John Wiley & Sons Web Usability Cover The success or failure of a web site ultimately comes down tousability. Billions of IT dollars are s.. Product #: 978-0-471-24422-6 Regular price: $42.90 $42.90 In Stock

Web Usability

A Business-Minded Approach

Chiarito-Mazzarella, Jay C.


1. Edition October 2024
226 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-0-471-24422-6
John Wiley & Sons

The success or failure of a web site ultimately comes down tousability. Billions of IT dollars are spent annually on web sitedevelopment - for retail, customer service, intranet and otheruses- how much of this is wasted because of inferior design andusability? Gartner research indicates that 90% of all web siteshave some critical usability problems. And almost half ofe-commerce web sites lose up to 15% of potential revenue whileincurring 15% extra costs due to usability problems. Thus, in manyinstances, usability problems have not only frustrated users, buthave also undermined and led to the demise of many web sites-andwill continue to do so.
Web Usability is a practical guide for managers and executiveson the importance of usability, dealing with issues such as;
Understanding how to handle web usability problems
Determining which usability problems are critical and which onesare trivial
Planning how much to spend on usability and what to expect inreturn
Measuring and justifying their usability efforts
Aligning user goals with their business goals
Web Usability will teach readers how to:
Dramatically increase their web revenue potential
Effectively reduce and eliminate extra, hidden, andspecial-handling costs
Efficiently develop and mainatin web sites
Significantly improve web development ROI (return oninvestment)
Mend stressed or broken relationships between businesses and theirpartners and customers
Improve competitive advantage