Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures

1. Edition June 2004
XVII, 238 Pages, Hardcover
132 Pictures (12 Colored Figures)
Short Description
An introduction to the latest experimental and theoretical methods in the important field of correlation spectroscopy of surfaces, thin films, and nanostructures. These methods essential for the state-of-the-art characterization of nanomaterials and nanodevices.
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Here, leading scientists present an overview of the most modern experimental and theoretical methods for studying electronic correlations on surfaces, in thin films and in nanostructures. In particular, they describe in detail coincidence techniques for studying many-particle correlations while
critically examining the informational content of such processes from a theoretical point viewpoint. Furthermore, the book considers the current state of incorporating many-body effects into theoretical approaches.
Covered topics:
-Auger-electron photoelectron coincidence experiments and theories
-Correlated electron emission from atoms, fullerens, clusters, metals and wide-band gap materials
-Ion coincidence spectroscopies and ion scattering theories from surfaces
-GW and dynamical mean-field approaches
-Many-body effects in electronic and optical response
A. Lahmam-Bennani: Electron-electron coincidence studies on atomic targets : a review of (e,2e) and (e,3e) experiments
F. Bell: Recent results from (gamma; e-gamma) and Compton spectroscopy
R. A. Bartynski, A. K. See, W.-K. Siu, and S. L. Hulbert: Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy (APECS) of transition metal compounds
R. Feder and H. Gollisch: Theory of (e,2e) spectroscopy from ferromagnetic surfaces
F. Aryasetiawan, S. Biermann and A. Georges: A first-principles scheme for calculating the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials: GW+DMFT
O. Kidun, N. Fominykh and J. Berakdar: Correlation spectroscopy of nano-size materials
L. Wirtz, M. Dallos, H. Lischka, and J. Burgdörfer: Ab-initio calculations of charge exchange in ion-surface collisions: an embedded-cluster approach
K. Mase, E. Kobayashi, K. Isari: Development of new apparatus for alectron-polar-angle-resolved-ion coincidence spectroscopy and Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
M. Ohno: Many-body effects in Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
S. Samarin, O. M. Artamonov, A. D. Sergeant, and J. F. Williams: Two-electron spectroscopy versus single-electron spectroscopy for studying secondary emission from surfaces
G. Stefani, R. Gotter, A. Ruocco, F. Offi, F. Da Pieve, A. Verdini, A. Liscio, S. Iacobucci, Hua Yao and R. A. Bartynski: Relevance of the core hole alignment to Auger photoelectron pair angular distributions in solids
S. M. Thurgate, Z.-T. Jiang, G. van Riessen and C. Creagh: Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy studies from surfaces
C. Bowles, A. S. Kheifets, V. A. Sashin, M. Vos, E. Weigold, F. Aryasetiawan: EMS measurement of the valence spectral function of silicon - a test of many-body theory
H. Winter: Coincident studies on electronic interaction mechanisms during scattering of fast atoms from a LiF(001) surface
J. Kirschner, C. Winkler, J.Berakdar: Studying the details of the electron-electron interaction in solids and surfaces
"Undoubtly, this book with its presentation of frontline research on correlation spectroscopy deserves many readers, both among experimentalists and theoreticians who are engaged in determining the electronic structure of solids."
"The book is well laid-out, the figures are clear and a reasonably extensive index is provided...This monograph will be of use to researchers in this field, and may find use as a text for advanced graduate courses in electronic structure. As independent particle physics becomes better understood, the need to understand and properly treat many electron phenomena becomes increasingly important. This monograph is a significant and timely contribution to that end."
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy
"I recommend this book to serious researchers involved in surface physics and chemistry, as the book provides an excellent snapshot of the status of state-of-the-art research along with projections about future directions of the field."
"Many-bodied phenomena is an important and difficult area of research. This book will help contribute to an understanding of this area."
Applied Spectroscopy
" I recommend this book to serious researchers involved in surface physics and chemistry, as the book provides an excellent snapshot of the status of state-of-the-art research along with projections about future directions of the field."
MRS Bulletin
A. Lahmam-Bennani
F. Bell
R. A. Bartynski, A. K. See, W.-K. Siu, and S. L. Hulbert
R. Feder and H. Gollisch
F. Aryasetiawan, S. Biermann and A. Georges
O. Kidun, N. Fominykh and J. Berakdar
L. Wirtz, M. Dallos, H. Lischka, and J. Burgdörfer
K. Mase, E. Kobayashi, K. Isari
M. Ohno
S. Samarin, O. M. Artamonov, A. D. Sergeant, and J. F. Williams
G. Stefani, R. Gotter, A. Ruocco, F. Offi, F. Da Pieve, A. Verdini, A. Liscio, S. Iacobucci, Hua Yao and R. A. Bartynski
S. M. Thurgate, Z.-T. Jiang, G. van Riessen and C. Creagh
C. Bowles, A. S. Kheifets, V. A. Sashin, M. Vos, E. Weigold, F. Aryasetiawan
H. Winter
J. Kirschner, C. Winkler and J.Berakdar