John Wiley & Sons A Companion to Greek Architecture Cover A Companion to Greek Architecture provides an expansive overview of the topic, including design, eng.. Product #: 978-1-119-24553-7 Regular price: $52.24 $52.24 Auf Lager

A Companion to Greek Architecture

Miles, Margaret M. (Herausgeber)

Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World


1. Auflage April 2020
614 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-24553-7
John Wiley & Sons

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A Companion to Greek Architecture provides an expansive overview of the topic, including design, engineering, and construction as well as theory, reception, and lasting impact.
* Covers both sacred and secular structures and complexes, with particular attention to architectural decoration, such as sculpture, interior design, floor mosaics, and wall painting
* Makes use of new research from computer-driven technologies, the study of inscriptions and archaeological evidence, and recently excavated buildings
* Brings together original scholarship from an esteemed group of archaeologists and art historians
* Presents the most up-to-date English language coverage of Greek architecture in several decades while also sketching out important areas and structures in need of further research

Preface viii

List of Illustrations ix

List of Maps xix

Notes on Contributors xx

Introduction xxiv

Part I Invention, Design, and Construction 1

1 Landscape and Setting 3
Betsey A. Robinson

2 Early Greek Temples 15
Alexander Mazarakis Ainian

3 Monumentality and Foreign Influence in Early Greek Temples 31
Barbara A. Barletta

4 Origins and Design of Terracotta Roofs in the Seventh Century bce 46
Philip Sapirstein

5 The Greek East: Temples and Engineering 60
John R. Senseney

6 The Greek West: Temples and their Decoration 75
Clemente Marconi

7 The Use of Geometry by Ancient Greek Architects 92
Rocco Leonardis

8 How Buildings Were Constructed 105
Nancy L. Klein

Part II Temples and Sanctuaries 119

9 "Internationalism" in Architecture: Olympia 121
Nancy L. Klein

10 Prestige in Greek Sanctuaries: Delphi 135
Michael Scott

11 The Periclean Acropolis 147
Robin F. Rhodes

12 Color and Carving: Architectural Decoration in Mainland Greece 164
Jenifer Neils

13 Attic Sanctuaries 178
Jessica Paga

14 Inscribing Construction: The Financing and Administration of Public Building in Greek Sanctuaries 194
Robert K. Pitt

15 The Interiors of Greek Temples 206
Margaret M. Miles

16 Scale, Architects, and Architectural Theory 223
John R. Senseney

Part III Civic Space 239

17 Urban Planning and Infrastructure 241
Betsey A. Robinson

18 Protection and Trade: Girding the City 254
Spencer Pope

19 The Architecture of Greek Houses 273
Barbara Tsakirgis

20 Hellenistic Royal Palaces 288
Stella G. Miller

21 The Greek Agora 300
John McK. Camp II

22 Athletics: Stadia, Gymnasia, Palaistrai, and Hippodromes 314
David Gilman Romano

23 Greek Baths 328
Sandra K. Lucore

24 Bouleuteria and Odeia 342
John McK. Camp II

25 The Greek Theater 360
Jessica Paga

26 Commemorating the Dead: Grave Markers, Tombs, and Tomb Paintings, 400-30 bce 374
Olga Palagia

Part IV Reception 391

27 The Spread of Greek Architecture: Labraunda 393
Gretchen Umholtz

28 Pergamon and Pergamene Influence 406
Kristen Seaman

29 New Directions in Hellenistic Sanctuaries 424
Bonna D. Wescoat

30 Three Seaside Wonders: Pharos, Mausoleum and Colossus 440
Ingrid D. Rowland

31 From Hellenistic to Roman Architecture 454
Rhys F. Townsend

32 Hellenistic Architecture in Italy: Consuetudo Italica 470
Thomas Noble Howe

33 French Architectural Thought and the Idea of Greece 487
Christopher Drew Armstrong

34 The Reception of Greek Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain 509
Jason M. Kelly

35 Ancient Ruins and Their Preservation: The Case Study of the Parthenon's East Porch 526
Lena Lambrinou

Glossary 546

Index 553
Margaret M. Miles is Professor of Art History and Classics at the University of California-Irvine, USA. She was the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Classical Studies at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2008-2014. She is the author of a block-by-block study of the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous (Hesperia 1989); a volume in the Agora excavation series, Agora XXXI: The City Eleusinion (1998); Art as Plunder: The Ancient Origins of Debate about Cultural Property (2008); and Editor of Cleopatra: A Sphinx Revisited (2011) and Autopsy in Athens - Recent Archaeological Research in Athens and Attica (2015). She is currently writing a book on fifth-century Greek religious architecture.

M. M. Miles, University of California, Irvine