Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2
Issues, Tensions, Processes and Governance in the Mediterranean
1. Auflage März 2024
352 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Since 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has embraced a number of principles that link the political, scientific and academic spheres.
Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2 is a reminder of the fundamental issues involved in governance. The diversity and multiplicity of stakeholders, and the complexity of the interplay between them, as well as their organization, are decisive factors in the proper management of resources and territories.
The book also presents a number of case studies demonstrating that, between the strong development aspirations of their populations, the impact of human activities and the need to conserve their biological heritage, the biosphere reserves of the southern Mediterranean are facing major issues: agricultural pollution, forest fires, water use in a context of climate change, etc.
Introduction xxiii
Angela BARTHES, Catherine CIBIEN and Bruno ROMAGNY
Part 1 Process, Governance and Climate Change Across the Mediterranean 1
Introduction to Part 1 3
Catherine CIBIEN
Chapter 1 Biosphere Reserves in National Legislation and Public Policy 5
Catherine CIBIEN, Lahoucine AMZIL, Joelle BARAKAT, Antonio BONTEMPI, Pierre DOUMET and Maria Carmen ROMERA-PUGA
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 The place of the "biosphere reserve" in national legislation 6
1.3 The place of MAB national committees in national governments 9
1.4 The place of the "biosphere reserve" model in public policy 13
1.5 Discussion 26
1.6 References 28
Chapter 2 The Emergence and Evolution of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves in France 31
Catherine CIBIEN
2.1 Profound changes across first-generation sites (1977) 31
2.2 The recognition of local development projects promoting natural and cultural heritage 34
2.3 References 37
Chapter 3 Perspectives on Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 39
Ken REYNA, Martí BOADA and Mchich DERAK
3.1 Close-up on the strengthening of the Mont Ventoux Biosphere Reserve's governance 39
3.2 Close-up on the Montseny Biosphere Reserve 42
3.3 Close-up on the Menorca Biosphere Reserve 43
3.4 Close-up on environmental education and SDGs, an opportunity for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 44
3.5 Close-up on the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean 46
3.6 References 50
Chapter 4 From the Ecological Quality Status Evaluation to the Knowledge Transferability A Cross-cutting Experience in Montseny Biosphere Reserve 51
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Mediterranean river basins as valuable and complex socio-ecosystems 52
4.3 Study area: Montseny Biosphere Reserve 54
4.4 Research areas 58
4.5 Environmental education, communication and training program 63
4.6 A 15-year period implementing PROECA in the Montseny Biosphere Reserve 66
4.7 Conclusion 68
4.8 Acknowledgements 69
4.9 References 69
Chapter 5 Do We Need to Choose Between Biodiversity, Industry and Tourism? A Metabolic Approach to Manage the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve of Menorca 73
5.1 Introduction 73
5.2 Societal metabolism 74
5.3 MuSIASEM: integrating information from multiple scales to improve participation and stakeholder engagement 75
5.4 The case of Menorca: a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve with an action plan to implement the sustainable development goals 79
5.5 Menorca 2025 An Action Plan for the Menorca Biosphere Reserve 81
5.6 Metabolic performance of economic sectors in Menorca Application of he MuSIASEM approach 83
5.7 Discussion: do we need to choose between biodiversity, industry and tourism? 85
5.8 Conclusion 88
5.9 References 89
Chapter 6 The Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (Lebanon): A Private Association Initiative 95
Pierre DOUMET and Joelle BARAKAT
6.1 Introduction 95
6.2 Rich by nature 95
6.3 A privately run biosphere reserve 98
6.4 International recognition 99
6.5 Administration led by socio-economic expectations 100
6.6 Efforts at increasing understanding and awareness of an exceptional biodiversity 102
6.7 References 103
Chapter 7 Understandings of Administration and Challenges to Governance in the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (Morocco) 105
Abdelaziz AFKER
7.1 Introduction 105
7.2 A biosphere reserve built around an iconic tree: the argan tree 105
7.3 An integrated approach to conservation and ecodevelopment 107
7.4 Participation-oriented administration 110
7.5 Regarding the research/education/management dialogue 111
7.6 References 112
Chapter 8 Reconciling Conservation and Sustainable Development: The Example of the Arganeraie 113
Abdelaziz AFKER and Saïd BOUJROUF
