John Wiley & Sons Architecture of the Possible Cover As a philosopher and a novelist, Tristan Garcia inhabits two worlds, metaphysics and literary fictio.. Product #: 978-1-5095-5224-5 Regular price: $17.66 $17.66 Auf Lager

Architecture of the Possible

Garcia, Tristan / Durand, Jean-Marie

Übersetzt von Cogburn, Jog / RayAlexander, Christopher / RayAlexander, Abigail


1. Auflage September 2022
153 Seiten, Softcover

ISBN: 978-1-5095-5224-5
John Wiley & Sons


As a philosopher and a novelist, Tristan Garcia inhabits two worlds, metaphysics and literary fiction, like an amphibious creature moving between the land and the sea, breathing in both air and water. He is drawn to metaphysics because, as he puts it, metaphysics is the edge of the abyss of thought, the unstable frontier of indeterminacy where thinking is no longer constrained by the principles of logic or the law of non-contradiction. Metaphysics seeks to describe the world from outside one's own point of view. It aims at an ecstatic reconstruction of what keeps us locked up in our conditions, in our time and place, here among the living, with our subjectivities and within our situations. It gives us an idea of all constraints from a point of view that posits the possible absence of the constraint of having a point of view.

The ambition of this slender book - which is at the same time a concise introduction to Garcia's work and thought - is to help us grasp and transform the conditions of our existence by paying equal attention to what is ending and what is just beginning, to the dusk and to the dawn. Until we cannot hold our breath any longer.

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As a philosopher and a novelist, Tristan Garcia inhabits two worlds, metaphysics and literary fiction, like an amphibious creature moving between the land and the sea, breathing in both air and water. He is drawn to metaphysics because, as he puts it, metaphysics is the edge of the abyss of thought, the unstable frontier of indeterminacy where thinking is no longer constrained by the principles of logic or the law of non-contradiction. Metaphysics seeks to describe the world from outside one's own point of view. It aims at an ecstatic reconstruction of what keeps us locked up in our conditions, in our time and place, here among the living, with our subjectivities and within our situations. It gives us an idea of all constraints from a point of view that posits the possible absence of the constraint of having a point of view.

The ambition of this slender book - which is at the same time a concise introduction to Garcia's work and thought - is to help us grasp and transform the conditions of our existence by paying equal attention to what is ending and what is just beginning, to the dusk and to the dawn. Until we cannot hold our breath any longer.

Language, Thought, and Fiction

Philosophical Feeling

Philosophical Orientation

Intensification, Extension, Breaking Point

Literature: Ideas in a Body

Models of Concision and Models of Profusion

Childhood and Irenicism


Finding a Viewpoint



Nuanced Minds and Rough Minds


The Enemy


Progress and Movement

The World After

Thinking Saves
"The primary trait of Tristan Garcia as an author is his consistent freshness: to read him is to press the reset button in your brain and awaken with a new hope. In this book, his most personal so far, he pulls off the impressive feat of reviving the reader's courage while speaking primarily of himself. Such is the disarming modesty of this multi-talented thinker."
Graham Harman, Southern California Institute of Architecture
Tristan Garcia is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Lyon and a prize-winning novelist. He is the author of Form and Object: A Treatise on Things, The Life Intense: A Modern Obsession and We Ourselves: The Politics of US, among other works. In 2008 he won the Prix de Flore for his first novel, Hate: A Romance.