Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences
An Analyst's Companion

1. Auflage März 2024
336 Seiten, Hardcover
150 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
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Table of Contents
1. Quantification
1.1 Define the Measurand (Analyte)
2. Calibration
2.1 Direct and Inverse Calibration
3. Precision
3.1 Outputs of Interlaboratory Studies
4. Trueness
4.1 Trueness and True Value
5. Method Validation
5.1 Review of Validation Procedures
6. Measurement Uncertainty (MU)
6.1 Principle of Measurement Uncertainty
7. Measurement Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences
7.1 Published Procedures: an evaluation
8. Measurement Uncertainty and Decision
8.1 Framework for decision-making
9. MU and Quantification Limits
9.1 Definitions and Assessment of LOQ
10. Examples of MU Application
10.1 Standard Addition Method and Drug Quality
11. Conclusions
11.1 Role of the Number of Replicates
12. Annexes
12.1 The 10-step MAP procedure
1. Quantification
1.1 Define the Measurand (Analyte)
2. Calibration
2.1 Direct and Inverse Calibration
3. Precision
3.1 Outputs of Interlaboratory Studies
4. Trueness
4.1 Trueness and True Value
5. Method Validation
5.1 Review of Validation Procedures
6. Measurement Uncertainty (MU)
6.1 Principle of Measurement Uncertainty
7. Measurement Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences
7.1 Published Procedures: an evaluation
8. Measurement Uncertainty and Decision
8.1 Framework for decision-making
9. MU and Quantification Limits
9.1 Definitions and Assessment of LOQ
10. Examples of MU Application
10.1 Standard Addition Method and Drug Quality
11. Conclusions
11.1 Role of the Number of Replicates
12. Annexes
12.1 The 10-step MAP procedure
Max Feinberg has held various positions of research director at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA). An important part of his work is in the field of chemometrics which he initiated in France and analytical chemistry of food. He has organized and chaired various congresses, served on the editorial boards of several journals, and coordinated various European research projects. He has developed theoretical and practical expertise in statistical processing and modeling of chemical data, validation of analytical methods and estimation of measurement uncertainty in chemistry.
Serge Rudaz is full professor in the Section pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He is a specialist in the analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological matrices. He is an expert in method validation, as well as in Multivariate data analysis (MVA) for metabolomics. Serge Rudaz has contributed to the field of analytical sciences with various activities, including conferences and visiting professorships at different universities.
Serge Rudaz is full professor in the Section pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He is a specialist in the analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological matrices. He is an expert in method validation, as well as in Multivariate data analysis (MVA) for metabolomics. Serge Rudaz has contributed to the field of analytical sciences with various activities, including conferences and visiting professorships at different universities.