John Wiley & Sons AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide With 500 Practice Test Questions Cover Distinguish yourself by becoming a certified AWS Cloud Practitioner In the newly revised second edi.. Product #: 978-1-394-23563-6 Regular price: $48.50 $48.50 In Stock

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide With 500 Practice Test Questions

Foundational (CLF-C02) Exam

Piper, Ben / Clinton, David

Sybex Study Guide


2. Edition December 2023
320 Pages, Softcover

ISBN: 978-1-394-23563-6
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


Distinguish yourself by becoming a certified AWS Cloud Practitioner

In the newly revised second edition of AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide: Foundational (CLF-C02) Exam, a team of veteran IT professionals and educators delivers an up-to-date and easy-to-follow introduction to Amazon's industry-leading cloud technology and the introductory certification exam that demonstrates your understanding of it.

Used by thousands of companies across the globe, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an integral part of business IT operations at firms in virtually every industry and sector. In this book, you'll prepare to pass the recently updated AWS Certification Exam and prove your knowledge of critical AWS cloud technologies and capabilities. You'll find complete and thorough coverage of every topic included on the exam, from infrastructure to architecture and cybersecurity. You'll also discover comprehensive discussions of the AWS Cloud value proposition, as well as billing, account management, and pricing models.

After reading and completing the practice questions provided by this book, you'll be able to:
* Distinguish yourself as an AWS expert by obtaining a highly sought-after certification in a popular cloud platform
* Hone your skills and gain new insights on AWS Cloud you can use in your own profession, whether you work in a technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financial role
* Fully prepare for and succeed on the new exam using expert content based on real-world knowledge, key exam essentials, and chapter review questions
* Includes 1 year of access to the Sybex online interactive learning environment and test bank, including hundreds of practice questions, a key term glossary, and electronic flashcards, all supported by Wiley's support agents who are available 24x7 via email or live chat to assist with access and login questions

The AWS Certified AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide is an essential resource for any IT professional that works directly with Amazon Web Services, as well as students in IT fields, and non-technical professionals who work with and alongside technical experts.

