John Wiley & Sons Scribal News in Politics and Parliament, 1660 - 1760 Cover An exploration of scribal news, which played a major part in the topical reporting of political deve.. Product #: 978-1-119-91216-3 Regular price: $23.27 $23.27 In Stock

Scribal News in Politics and Parliament, 1660 - 1760

Eagles, Robin / Schaich, Michael (Editor)

Parliamentary History Book Series


1. Edition April 2022
248 Pages, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-91216-3
John Wiley & Sons

An exploration of scribal news, which played a major part in the topical reporting of political developments in Britain during the 17th and 18th centuries

* Evaluates its significance, which has long been overshadowed by the seemingly inevitable rise of print media

* Builds on recent research that critiqued assumptions about the superiority of print

* Seeks to explore the relationship between manuscript news and politics in Britain from c. 1660-1760 in more detail and on a broad scale

Notes on Contributors


(Robin Eagles and Michael Schaich) Preface

(Robin Eagles and Michael Schaich) Introduction

(Jason Peacey) 'A Knowing but a Discrete Man': Scribal News and Information Management in Restoration England

(Edward Taylor) 'Our Masters the Commons Begin Now to Roar': Parliament in Scribal Verse, 1621-81

(Brendan Dooley and Davide Boerio) Hot News: The Florence Resident Reports on the Great Fire of London

(Michael Schaich) (Extra)ordinary News: Foreign Reporting on English Politics under William III

(Charles Littleton) Diplomatic Residents in England and Approaches to Reporting Parliament in the First Years of George I

(Rachael Scarborough King) 'Sir Madam':Female Consumers of Parliamentary News in Manuscript Newsletters

(Alasdair Raffe) Wodrow's News: Correspondence and Politics in Early 18th-Century Scotland

(Leith Davis) Inscripting Rebellion: The Newdigate Manuscript Newsletters, Printed Newspapers and the Cultural Memory of the 1715 Rising

(Robin Eagles) Reporting Trials and Impeachments in the Reign of George I: The Evidence of the Wigtown and Wye Newsletters

(Ugo Bruschi) The Formidable Machine: Parliament as Seen by Italian Diplomats at the Court of St James's in the First Half of the 18th Century

(Markman Ellis) Philip Yorke and Thomas Birch: Scribal News in the Mid 18th Century

(Kate Loveman) Afterword

Robin Eagles is editor of the House of Lords 1660-1832 section at the History of Parliament. He was one of the principal contributors to The History of Parliament: The Lords 1660-1715 (2016) and is now overseeing the next part of the project covering 1715-90. He is the author of Francophilia in English Society, 1748-1815 (2000), has published an edition of The Diaries of John Wilkes,1770-1797 (2014) and was co-editor with Coleman Dennehy of Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, and His World: Restoration Court, Politics and Diplomacy (2020).

Michael Schaich is deputy director of the German Historical Institute London and teaches early modern history at the University of Munich. He specialises in 17th- and 18th-century British and German history. Among his most recent publications are two volumes of collected essays: (with Andreas Gestrich), The Hanoverian Succession: Dynastic Politics and Monarchical Culture (2015) and (with Matthias Pohlig), The War of the Spanish Succession: New Perspectives (2018). He is currently working on the transmission of information from London to various German courts in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.