John Wiley & Sons Handbook of Healthcare Analytics Cover How can analytics scholars and healthcare professionals access the most exciting and important healt.. Product #: 978-1-119-30094-6 Regular price: $129.91 $129.91 In Stock

Handbook of Healthcare Analytics

Theoretical Minimum for Conducting 21st Century Research on Healthcare Operations

Dai, Tinglong / Tayur, Sridhar (Editor)

Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science


1. Edition December 2018
480 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-30094-6
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


How can analytics scholars and healthcare professionals access the most exciting and important healthcare topics and tools for the 21st century?

Editors Tinglong Dai and Sridhar Tayur, aided by a team of internationally acclaimed experts, have curated this timely volume to help newcomers and seasoned researchers alike to rapidly comprehend a diverse set of thrusts and tools in this rapidly growing cross-disciplinary field. The Handbook covers a wide range of macro-, meso- and micro-level thrusts--such as market design, competing interests, global health, personalized medicine, residential care and concierge medicine, among others--and structures what has been a highly fragmented research area into a coherent scientific discipline.

The handbook also provides an easy-to-comprehend introduction to five essential research tools--Markov decision process, game theory and information economics, queueing games, econometric methods, and data science--by illustrating their uses and applicability on examples from diverse healthcare settings, thus connecting tools with thrusts.

The primary audience of the Handbook includes analytics scholars interested in healthcare and healthcare practitioners interested in analytics. This Handbook:

* Instills analytics scholars with a way of thinking that incorporates behavioral, incentive, and policy considerations in various healthcare settings. This change in perspective--a shift in gaze away from narrow, local and one-off operational improvement efforts that do not replicate, scale or remain sustainable--can lead to new knowledge and innovative solutions that healthcare has been seeking so desperately.

* Facilitates collaboration between healthcare experts and analytics scholar to frame and tackle their pressing concerns through appropriate modern mathematical tools designed for this very purpose.

The handbook is designed to be accessible to the independent reader, and it may be used in a variety of settings, from a short lecture series on specific topics to a semester-long course.


Notes on contributors

Part I: Thrusts

Macro-level Thrusts (MaTs)

Chapter 1: Organizational Structure
Jay Levine

Chapter 2: Access to Healthcare
Donald Fischer, MD

Chapter 3: Market Design
Itai Ashlagi

Meso-level Thrusts (MeTs)

Chapter 4: Competing Interests
Joel Goh

Chapter 5: Quality of Care
Senthil Veeraraghavan, Hummy Song

Chapter 6: Personalized Medicine
Turgay Ayer, Qiushi Chen

Chapter 7: Golbal Health
Jay Swaminathan, Karthik Natarajan

Chapter 8: Healthcare Supply Chain
Soo-Haeng Cho, Hui Zhao

Chapter 9: Organ Transplantation
Baris Ata, John J. Freidewald, Cem Randa

Micro-level Thrusts (MiTs)

Chapter 10: Ambulatory Care
Nan Liu

Chapter 11: Inpatient Care
Van-Anh Truong

Chapter 12: Residential Care
Willem-Jan Van Hoeve, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Nadia Lahrichi

Chapter 13: Concierge Medicine
Nagesh Gavirneni, Vidyadhar Kulkarni

Part II: Tools

Chapter 14: Markov Decision Process
Alan Scheller-Wolf

Chapter 15: Game Theory and Information Economics
Tinglong Dai

Chapter 16: Queuing Games
Mustafa Akan

Chapter 17: Econometric Methods
Diwas KC

Chapter 18. Data Sciences
Rema Padman

Tinglong Dai, PhD, is Associate Professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University. A recipient of numerous awards, including Johns Hopkins Discovery Award, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Public Sector Operations Research Best Paper Award and Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Best Healthcare Paper Award, his research spans across healthcare analytics, marketing/operations interfaces, and artificial intelligence.

Sridhar Tayur, PhD, is Ford Distinguished Research Chair and Professor of Operations Management at Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. He has been elected as Member of National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and Distinguished Fellow of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM). An Academic Capitalist, he is Founder of the supply chain software company SmartOps and the social enterprise OrganJet.

T. Dai, Johns Hopkins University; S. Tayur, Carnegie Mellon University