Wiley-VCH, Berlin Complete Course in Astrobiology Cover Based on lectures developed by experts in the field and carefully edited by the leading astrobiologi.. Product #: 978-3-527-40660-9 Regular price: $67.20 $67.20 In Stock

Complete Course in Astrobiology

Horneck, Gerda / Rettberg, Petra (Editor)


1. Edition February 2007
XX, 414 Pages, Softcover
140 Pictures (19 Colored Figures)
46 tables

ISBN: 978-3-527-40660-9
Wiley-VCH, Berlin

Short Description

Based on lectures developed by experts in the field and carefully edited by the leading astrobiologists within Europe, this text draws on the latest research results. Includes a CD-ROM with additional material.

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This up-to-date resource is based on lectures developed by experts in the relevant fields and carefully edited by the leading astrobiologists within the European community. Aimed at graduate students in physics, astronomy and biology and their lecturers, the text begins with a general introduction to astrobiology, followed by sections on basic prebiotic chemistry, extremophiles, and habitability in our solar system and beyond. A discussion of astrodynamics leads to a look at experimental facilities and instrumentation for space experiments and, ultimately, astrobiology missions, backed in each case by the latest research results from this fascinating field. Includes a CD-ROM with additional course material.

Chapter 1. General introduction into astrobiology: Astrobiology, from life on Earth to life in the Universe
Chapter 2. From Big Bang to the molecules of life
Chapter 3. Basic prebiotic chemistry
Chapter 4. From molecular evolution to cellular life
Chapter 5. Extremophiles, the physico-chemical limits of life (growth and survival)
Chapter 6. Habitability in our solar system and beyond
Chapter 7. Astrodynamics and technology aspects of astrobiology missions in our solar system
Chapter 8. Astrobiology of terrestrial planets with emphasis on Mars
Chapter 9. Astrobiology of Saturn's moon Titan
Chapter 10. Astrobiology of Europa
Chapter 11. Experiment facilities and instrumentation for space experiments in astrobiology
Chapter 12. Astrobiology missions
Chapter 13. Astrobiology exploratory missions and planetary protection requirements
"Obwohl als Hochschullehrbuch konzipiert, bietet dieses Buch auch interessierten Amateurastronomen einen gut verständlichen Einblick in die aktuelle Astrobiologie."
Nov. 07

"Fazit: Ein empfehlenswertes Buch - nicht nur für Spezialisten. Allerdings wird es kaum jemand durchlesen wie einen Roman. Dazu ist es zu sehr Lehrbuch, aber eben ein besonders gutes und hochaktuelles. Die Autoren garantieren für einen Standard, der kaum Wünsche offen lässt: Wenn man etwas über das Thema "Astrobiologie" auf profunde Weise erfahren kann, dann sicher hier. Es lohnt also, sich einzelne Kapitel gezielt vorzunehmen (sie sind dazu unabhängig genug). Beginnen sollte man aber unbedingt mit dem ersten: ein perfekt geschriebener Einstieg ins Thema. Wer selbst unterrichtet, dem wird die beigefügte CD mit Powerpoint-Präsentationen aus Vorlesungen der Autoren nützlich sein."
Dezember 2007

"Die Kapitel verfügen durchweg über hilfreiche Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur sowie Kontrollfragen für Studenten. Der ausführlich Index am Ende des Buches erleichtert sicherlich das Nachschlagen. Ein netter Bonus ist die mitgelieferte CD-Rom, auf der die Bildschirmpräsentationen der Vorlesungen gespeichert sind, die dem Buch zugrunde liegen."
Sterne und Weltraum, April 2008
Gerda Horneck and Petra Rettberg are the leading astrobiologists of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and have outstanding renommee on both sides of the Atlantic.
Gerda Horneck and Petra Rettberg serve as heads of the photo- und exobiology group at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the DLR.
Their research interests focus on exo-/astrobiology, radiation/photo biology, e.g. including the effects of radiation of various kind on biological systems.
Dr. Horneck has been principal investigator of several radiobiological and exobiology experiments in space on Spacelab, LDEF, EURECA, FOTON and ISS as well as coordinator of research projects for both ESA and NASA.
Petra Rettberg's research activities included research projects at NASA Ames and in Japan and investigations of past and future space missions.
Numerous board memberships and publications round off their portfolio.
Extensive teaching experience make them ideal editors for this book.

G. Horneck, DLR; P. Rettberg, DLR