John Wiley & Sons Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Food Cover This book provides information on functional foods development and validation towards their market a.. Product #: 978-1-119-80402-4 Regular price: $170.09 $170.09 In Stock

Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Food

Campos-Vega, Rocio / Oomah, B. Dave (Editor)


1. Edition October 2022
656 Pages, Hardcover
Professional Book

ISBN: 978-1-119-80402-4
John Wiley & Sons

Short Description

This book provides information on functional foods development and validation towards their market and industrial application. It covers the available information on developments, efficacy, and testing and safety while demonstrating the proven or potential effects of food on health and disease.

With contributions from foremost experts in the field, this book will bring readers up to speed on the state of the art in the mechanisms behind food health effects, from their physiological bases to their conception, current uses, and future developments. Sample topics covered by the authors include:
* ?The molecular mechanisms of action of antioxidant fibers, prebiotics, ginger, and cinnamon
* Saffron, a functional food with potential molecular effects
* Pseudocereals, ancestral grains that can serve as source of bioactive compounds for functional foods
* Omega-3 fatty acids and their health benefits

Food industry professionals, government workers involved in projects related to food, and students in programs of study related to food can use this book as an up-to-date reference to fully understand the effects that many common and uncommon foods have on humans.

Further versions



Comprehensive resource for understanding state-of-the-art mechanisms behind food health effects

This book provides information on the development and validation of functional foods towards their market and industrial application. It covers the available information on developments, efficacy, and testing and safety, while demonstrating the proven or potential effects of food on health and disease.

With contributions from the foremost experts in the field, this book will bring readers up to speed on the state of the art in the mechanisms behind food health effects, from their physiological bases to their conception, current uses, and future developments. Sample topics covered by the authors include:
* The molecular mechanisms of action of antioxidant fibers, prebiotics, ginger, and cinnamon
* Saffron, a functional food with potential molecular effects
* Pseudocereals, ancestral grains that can serve as a source of bioactive compounds for functional foods
* Molecular effects of future functional foods - psychobiotics, chronobiotics, hempseed, opuntia, common and carioca beans, coffee and cocoa by-products

Food industry professionals, government workers involved in projects related to food, and students in programs of study related to food can use this book as an up-to-date reference to fully understand the effects that many common and uncommon foods have on humans.

Functional Food Bioactives
1. Mechanisms Polyphenolic Compounds as Inhibitors of Advanced Glycation End Products and their Relationship with Health, and Disease
Dr Gabriela Alves Macedo, Brasil
2.Psychobiotics, A Special Type of Probiotics, and its Potential Molecular Mechanism to Ameliorate Stress and Anxiety
Tana Hernaindez-Barrueta, USA
3. Molecular Mechanism of Chronobiotics as Functional Foods
Dr Rocio Campos-Vega, Meixico
Functional Food
4. Common Beans Bioactive Components and their Potential to Modulate Molecular Markers of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Dr Luis Mojica, Meixico
5. Benefits of Carioca Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris): Molecular Mechanism to Human Health and Nutrition
Dr Priscila Zaczuk Bassinello, Brazil
6. Molecular Effects of Bioactive Compounds from Semi Desert Plant and their Use as Potential Functional Food Ingredients
Dr Marisol Cruz-Requena, Meixico
7. Opuntia Ficus-Indica and other Opuntia Species as a Source of Bioactives and their Molecular Mechanisms of Action to Promote Human Health
Dr. Federica Blando, Italy
8. Molecular Mechanisms of Edible Macro- and Microalgae as Functional Foods or Sources of Nutraceuticals
Dr Yvonne Yuan, Canada
9. Hempseed: A Functional Food Source and their Effects on Molecular Markers
Dr B. Dave Oomah, Canada
10. Phytochemicals and Functional Properties of Coffee: Molecular Mechanisms of Action
Dr Cristoibal Aguilar-Gonzailez, Meixico
11. Coffee Proteins: Functional Food Ingredients with Molecular Effects for a Sustainable Health
Dr Dolores del Castillo Bilbao, Spain
12. Coffee, Ginger and Cinnamon: Molecular Mechanisms of Action on Human Health
Dr Maria Elena Maldonado-Celis, Colombia
13. Chontaduro (Bactris gasipaes Kunth): A Sustainable Food Source of Healthy Bioactive Compounds
Dr Ivain Luzardo, Meixico
14. Saffron: As a Functional Food with Potential Molecular Effects
Dr Yousef Rasmi, Iran
15. Cocoa Shell as a Source of Novel Bioactive Ingredients for the Prevention of Cardiometabolic Diseases
Dr Miguel Rebollo Hernanz, Spain
16. Pseudocereals: Ancestral Grains as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for Functional Foods and the Modulation of Molecular Markers
Dr Alan J. Hernaindez-Ailvarez, England
17. Berries as Functional Foods: Molecular Mechanisms Promoting Human Health
Dr Rajeev Bhat, Estonia
Dr Rocio Campos-Vega is a Research Professor at the Department of Research and Graduate Studies in Food Science, Universidad Autónoma de Queretaro, Mexico.

Dr B. Dave Oomah is a retired research scientist, formerly with Summerland Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Summerland, British Columbia, Canada.

R. Campos-Vega, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico; B. D. Oomah, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, BC, Canada