John Wiley & Sons Security and Privacy Vision in 6G Cover SECURITY AND PRIVACY VISION IN 6G Prepare for the future of mobile communication with this comprehe.. Product #: 978-1-119-87540-6 Regular price: $116.82 $116.82 Auf Lager

Security and Privacy Vision in 6G

A Comprehensive Guide

Porambage, Pawani / Liyanage, Madhusanka


1. Auflage August 2023
384 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-87540-6
John Wiley & Sons

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Prepare for the future of mobile communication with this comprehensive study

6G is the next frontier in mobile communication, with development of 6G standards slated to begin as early as 2026. As telecommunications networks become faster and more intelligent, security and privacy concerns are critical. In an increasingly connected world, there is an urgent need for user data to be safeguarded and system security enhanced against a new generation of threats.

Security and Privacy Vision in 6G provides a comprehensive survey of these threats and the emerging techniques for safeguarding against them. It includes mechanisms for prediction, detection, mitigation, and prevention, such that threats to privacy and security can be forestalled at any stage. Fully engaged with proposed 6G architectures, it is an essential resource for mobile communications professionals looking for a head start on the technology of the future.

Security and Privacy Vision in 6G readers will also find:
* Detailed coverage of topics including edge intelligence and cloudification, industrial automation, collaborative robots, and more
* Treatment balancing the practical and the theoretical
* An editorial team with decades of international network technology experience in both industry and academia

Security and Privacy Vision in 6G is a vital reference for network security professionals and for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students in mobile communications and network security-related fields.

Acronyms xvii

About the Authors xix

Foreword xx

Preface xxii

Acknowledgments xxv

Part I Introduction 1

1 Evolution of Mobile Networks 3

1.1 Introduction 3

1.2 6G Mobile Communication Networks 4

1.2.1 6G as Envisioned Today 6

1.3 Key Driving Trends Toward 6G 6

1.4 6G Requirements/Vision 8

1.4.1 6G Development Timeline 10

References 12

2 Key 6G Technologies 15

2.1 Radio Network Technologies 15

2.1.1 Beyond Sub 6 GHz Toward THz Communication 15

2.1.2 Nonterrestrial Networks Toward 3D Networking 17

2.2 AI/ML/FL 19

2.3 DLT/Blockchain 22

2.4 Edge Computing 24

2.5 Quantum Communication 27

2.6 Other New Technologies 29

2.6.1 Visible Light Communications 29

2.6.2 Large Intelligent Surfaces 30

2.6.3 Compressive Sensing 30

2.6.4 Zero-Touch Network and Service Management 31

2.6.5 Efficient Energy Transfer and Harvesting 32

References 33

3 6G Security Vision 43

3.1 Overview of 6G Security Vision 43

3.1.1 New 6G Requirements 43

3.2 6G Security Vision and KPIs 45

3.2.1 Security Threat Landscape for 6G Architecture 47

References 48

Part II Security in 6G Architecture 51

4 6G Device Security 53

4.1 Overview of 6G Devices 53

4.2 6G Device Security Challenges 55

4.2.1 Growth of Data Collection 55

4.2.2 Cloud Connectivity 56

4.2.3 Device Capacity 56

4.2.4 Ultrasaturated Devices 56

4.3 Addressing Device Security in 6G 57

References 58

5 Open RAN and RAN-Core Convergence 59

5.1 Introduction 59

5.2 Open RAN Architecture 62

5.3 Threat Vectors and Security Risks Associated with Open RAN 65

5.3.1 Threat Taxonomy 65

5.3.2 Risks Related to the Process 65 Prerequisites 65 General Regulations 67 Privacy 67 People 68

5.3.3 Risks Related to the Technology 68 Open Source Software 68 Radio/Open Interface 70 Intelligence 71 Virtualization 73

5.3.4 Global Risks 76

5.4 Security Benefits of Open RAN 77

5.4.1 Open RAN specific 77 Full Visibility 77 Selection of Best Modules 78 Diversity 78 Modularity 78 Enforcement of Security Controls 79 Open Interfaces 79 Open Source Software 79 Automation 79 Open Standards 80

