Subsurface Sensing
Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering (Series Nr. 1)

1. Edition September 2011
928 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Short Description
This book provides readers with a solid understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the techniques used for buried object detection. Presenting theory along with applications and the existing technology, it covers the most recent developments in hardware and software technologies of sensor systems with a focus on primary sensors such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and auxiliary sensors such as Nuclear Quadruple Resonance (NQR). It is essential reading for students, practitioners, specialists, and academicians involved in the design and implementation of buried object detection sensors.
This book provides readers with a solid understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the techniques used for buried object detection. Presenting theory along with applications and the existing technology, it covers the most recent developments in hardware and software technologies of sensor systems with a focus on primary sensors such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and auxiliary sensors such as Nuclear Quadruple Resonance (NQR). It is essential reading for students, practitioners, specialists, and academicians involved in the design and implementation of buried object detection sensors.
Preface xvii
1 Introduction 1
Relevant Resources 4
References 4
2 Sensor Types 7
2.1 Introduction 7
A. S. Turk
2.2 Ground-Penetrating Radar 8
A. S. Turk
2.3 Electromagnetic Induction Detector 19
A. S. Turk
2.4 Microwave Tomography Method 23
A. A. Vertiy
2.5 Acoustic and Seismic Sensor 29
A. K. Hocaoglu
2.6 Optical Detectors (Infrared and Hyperspectral) 36
A. K. Hocaoglu
2.7 Biochemical Sensors 37
M. Harbeck and Z. Z. Ozturk
2.8 Nuclear Sensors 44
A. N. Bilge
References 48
3 Ground-Penetrating Radar 55
3.1 Introduction 55
A. S. Turk
3.2 GPR System Design 57
A. S. Turk
3.3 GPR Hardware 64
A. S. Turk, P. van Genderen, A. G. Yarovoy, and I. Nicolaescu
3.4 GPR Antennas 83
A. S. Turk
3.5 Signal-Processing Techniques 96
A. K. Hocaoglu
3.6 Imaging Algorithms 108
C. Ozdemir
3.7 Numerical Modeling of GPR 122
S. Aksoy, E. Basaran, and E. Ozturk
3.8 Detection and Classification Algorithms 146
A. K. Hocaoglu
References 162
4 Electromagnetic Induction 175
H. Ewald
4.1 Introduction to Metal Detectors 175
4.2 Inductive Metal Detectors: Types of Probes, Excitation, and Coil Arrangements 179
4.3 Influence of the Soil Properties 196
4.4 Modeling Inductive Metal Detectors 202
4.5 Advanced Signal-Processing and Pattern Recognition Systems for Metal Detection 211
4.6 Conclusions 223
References 224
5 Microwave Tomography 227
5.1 Overview 227
A. A. Vertiy
5.2 Electromagnetic Tomography 228
F. Soldovieri and L. Crocco
5.3 Multifrequency Tomographic Method 255
A. A. Vertiy and S. Gavrilov
5.4 Diffraction Multiview Tomographic Method in the Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Bands 310
A. O. Salman, A. A. Vertiy, and S. Gavrilov
5.5 Nonlinear Inversion Algorithms 365
L. Crocco and F. Soldovieri
References 377
6 Acoustic and Seismic Sensors 387
H. Asanuma
6.1 Overview 387
6.2 Operating Principles and Sensor Physics 389
6.3 Sensor Installation 400
6.4 Multicomponent Techniques 403
6.5 Limitations 408
6.6 Future Prospects 409
References 410
7 Auxiliary Sensors 413
7.1 Overview 413
A. N. Bilge
7.2 Biological and Chemical Methods of Explosive Detection 414
