Molecular Photoswitches
Chemistry, Properties, and Applications

1. Auflage Juni 2022
1152 Seiten, Hardcover
100 Abbildungen (100 Farbabbildungen)
Umfassende Darstellung des neuen Bereichs der molekularen Photoschalter: chemische Klassen, Anwendungen für die Materialwissenschaft und biologische Systeme. Ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für alle, die in diesem interdisziplinären Bereich arbeiten.
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INTRODUCTION: Interplay of Light and Matter
1. Photophysical Properties of Molecular Photoswitches
2. Computational Methods and Photochromism
PART I: Chemical Classes of Molecular Photoswitches
3. Azobenzenes: The Quest for Visible Light Triggering
4. Diazocines - Bridged Azobenzenes with Unusual Properties
5. Arylazoheterocycles
6. Arylhydrazones
7. Spiropyrans - Molecules with Multiple Facets
8. Diarylethenes
9. Fulgides and Fulgimides
10. Dihydropyrene/Cyclophanediene
11. Chiroptical Molecular Switches
12. Stilbenes Revisited
13. Indigoids
14. Dono-Acceptor Stenhouse Adducts
15. Photochromic Imines
16. Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane (NBD/QC) and Conversion of Solar Energy
17. Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene (DHA/VHF) and Molecular Electronics
18. Other Emerging Switches
19. Photochromism of Coordination Compounds
20. Catalysis with Molecular Switches
PART II: Materials Based on Molecular Photoswitches
21. Multinary Molecular Switches and their Applications
22. Light-Induced Solid-to-Liquid Transitions of Photochromic Materials
23. Rapid Switching and Holographx
24. Photoswitchable Ion Receptors
25. Molecular Switches in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Actuator
26. Photochromism in Liquid Crystals
27. Superresolution Microscopy with Photoswitchable Fluorophores
28. Photochromic Nanoparticles: From Fluorescence to Assembly
29. Photochromism and Mechanical Performance of Diarylethene Molecular Crystals
30. Light-Triggered Metal-Organic Frameworks
31. Molecular Switches and Motors in 2D Assemblies
32. Light-Driven Molecular Machines
33. Photochromic Molecular Logic Devices
PART III: Photomodulation of Biological Systems
34. In Vivo Applications of Photoswitchable Bioactive Compounds
35. Photopharmacology of Antibiotic Agents
36. Photoswitchable Cytotoxins
37. Photopharmacology of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
38. Photoswitching of Ion Channels
39. Photochromic Oligonucleotides
40. Photochromic Peptides and Peptoids
41. Photochromic Saccharides
42. Light-Propelled Muscles and Photoregulation of Motor Proteins
43. Computational Design of Photochromic Proteins