John Wiley & Sons Digitalization of Work Cover Digitalization of Work brings together researchers and international experts whose work and practice.. Product #: 978-1-78630-789-7 Regular price: $142.06 $142.06 In Stock

Digitalization of Work

New Spaces and New Working Times

Vayre, Emilie (Editor)


1. Edition July 2022
240 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-78630-789-7
John Wiley & Sons

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Digitalization of Work brings together researchers and international experts whose work and practices are based on a variety of disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, social psychology, ergonomics, communication and information sciences, and management sciences.

This book closely examines the challenges associated with recent or emerging ways of working related to the digitalization of work. It acts as a directory of contributions that enrich recent thought and approaches to the deployment and accompaniment of the ways in which work is organized, including practices and environments likely to gain relevance in coming years (remote working and management, coworking for salaried employees, flexible office spaces, working from home and nomadism).

Emilie Vayre is a professor in work and organizational psychology at the Lumière University of Lyon 2, France. Her research focuses on the psycho-social implications of the digitalization of work.

E. Vayre, Lumière University of Lyon 2, France