M. Harbeck and Z. Z. Ozturk
7.3 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance 429
G. V. Mozzhukhin and B. Z. Rameev
7.4 X-ray, Gamma-ray, and Neutron Techniques 451
A. N. Bilge
7.5 Electric Impedance Tomography 460
A. S. Turk
7.6 Infrared and Hyperspectral Systems 465
J. E. McFee and S. Achal
References 484
8 Multisensor Fusion 501
A. K. Hocaoglu
8.1 Preview 501
8.2 Data Association 503
8.3 Fusion Architectures 503
8.4 Probabilistic Sensor Fusion 505
8.5 Fuzzy Integrals for Information Fusion 513
8.6 Artificial Neural Networks 517
8.7 Summary 523
References 523
9 Geophysical Applications 525
9.1 Introduction 525
E. C. Slob
9.2 Electromagnetic Properties of Soils 526
E. C. Slob, S. Lambot, and E. Pettinelli
9.3 Hydrogeophysics 567
S. Lambot, E. Pettinelli, S. S. Hubbard, E. C. Slob, E. Bloem, and V. E. A. Post
9.4 Contaminant Remediation 600
S. S. Hubbard
9.5 Agricultural Geophysics 618
B. Allred, J. Butnor, D. L. Corwin, R. Eigenberg, H. Farahani, K. H. Johnsen, S. Lambot, D. McInnis, E. Pettinelli, L. Samuelson, and B. Woodbury
9.6 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 644
E. Pettinelli, P. M. Barone, E. Mattei, A. Di Matteo, and F. Soldovieri
References 667
10 Remote Sensing and Security 689
10.1 Introduction 689
A. A. Vertiy
10.2 Through-Wall Imaging and Detection 690
A. A. Vertiy and S. Gavrilov
10.3 Millimeter-WaveBand Passive Imaging 721
A. Denisov and A. A. Vertiy
References 740
11 Mine Detection 743
11.1 The Landmine Problem 743
A. G. Yarovoy
11.2 Overview of Demining Techniques 745
A. G. Yarovoy
11.3 Advanced Electromagnetic Induction Sensor 747
A. G. Yarovoy and H. Ewald
11.4 Ground-Penetrating Radar 750
A. G. Yarovoy
11.5 Electrooptical Sensors 753
A. G. Yarovoy
11.6 Chemical Sensor Arrays for Mine Detection 755
Z. Z. Ozturk and M. Harbeck
11.7 Sensor Fusion 757
A. G. Yarovoy
11.8 ALIS: A Handheld Multisensor System for Landmine Detection 758
M. Sato
11.9 Conclusions 769
References 769
12 Transportation and Civil Engineering 773
12.1 Introduction 773
E. Proverbio
12.2 Proper Sensor Types 785
E. Proverbio
12.3 Ground-Penetrating Radar for Road Characterization 795
A. S. Turk and F. Soldovieri
12.4 Eddy Current Tomography for Three-Dimensional Imaging in Conductive Materials 818
A. A. Vertiy
12.5 Ultrasonic Methods for Nondestructive Testing 824
D. Cleland
12.6 Impact Echo 836
E. Proverbio
12.7 Diagnostic Methods for Concrete and Bridges by Acoustic Emission 844
J. Stryk and K. Pospisil
12.8 Vibroacoustic Monitoring of Concrete Structures 860
S. Radkowski
12.9 Application of Nuclear Techniques for Civil Engineering 872
A. N. Bilge
References 877
Index 885
A. KOKSAL HOCAOGLU, PhD, has worked on image and signal analysis projects such as vehicle detection and recognition, detection of tripwires, acoustic signature analysis, and multi-sensor fusion for target recognition and tracking. He has been active in land mine detection algorithm research since 1998. Dr. Hocaoglu has over thirty technical publications in the areas of image and signal processing and pattern recognition.
ALEXEY A. VERTIY, DSc., PhD, has been working on quasi-optical imaging, generating sub-THz Smith-Purcell radiation, super low-temperature millimeter wave spectroscopy for nuclear polarized targets, and subsurface microwave and sub-THz tomography systems for security, remote sensing, non-destructive testing, and medical applications. Dr. Vertiy has over one hundred sixty scientific publications in the areas of microwave and millimeter wave technologies, including coauthorship of two books.