John Wiley & Sons Enterprise Interoperability Cover The book contains the short papers of the Third International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise .. Product #: 978-1-84821-317-3 Regular price: $157.94 $157.94 Auf Lager

Enterprise Interoperability

IWEI 2011 Proceedings

Zelm, Martin / van Sinderen, Marten / Doumeingts, Guy / Johnson, Potus (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage Juli 2011
278 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-84821-317-3
John Wiley & Sons

The book contains the short papers of the Third International IFIP
Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI 2011, held
March 22-23, 2011, in Stockholm, Sweden, and the papers of the
co-located IWEI Workshops, held on March 21, 2011.

The IWEI Working Conference highlighted developments in the
following areas: scientific foundations for specifying, analyzing
and validating interoperability solutions; architectural frameworks
for addressing interoperability challenges from different
viewpoints and at different levels of abstraction; maturity models
to evaluate and rank interoperability solutions with respect to
distinguished quality criteria; and working sets of practical
solutions, standards and tools that can be applied to
interoperability problems.

The IWEI Workshops complemented the IWEI Working Conference and
explored new issues and solutions in enterprise interoperability in
four separate workshops: (1) Enterprise 2.0 - Using Internet
2.0 Technologies in Enterprise Management; (2) Semantic
Interoperability in the Scope of Future Energy Smart Grids; (3)
Advanced Results in MDI/SOA Innovation; and (4) Standards Ensuring
Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration - State of the
Art and Perspectives. The Workshops offered opportunities to
discuss issues raised and to brainstorm about possible solution

Foreword p. Johnson ix

Preface M.. zei.m M. van slnderen G.Doumeingts p. johnson xi

Part 1 Workshop Proceedings 1

Workshop Wl Enterprise 2.0, Using Internet 2.0 Technologies in Enterprise Management 3

Workshop Wl Report R. Chalmeta V. Pazos 5

Workshop W2 Semantic Interoperability in the Scope of Future Energy Smart Grids 9

Interoperability between Temporal Domains in Real-time Control of Active Distribution Networks L. Nordstrom R. Gustavsson 11

Solving the Mismatches between the Electric System Ontologies R. Santodomingo J.A. Rodriguez-Mondejar M.A. Sanz-Bobi 21

Dynamic Virtual Enterprises - The Challenges of the Utility Industry for Enterprise Architecture Management S. Buckl R. Marliani F. Matthes CM. Schweda 31

Coping with Smart Grid - Standardization and Enterprise Architecture at your Service M. Postma M.Uslar S.Rohjans U. Steffens 37

A Standards-Based Security Approach with Interoperable Interfaces for the Smart Grid P. Beenken,C. Pries, S.Abels, M. Uslar 47

Workshop W3 Advanced Results in MDI/SOA Innovation 59

Reference Ontologies for Manufacturing-based Ecosystems R..YOUNG N.'Chungoora Z.-Usman N. Anjum G. Gunendran C. Palmer J. Harding K. Case A.-F. Cutting-Decelle 61

Interoperability for Product Design and Manufacturing Application in the Aeronautical Industry Y.Ducq N.Zouggar J.C.Deschamps G.Doumeingts 73

Knowledge-based System for Semantics Adaptability of Enterprise Information Systems J. Sarraipa R. Jardim-Goncalves 89

A Model-DrivenApproach to Interoperability in B2B Data Exchange D. Roman B.Morin S.Wang A.J. Berre 107

MDI for SOA Management of a Crisis A.-M. Barthe F. Benaben S. Truptil J.-P. Lorre H. Pingaud 123

Workshop W4 Standards Ensuring Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration, the State of the Art and Perspectives 135

Standards and Initiatives for Service Modeling - The Case of OMG SoaML D. Roman C.Carrez B.Elvesaeter A.-J. Berre 137

Standard for eBusiness in SMEs Networks: the Increasing Role of Customization Rules and Conformance Testing Tools to Achieve Interoperability A. Brutti P. de Sabbata A. Frascella C. Novelli N. Gessa 147

CEN/ISO 11354 - Framework and Maturity Model for Enterprise Interoperability D.Chen 159

Standards Ensuring Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration, Challenges and Opportunities M. Forsberg 171

Part2 IWEI 2011 Short Papers 179

Modeling Enterprise Architecture Transformations S.Buckx F.Matthes I.Monahov C.M. Schweda 181

Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Comparison of Business Vocabulary and Rules I. Martinez de Soria X. Larrucea N. Esteban 197

SA-Policy: Semantic Annotations for WS-Policy N. Boissel-Dallier J.-P. Lorre F. Benaben 213

Shape Feature-Based Ontological Engineering Product Models N. Anjum J. Harding B. Young K. Case 223

Wrapping Legacy Systems to Support SOA Migration Using Enterprise Service Bus T. Kokko J. Vainio T. SystA 243

Author Index 261
Martin Zelm, an engineer, is co-founder of the CIMOSA Association, holds a management position in engineering development at IBM Germany, and works at InterOP Virtual Laboratory in Brussels, Belgium.

Marten van Sinderen is a professor at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands.

Pontus Johnson is a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.