5.4.2 V-RAN Specific 80 Isolation 80 Increased Scalability for Security Management 80 Control Trust 80 Less Dependency Between hardware [HW] and SW 80 Private Network 81 More Secure Storage of Key Material 81

5.4.3 5G Networks Related 81 Edge Oriented 81 Simpler Security Model 81

5.5 Conclusion 82

References 82

6 Edge Intelligence 89

6.1 Overview of Edge Intelligence 89

6.2 State-of-the-Art Related to 5G 92

6.2.1 Denial of Service (DOS) 92

6.2.2 Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack 92

6.2.3 Privacy Leakage 93

6.3 State-of-the-Art Related to 6G 94

6.3.1 Training Dataset Manipulation 94

6.3.2 Interception of Private Information 95

6.3.3 Attacks on Learning Agents 95

6.4 Edge Computing Security in Autonomous Driving 95

6.5 Future and Challenges 96

References 97

7 Specialized 6G Networks and Network Slicing 103

7.1 Overview of 6G Specialized Networks 103

7.2 Network Slicing in 6G 104

7.2.1 Trust in Network Slicing 105

7.2.2 Privacy Aspects in Network Slicing 106

7.2.3 Solutions for Privacy and Trust in NS 107

References 107

8 Industry 5.0 109

8.1 Introduction 109

8.2 Motivations Behind the Evolution of Industry 5.0 111

8.3 Key Features of Industry 5.0 112

8.3.1 Smart Additive Manufacturing 112

8.3.2 Predictive Maintenance 113

8.3.3 Hyper Customization 113

8.3.4 Cyber-Physical Cognitive Systems 114

8.4 Security of Industry 5.0 115

8.4.1 Security Issues of Industry 5.0 116

8.5 Privacy of Industry 5.0 118

References 120

Part III Security in 6G Use Cases 125

9 Metaverse Security in 6G 127

9.1 Overview of Metaverse 127

9.2 What Is Metaverse? 128

9.2.1 Metaverse Architecture 129

9.2.2 Key Characteristics of Metaverse 130

9.2.3 Role of 6G in Metaverse 131

9.3 Security Threats in Metaverse 132

9.4 Countermeasures for Metaverse Security Threats 133

9.5 New Trends in Metaverse Security 134

10 Society 5.0 and Security 135

10.1 Industry and Society Evolution 135

10.1.1 Industry 4.0 136

10.1.2 Society 5.0 140

10.2 Technical Enablers and Challenges 144

10.2.1 Dependable Wireless Connectivity 144 New Spectrum and Extreme Massive MIMO 144 In-X Subnetworks 146 Semantic Communication 146

