024
384 Seiten, Hardcover
1 Abbildungen (1 Farbabbildungen)
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
A resource for scientists and engineers for the design and safety analysis of intensified chemical processes ranging from general methods to specific applications
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PART I: Overview and Background
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Principles, Potential and Challenges of Intensified Chemical Processes
PART II: Methods and Tools for Simulation, Control and Safety Analysis
Chapter 3: Simulation and optimization of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 4: Dynamic Simulation and Control of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 5: Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes
PART III: Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 6: Control of a distillation column with dual steam and hot oil reboilers
Chapter 7: Design and control of an energy intensified side-stream extractive distillation for binary azeotropic separation of n-hexane and ethyl acetate
Chapter 8: Design and control of heterogeneous reactive distillation processes
Chapter 9: Design and analysis of control of a reactive dividing wall distillation column
Chapter 10: Vapor recompressed ternary batch distillation for separation zeotropic mixture: Dynamics and control
Chapter 11: Dynamics and control of middle vessel batch distillation with vapor recompression
Chapter 12: Development of a control structure of intensified biobutanol production
Chapter 13: Plantwide control and safety analysis of intensified diethyl oxalate production via regeneration-coupling circulation
Chapter 14: Safety analysis of different intensification techniques for algal biodiesel process
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Principles, Potential and Challenges of Intensified Chemical Processes
PART II: Methods and Tools for Simulation, Control and Safety Analysis
Chapter 3: Simulation and optimization of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 4: Dynamic Simulation and Control of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 5: Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes
PART III: Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes
Chapter 6: Control of a distillation column with dual steam and hot oil reboilers
Chapter 7: Design and control of an energy intensified side-stream extractive distillation for binary azeotropic separation of n-hexane and ethyl acetate
Chapter 8: Design and control of heterogeneous reactive distillation processes
Chapter 9: Design and analysis of control of a reactive dividing wall distillation column
Chapter 10: Vapor recompressed ternary batch distillation for separation zeotropic mixture: Dynamics and control
Chapter 11: Dynamics and control of middle vessel batch distillation with vapor recompression
Chapter 12: Development of a control structure of intensified biobutanol production
Chapter 13: Plantwide control and safety analysis of intensified diethyl oxalate production via regeneration-coupling circulation
Chapter 14: Safety analysis of different intensification techniques for algal biodiesel process
Prof. Gade Pandu Rangaiah has been with the National University of Singapore (NUS) since 1982, in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. He received his Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in chemical engineering, from Andhra University, IIT Kanpur, and Monash University, respectively. He worked in Engineers India Limited for two years before his Doctoral study. Prof. Rangaiah has received many teaching awards including the Annual Teaching Excellence Awards from NUS. His research interests are in modeling, optimization, and control of chemical and related processes.
Dr Dipesh S Patle has received Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degree from Amaravati University (India), Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani (India), and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) (Malaysia), respectively. He completed his post-doctorate at Politecnico di Milano (PILIMI), Italy. He has worked at BITS Pilani (India), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (India) and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) (India) in various capacities. Currently, he is associated with Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (India). His research interests include Biodiesel Synthesis, Process Intensification, Simulation, Plantwide Control and Operator Training Simulator development. He has many international publications to his credit and has visited several countries for various purposes, including conference presentations.
Dr Dipesh S Patle has received Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degree from Amaravati University (India), Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani (India), and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) (Malaysia), respectively. He completed his post-doctorate at Politecnico di Milano (PILIMI), Italy. He has worked at BITS Pilani (India), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (India) and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) (India) in various capacities. Currently, he is associated with Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (India). His research interests include Biodiesel Synthesis, Process Intensification, Simulation, Plantwide Control and Operator Training Simulator development. He has many international publications to his credit and has visited several countries for various purposes, including conference presentations.