8.1 Introduction 113
8.2 The ABR, between conservation and sustainable territorial development: reconciling the irreconcilable 114
8.3 The complex challenges characterizing the ABR, or relevance and adaptation in conciliatory resilience 116
8.4 Changes and scalable trends in the ABR: from project territories to a territorial project 117
8.5 The ABR, complexities and improved governance 119
8.6 References 120
Chapter 9 Patrimonialization and Challenges to Sustainable Development within the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve 123
9.1 Introduction 123
9.2 The ABR: a territory valued for the endemism of its heritage resources 124
9.3 The ABR patrimonialization process 130
9.4 Paths of governance for the integrated management of the ABR 134
9.5 Conclusion 138
9.6 References 139
Chapter 10 The Oasis du Sud Marocain Biosphere Reserve: Challenges and Issues for the Durability of Water Resources 141
10.1 Introduction 141
10.2 Specificities of the Oasis du Sud Marocain Biosphere Reserve and the question of water 142
10.3 Regional development and the deterioration of water resources 144
10.4 Challenges and complexities of water resource management within the OSMBR 145
10.5 Conclusion 146
10.6 References 147
Part 2 Issues and Case Studies in the Southern Mediterranean 149
Introduction to Part 2 151
Catherine CIBIEN
Chapter 11 Pesticide Residue in the Waters of the IBRM 153
Hind EL BOUZAIDI, Fatimazahra HAFIANE, El Habib EL AZZOUZI and Mohammed FAEKHAOUI
11.1 Introduction 153
11.2 Materials and methods 154
11.3 Results and discussions 156
11.4 Evaluation of the risks of pesticides to human health 160
11.5 Evaluation of the risks of pesticides for the environment 160
11.6 Conclusion 161
11.7 References 162
Chapter 12 Forest Fires: Their Impact on the Sustainable Development of the IBRM 165
Rachid SAMMOUDI, Abdelkader CHAHLAOUI, Nadia MACHOURI, Lahoucine AMZIL, El Habib EL AZZOUZI, Reda NACER, Kawtar JABER and Maya KOUZAIHA
12.1 Introduction 165
12.2 The phenomenon of forest fires in the northern provinces 167
12.3 Links between sustainable development and forest fires 169
12.4 Conclusion 170
12.5 References 171
Chapter 13 The Social and Solidarity Economy and Biodiversity in the Intercontinental Biosphere of the Mediterranean 173
Hicham ATTOUCH, Soukaina BOUZIANI and Sonia ADERGHAL
13.1 Some framing of the concept of the social and solidarity economy 173
13.2 Development of natural resources in the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean (IBRM) and the SSE framework 175
13.3 The role of the SSE in the conservation and development of natural resources 177
13.4 Conclusion 180
13.5 References 180
Chapter 14 The Media Coverage of the Biosphere Reserve: Ambivalence Between the Protection of Nature and the Promotion of Territories The Case of RBIM 183
Lahoucine AMZIL, Yamina EL KIRAT EL ALLAME and Faiza EL MEJJAD
14.1 Introduction 183
14.2 Biosphere reserves: general background 184
14.3 The media environment around the biosphere reserve 188
14.4 Representation of RBIM in the Moroccan media 195
14.5 Concluding remarks 201
14.6 References 202
Chapter 15 Mid-Atlas Cedar Forests and Climate Change 205
15.1 Introduction 205
15.2 General overview of climatic changes 206
15.3 The vulnerability of forests to climate change 209
15.4 Potential impacts of climate change on cedar forests 212
15.5 Conclusion 214
15.6 References 215
Chapter 16 The Legacy and Future of Conservation in El Kala National Park (Algeria) 219
16.1 Introduction 219
16.2 Declinism, forest exploitation and management in the EKNP 221
16.3 The spread of fishing and marine conservation in the EKNP 233
16.4 Marine conservation and declinist rhetoric 244
16.5 Conclusion 246
16.6 References 247
Chapter 17 Social Representations of Biospheres and Sustainable Local Development in Bou Hedma (Tunisia) 251
Abdelkarim BRAHMI
17.1 Introduction 251
17.2 Bou Hedma National Park 252
17.3 Methodological research framework 253
17.4 Social representations of Bou Hedma National Park among the surrounding population 254
17.5 Discussion and interpretation 256
17.6 The cultural dimension 260
17.7 The political dimension 260
17.8 The environmental dimension 261
17.9 Conclusion 262
17.10 References 263
Chapter 18 Architecture and the Biosphere Environment in Pedagogy: Design Visions for Sustainable Dwelling Communities 265
18.1 Introduction 265
18.2 Architecture and the environment 266
18.3 Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve and the studio's premise 267
18.4 Conclusion 288
18.5 References 289
List of Authors 291
Index 295
Summary of Volume 1 297
Catherine Cibien is director of the French committee of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.
Angela Barthes is a professor at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, and specializes in environmental education and rural development.