10.2.2 Integrated Communication, Control, Computation, and Sensing 147 CoCoCo 147 JCAS 148

10.2.3 Intelligence Everywhere 149

10.2.4 Energy Harvesting and Transfer 149 Energy Harvesting 149 Wireless Power Transfer 150

10.3 Security in Society 5.0 151

References 152

11 6G-Enabled Internet of Vehicles 157

11.1 Overview of V2X Communication and IoV 157

11.2 IoV Use Cases 159

11.3 Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) 160

11.4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Future IoV 161

11.5 Security Landscape for IoV 161

11.5.1 Security Threats 162

11.5.2 Security Requirements 163

References 164

12 Smart Grid 2.0 Security 167

12.1 Introduction 167

12.2 Evolution of SG 2.0 168

12.3 Smart Grid 2.0 169

12.3.1 Comparison of Smart Grids 1.0 and 2.0 170

12.4 Role of 6G in SG 2.0 171

12.5 Security Challenges of SG 2.0 172

12.5.1 Physical Attacks 172

12.5.2 Software Attacks 174

12.5.3 Network Attacks 174

12.5.4 Attacks to the Controller 175

12.5.5 Encryption-Related Attacks 176

12.5.6 AI- and ML-Related Attacks 176

12.5.7 Stability and Reliability of Power Supply 177

12.5.8 Secure and Transparent Energy Trading Among Prosumers and Consumers 178

12.5.9 Efficient and Reliable Communication Topology for Information and Control Signal Exchange 179

12.6 Privacy Issues of SG2. 0 179

12.7 Trust Management 180

12.8 Security and Privacy Standardization on SG 2.0 181

References 182

Part IV Privacy in 6G Vision 185

13 6G Privacy 187

13.1 Introduction 187

13.2 Privacy Taxonomy 188

13.3 Privacy in Actions on Data 189

13.3.1 Information Collection 189

13.3.2 Information Processing 190

13.3.3 Information Dissemination 191

13.3.4 Invasion 191

13.4 Privacy Types for 6G 191

13.4.1 Data 191

13.4.2 Actions and Personal Behavior 192

13.4.3 Image and Video 192

13.4.4 Communication 193

13.4.5 Location 193

13.5 6G Privacy Goals 194

13.5.1 Ensure of Privacy-Protected Big Data 194

13.5.2 Privacy Guarantees for Edge Networks 194

13.5.3 Achieving Balance Between Privacy and Performance of Services 195

13.5.4 Standardization of Privacy in Technologies, and Applications 195

13.5.5 Balance the Interests in Privacy Protection in Global Context 196

13.5.6 Achieving Proper Utilization of Interoperability and Data Portability 196

13.5.7 Quantifying Privacy and Privacy Violations 197 Achieving Privacy Protected AI-Driven Automated Network Management Operations 198

13.5.8 Getting Explanations of AI Actions for Privacy Requirements 198

References 198

14 6G Privacy Challenges and Possible Solution 201

14.1 Introduction 201

14.2 6G Privacy Challenges and Issues 202

14.2.1 Advanced 6G Applications with New Privacy Requirements 204

14.2.2 Privacy Preservation Limitations for B5G/6G Control and Orchestration Layer 204

14.2.3 Privacy Attacks on AI Models 205

14.2.4 Privacy Requirements in Cloud Computing and Storage Environments 206

14.2.5 Privacy Issues in Edge Computing and Edge AI 206

14.2.6 Cost on Privacy Enhancements 207

14.2.7 Limited Availability of Explainable AI (XAI) Techniques 208

14.2.8 Ambiguity in Responsibility of Data Ownership 209

14.2.9 Data Communication Confidentiality Issues 209

14.2.10 Private Data Access Limitations 210

14.2.11 Privacy Differences Based on Location 210

14.2.12 Lack of Understanding of Privacy Rights and Threats in General Public 210

14.2.13 Difficulty in Defining Levels and Indicators for Privacy 211 Proper Evaluation of Potential Privacy Leakages from Non-personal Data 211

14.3 Privacy Solutions for 6G 212

14.3.1 Privacy-Preserving Decentralized AI 212

14.3.2 Edge AI 212

14.3.3 Intelligent Management with Privacy 213

14.3.4 XAI for Privacy 213

14.3.5 Privacy Measures for Personally Identifiable Information 214

14.3.6 Blockchain-Based Solutions 215

14.3.7 Lightweight and Quantum Resistant Encryption Mechanisms 215

14.3.8 Homomorphic Encryption 216

14.3.9 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Techniques 217 Syntactic Anonymization 218 Differential Privacy 218