Introduction xxiii

Assessment Test xxix

Chapter 1 The Cloud 1

What Is Cloud Computing? 2

Highly Available and Scalable Resources 2

Professionally Secured Infrastructure 3

Metered Payment Model 3

Server Virtualization: The Basics 4

Cloud Platform Models 5

Infrastructure as a Service 5

Platform as a Service 5

Software as a Service 5

Serverless Workloads 6

Scalability and Elasticity 6

Scalability 7

Elasticity 7

Summary 8

Exam Essentials 9

Review Questions 10

Chapter 2 Understanding Your AWS Account 13

The Free Tier 14

How Does the Free Tier Work? 15

Tracking Your Free Tier Usage 15

What's Available Under the Free Tier? 17

Product Pricing 18

Finding AWS Pricing Documentation 18

Working with the AWS Pricing Calculator 19

Service Limits 21

Billing and Cost Management 21

The AWS Billing Dashboard 21

AWS Budgets 22

Monitoring Your Costs 23

AWS Organizations 24

Summary 24

Exam Essentials 24

Review Questions 26

Chapter 3 Getting Support on AWS 29

Support Plans 30

Support Plan Pricing 30

The Basic Support Plan 32

The Developer Support Plan 33

The Business Support Plan 33

The Enterprise Support Plan 33

AWS Professional Services 34

Documentation and Online Help 34

Documentation 34

Discussion Forums 36

Trusted Advisor 37

Summary 39

Exam Essentials 39

Review Questions 40

Chapter 4 Understanding the AWS Environment 45

AWS Global Infrastructure: AWS Regions 46

Regionally Based Services 48

Globally Based Services 49

Service Endpoints 50

AWS Global Infrastructure: Availability Zones 50

Availability Zone Designations 51

Availability Zone Networking 52

Availability Zones and High Availability 52

AWS Global Infrastructure: Edge Locations 53

Edge Locations and CloudFront 54

Regional Edge Cache Locations 55

AWS Global Infrastructure: Extending the Cloud 55

AWS Outposts 55

AWS Local Zones 56

AWS Wavelength 56

The AWS Shared Responsibility Model 56

Managed Resources 58

Unmanaged Resources 58

Service Health Status 58

AWS Acceptable Use Policy 59

Summary 59

Exam Essentials 60

Review Questions 61

Chapter 5 Securing Your AWS Resources 65

AWS Identity and Access Management 66

Protecting the Root User 66

Authentication 67

Users, Groups, and Roles 70

Providing Federated Access 72

Credential Report 73

Encryption 73

Regulatory Compliance (AWS Artifact) 74

Other AWS Security and Compliance Tools 74

Summary 75

Exam Essentials 76

Review Questions 77

Chapter 6 Working with Your AWS Resources 81

The AWS Management Console 82

Accessing the AWS Management Console 83

Opening a Service Console 85

Working with Shortcuts 85

Selecting a Region 85

The Account Name Menu 87

Resource Groups 88

Tag Editor 89

Tagging Strategies 90

The AWS Console Mobile Application 91

The AWS Command- Line Interface 95

Requirements 96

Installation 97

Software Development Kits 99

Mobile Software Development Kits 99

Internet of Things Device Software Development Kits 100

CloudWatch 100

CloudWatch Metrics 101

CloudWatch Alarms 101

CloudWatch Dashboards 102

CloudWatch Logs 102

CloudWatch Events 104

CloudTrail 104

API and Non- API Events 105

Management and Data Events 105

Event History 105

Trails 106

Log File Integrity Validation 106

Cost Explorer 106

Cost and Usage 106

Reservation Reports 108

Reserved Instance Recommendations 109

AWS Billing Conductor 110

AWS Config 111

The Configuration Recorder, Items, and History 111

Configuration Snapshots 112

Managed and Custom Rules 112

AWS Control Tower 112

AWS License Manager 112

Summary 113

Exam Essentials 113

Review Questions 115

Chapter 7 The Core Compute Services 119

Deploying Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Servers 120

Amazon Machine Images 120

Understanding EC2 Instance Types 123

Server Storage: Elastic Block Store and Instance Store Volumes 124

Understanding EC2 Pricing Models 125

Simplified Deployments Through Managed Services 127

Amazon Lightsail 127

AWS Elastic Beanstalk 128

Deploying Container and Serverless Workloads 128

Containers 129

Serverless Functions 129

Summary 129

Exam Essentials 130

Review Questions 132

Chapter 8 The Core Storage Services 137

Simple Storage Service 138

Objects and Buckets 138

S3 Storage Classes 139

Access Permissions 142

Encryption 143

Versioning 144

Object Life-Cycle Configurations 144

S3 Glacier 145

Archives and Vaults 145

Retrieval Options 146

AWS Storage Gateway 146

File Gateways 147

Volume Gateways 147

Tape Gateways 147

AWS Snow Family 148

Snowcone 148

Snowball 148

Snowmobile 151

Other Storage- Related Services 151

