Stereochemistry and Stereoselective Synthesis
An Introduction

1. Auflage August 2016
XIV, 265 Seiten, Softcover
150 Abbildungen (30 Farbabbildungen)
A concise introduction to the key concepts of stereochemistry and stereoselective synthesis.
Extensively illustrated in color, with practical examples, and question-answer sets. In addition, animations are available online.
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Dieses Lehrbuch aus der Feder anerkannter und erfahrener Autoren füllt ein Lücke. Endlich steht eine prägnante Einführung in Schlüsselkonzepte der organischen Stereochemie und in wichtige klassische sowie moderne Methoden der stereoselektiven Synthese zur Verfügung. Die Konzepte sind reichhaltig in Farbe illustriert. Praktische Beispiel sowie Frage-/Antwortabschnitte tragen zur Festigung der Lehrstoffes bei. Über die Wiley-Website sind Animationen verfügbar. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für Studenten der Chemie, Biochemie und Biowissenschaften, für Forscher in Pharmaunternehmen und Firmen der Agrochemie, die eine schnelle Einführung in das Fachgebiet suchen.
1.) Structure and Properties
2.) Concepts of Stereochemistry
3.) Time Scales, Conformational Changes
4.) Tautomerism
5.) Absolute Configuration
6.) Enantiomeric Composition
7.) Main Types of Selectivities
8.) Classification of Selectivities
9.) Stereospecific and Stereoselective Reactions
10.) Applications of Stereoselective Reactions
11.) Stoichiometric Methods
12.) Catalytic Methods
László Poppe is a professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. He graduated as a chemical engineer from Technical University of Budapest in 1983 and completed his PhD in organic chemistry with Prof. L. Novák in 1987. He then was a research fellow at the Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and spent one year (1991-1992) as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow with Prof. J. Rétey at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. He became professor and head of the Bioorganic Chemistry group at the Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology at BME in 2005. His research interests are centered on stereoselective synthesis of biologically active compounds, biocatalysis, and enzyme mechanisms.
József Nagy is a research fellow in the group of Prof. L. Poppe at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. He graduated as a chemical engineer and completed his PhD with Prof. J. Nyitray in 1980.
Gábor Hornyánszky is an associate professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. After having obtained his PhD, he worked as postdoctoral fellow, and then became a researcher in the alkaloid chemistry group at BME. Currently he is working in the group of Prof. L. Poppe at BME. He is also the Head of the Dean's Office at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
Zoltán Boros is a reserch fellow of the group of Prof. L. Poppe at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. He graduated as a chemical engineer and completed his PhD with Prof. L. Poppe in 2014.