14.3.10 Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default 219

14.3.11 Regulation of Government, Industry, and Consumer 220

14.3.12 Other Solutions 221 Location Privacy Considerations 221 Personalized Privacy 222 Fog Computing Privacy 222

References 222

15 Legal Aspects and Security Standardization 227

15.1 Legal 227

15.2 Security Standardization 229

15.2.1 ETSI 229

15.2.2 ITU-T 230

15.2.3 3GPP 230

15.2.4 NIST 231

15.2.5 IETF 231

15.2.6 5G PPP 231

15.2.7 NGMN 231

15.2.8 IEEE 232

References 232

Part V Security in 6G Technologies 235

16 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain 237

16.1 Introduction 237

16.2 What Is Blockchain 238

16.2.1 Types of Blockchain 239

16.3 What Is Smart Contracts 240

16.4 Salient Features of Blockchain 240

16.5 Key Security Challenges Which Blockchain Can Solve 242

16.5.1 Role of Blockchain 242

16.6 Key Privacy Challenges Which Blockchain Can Solve 244

16.6.1 Key Challenges 244

16.6.2 Role of Blockchain 245

16.7 Threat Landscape of Blockchain 246

16.8 Possible Solutions to Secure 6G Blockchains 248

References 249

17 AI/ML for 6G Security 257

17.1 Overview of 6G Intelligence 257

17.2 AI for 6G Security 259

17.3 Use of AI to Identify/Mitigate Pre-6G Security Issues 259

17.4 AI to Mitigate Security Issues of 6G Architecture 261

17.5 AI to Mitigate Security Issues of 6G Technologies 262

17.6 Security Issues in AI 263

17.7 Using AI to Attack 6G 263

References 264

18 Role of Explainable AI in 6G Security 267

18.1 What Is Explainable AI (XAI) 267

18.1.1 Terminologies of XAI 268

18.1.2 Taxonomy of XAI 269

18.1.3 XAI Methods 270

18.2 Use of XAI for 6G 273

18.3 XAI for 6G Security 275

18.3.1 XAI for 6G Devices and IoT Security 277

18.3.2 XAI for 6G RAN 277

18.3.3 XAI for 6G Edge 278

18.3.4 XAI for 6G Core and Backhaul 278

18.3.5 XAI for 6G Network Automation 279

18.4 New Security Issues of XAI 280

18.4.1 Increased Vulnerability to Adversarial ML Attacks 280

18.4.2 Difficulty to Design Secure ML Applications 281

18.4.3 New Attack Vector and Target 283

References 284

19 Zero Touch Network and Service Management (ZSM) Security 291

19.1 Introduction 291

19.1.1 Need of Zero-Touch Network and Service Management 292

19.1.2 Importance of ZSM for 5G and Beyond 292

19.2 ZSM Reference Architecture 293

19.2.1 Components 294 Management Services 294 Management Functions 295 Management Domains 295 The E2E Service Management Domain 295 Integration Fabric 295 Data Services 296

19.3 Security Aspects 296

19.3.1 ML/AI-Based Attacks 296 White-Box Attack 297 Black-Box Attack 297

19.3.2 Open API Security Threats 297 Parameter Attacks 298

19.3.3 Intent-Based Security Threats 298 Data Exposure 298 Tampering 299

19.3.4 Automated Closed-Loop Network-Based Security Threats 299 MITM Attack 299 Deception Attacks 299

19.3.5 Threats Due to Programmable Network Technologies 299

19.3.6 Possible Threats on ZSM Framework Architecture 300

References 300

20 Physical Layer Security 305

20.1 Introduction 305

20.2 Physical Layer Security Background 306

20.2.1 PLS Fundamentals 306

20.2.2 PLS Approaches 307 Confidentiality (Edgar) 307 Physical Layer Authentication 308 Secret Key Generation 309

20.3 The Prospect of PLS in 6G 310

20.3.1 Application Scenarios of PLS in 6G 311

20.3.2 6G Technologies and PLS 312 IRS 312 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 313

20.3.3 Cell-Free mMIMO 315

20.3.4 Visible Light Communication (VLC) 316

20.3.5 Terahertz Communication 317

20.3.6 Joint Communications and Sensing 318

References 319

21 Quantum Security and Postquantum Cryptography 327

21.1 Overview of 6G and Quantum Computing 327

21.2 Quantum Computing 328

21.3 Quantum Security 329

21.3.1 Quantum Key Distribution 330

21.3.2 Information-Theoretic Security 331

21.4 Postquantum Cryptography 332

21.4.1 Background 332

21.4.2 PQC Methods 333

21.4.3 PQC Standardization 335

21.4.4 Challenges with PQC 335

21.4.5 Future Directions of PQC 336

21.4.6 6G and PQC 337

References 337

Part VI Concluding Remarks 341

22 Concluding Remarks 343

Index 345
Pawani Porambage, D.Sc is Senior Scientist at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and a Docent at University of Oulu. She has nearly a decade of network security experience and has authored or co-authored more than sixty publications.

Madhusanka Liyanage, D.Sc is Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. He received the 2020 IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher Award and has published widely on 6G, network security, and related subjects.

P. Porambage, University of Oulu, Finland; M. Liyanage, University College Dublin, Ireland