AWS Transfer Family 151

Amazon FSx 151

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery 152

Summary 152

Exam Essentials 153

Review Questions 154

Chapter 9 The Core Database Services 159

Database Models 160

Relational Databases 160

Structured Query Language 162

Nonrelational (No- SQL) Databases 162

Amazon ElastiCache 163

Amazon MemoryDB 163

Amazon Relational Database Service 164

Database Engines 164

Licensing 164

Instance Classes 165

Scaling Vertically 166

Storage 166

Scaling Horizontally with Read Replicas 167

High Availability with Multi- AZ 167

Backup and Recovery 168

Determining Your Recovery Point Objective 168

Migrating Data to Your Database 168

DynamoDB 169

Items and Tables 169

Scaling Horizontally 170

Queries and Scans 170

Amazon Redshift 171

Analytics 172

Amazon Kinesis 172

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) 174

Amazon Elastic MapReduce 174

Amazon OpenSearch Service 175

AWS Data Exchange 175

Summary 175

Exam Essentials 176

Review Questions 178

Chapter 10 The Core Networking Services 183

Virtual Private Cloud 184

VPC CIDR Blocks 184

Subnets 185

Internet Access 186

Security Groups 186

Network Access Control Lists 186

VPC Peering 186

Virtual Private Networks 187

Direct Connect 187

AWS Global Accelerator 187

AWS Network Firewall 188

AWS Firewall Manager 188

AWS Web Application Firewall 188

Route 53 189

Resource Records 189

Domain Name Registration 189

Hosted Zones 190

Routing Policies 190

Health Checks 191

Traffic Flow and Traffic Policies 191

CloudFront 192

Summary 192

Exam Essentials 193

Review Questions 194

Chapter 11 Automating Your AWS Workloads 199

Automation 200

The Imperative Approach 200

The Declarative Approach 201

Infrastructure as Code 201

CloudFormation 201

Templates 202

Stacks 202

CloudFormation vs. the AWS cli 203

AWS Developer Tools 204

CodeCommit 204

CodeBuild 205

CodeDeploy 206

CodePipeline 207

CodeStar 208

CodeArtifact 209

EC2 Auto Scaling 210

Launch Configurations and Launch Templates 210

Auto Scaling Groups 210

Scaling Actions 211

Configuration Management 211

Systems Manager 212

OpsWorks 213

Summary 215

Exam Essentials 216

Review Questions 217

Chapter 12 Common Use- Case Scenarios 221

The Well- Architected Framework 222

Reliability 223

Performance Efficiency 223

Security 223

Cost Optimization 224

Operational Excellence 225

AWS Well- Architected Tool 225

A Highly Available Web Application Using Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing 226

Creating an Inbound Security Group Rule 227

Creating an Application Load Balancer 228

Creating a Launch Template 231

Creating an Auto Scaling Group 232

Static Website Hosting Using S 3 234

Machine Learning 236

Amazon Comprehend 237

Amazon Kendra 237

Amazon Lex 237

Amazon Rekognition 238

Amazon SageMaker 238

Amazon Textract 238

Amazon Transcribe 238

Amazon Translate 239

Summary 239

Exam Essentials 239

Review Questions 241

Appendix A Answers to Review Questions 245

Chapter 1: The Cloud 246

Chapter 2: Understanding Your AWS Account 246

Chapter 3: Getting Support on AWS 247

Chapter 4: Understanding the AWS Environment 249

Chapter 5: Securing Your AWS Resources 250

Chapter 6: Working with Your AWS Resources 252

Chapter 7: The Core Compute Services 254

Chapter 8: The Core Storage Services 255

Chapter 9: The Core Database Services 257

Chapter 10: The Core Networking Services 259

Chapter 11: Automating Your AWS Workloads 261

Chapter 12: Common Use- Case Scenarios 262

Appendix B Additional Services 265

Activate for Startups 266

Amazon EventBridge 266

AppStream 2.0 266

Athena 267

AWS Amplify 267

AWS AppSync 267

AWS Batch 267

AWS CloudShell 268

AWS Device Farm 268

AWS Step Functions 268

Backup 268

Cognito 269

Connect 269

Database Migration Service 269

Elastic File System 269

Elastic MapReduce 270

Glue 270

Inspector 270

IoT Core 270

IoT Greengrass 270

Iq 271

Kinesis 271

Macie 271

Managed Services (AMS) 271

Neptune 272

Simple Queue Service 272

WorkDocs 272

WorkSpaces 272

X- Ray 272

Index 273
Ben Piper is an IT consultant who has created more than 30 educational courses covering Amazon Web Services, networking, and automation. Learn more about Ben from his website at

David Clinton is a system administrator, teacher, and writer. He has created training material for subjects including Linux systems, cloud computing (AWS in particular), and virtualization. David has written books on AWS, Linux administration, and data analytics. Access more of David's technology content at