John Wiley & Sons The Formative Assessment Handbook Cover Explore the "why," "what," and "how" of formative assessments in the classroom In The Formative Ass.. Product #: 978-1-394-17073-9 Regular price: $30.75 $30.75 In Stock

The Formative Assessment Handbook

Resources to Improve Learning Outcomes for All Students

Freibrun, Marine / Brunet, Sandy


1. Edition January 2024
304 Pages, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-17073-9
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


Explore the "why," "what," and "how" of formative assessments in the classroom

In The Formative Assessment Handbook: Resources to Improve Learning Outcomes for All Students, the authors, with over 40 years of cumulative classroom, school, and district and state-level experience, deliver a crucial toolkit of ready-to-go ideas, activities, and reproducibles that make it easy to implement formative assessment quickly, effectively, and efficiently. You'll also learn what formative assessment is, what it looks like, and why it's a critical component to student achievement.

The authors explain how to set your classroom up for success and develop & select learning targets and success criteria to create a clear pathway and roadmap for your formative assessments. You'll also find:
* Up-to-date research supporting the use of formative assessment in the classroom
* Instructions for properly utilizing pre-assessments
* Collaborative routines you can implement during instruction
* Discussions of dialogic teaching and dialectic synergy

An indispensable resource for both new and veteran K-12 educators, The Formative Assessment Handbook will also prove invaluable to administrators and educational coaches.

Introduction: The Why for Our Book vii

Acknowledgments xiii

About the Authors xv

List of Resources in the Book xvii

Part I Before Instruction: Setting Up Your Classroom for Success 1

Chapter 1 Formative Assessment Overview: What the Research Says 3

Chapter 2 Setting Up the Classroom for Successful Implementation 17

Chapter 3 Selecting Learning Targets and Developing Success Criteria 29

Chapter 4 Utilizing Pre-Assessments 57

Part II During Instruction: Effective "In-the-Moment" Formative Assessment Instructional Practices and Resources 89

Chapter 5 Effective Formative Assessment Instructional Practices and Resources 91

Chapter 6 In-the-Moment Formative Instruction: Collaborative Routines 161

Chapter 7 Dialogic Teaching and Dialectic Synergy 189

Chapter 8 Common Formative Assessments and Your PLC 207

Part III Formative Assessment After Instruction 231

Chapter 9 Formative Assessment Resources in Practice: Student Self-Assessment 233

Chapter 10 Formative Assessment After Instruction 255

Chapter 11 Concluding Thoughts 269

References 271

Bibliography 273

Index 275
"The Formative Assessment Handbook is a great addition to any teacher's library. It clearly explains the need for formative assessments and how it can assist with improving the teacher's craft. In today's classroom, more and more teachers are second career and/or with no college of education background. This book fills in the background behind assessments and how to craft assessments toward student learning. For any teacher or new teacher, this book will be a great resource to improve their work with students."
--Dr. Kyle Dresback, Regional Superintendent for Secondary and Alternative Schools; Former President - Florida Association of School Administrators (2022-2023)

"This book is a teacher's best friend as it is filled with a treasure trove of actionable insights and practical tools to enhance the learning journey of each student. The book provides a roadmap that guides teachers in how to establish and facilitate a rigorous learning environment through a thoughtfully designed and implemented formative assessment tools and techniques. Every educator committed to student growth should have this essential guide on their shelf. Congratulations to Sandy and Marine on developing this much-needed comprehensive resource!"
--Dr. Mariné Avagyan, Leadership Coach and Consultant
Marine Freibrun, M.Ed., has over 12 years teaching and instructional coaching experience and was formally the ELA/Literacy Assessment Coordinator for the Idaho State Department of Education. Currently she supports schools in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah as a Manager of Educational Partnerships for the Collaborative Classroom. She is the author of Getting Started with Teacher Clarity.

Sandra Brunet, M.Ed., is a seasoned school administrator with over 15 years of leadership experience. Currently she coaches principals, superintendents, and district-level leaders across the United States in improving outcomes for their district. She also partners with districts in the process of long range strategic design and planning.