
Exploring Chemical Concepts Through Theory and Computation

Liu, Shubin (Editor)

June 2024, Hardcover

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Transaktionales Coaching

Katzengruber, Werner

June 2024, Hardcover

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Robuste Lieferketten in unsicheren Zeiten

Strohmer, Michael F. / Lakner, Marc / Gandhi, Suketu / Hickerson, Tiffany / He, Sherri

June 2024, Hardcover

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Gut verhandelt

Heß, Martin

June 2024, Hardcover

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Einfach richtig Geld verdienen mit Gold, Silber, Platin und mehr

Engst, Judith

June 2024, Softcover

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Production Control in Practice

Van Ooijen, Henny / Dirne, Corné

June 2024, Softcover

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Moisture Storage and Transport in Concrete

Franke, Lutz H.

June 2024, Hardcover

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Tiefenpsychologie für Dummies

Storck, Timo

June 2024, Softcover

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Börsenstrategien für Dummies

Engst, Judith / Kipp, Janne Jörg

June 2024, Softcover

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Einführung in die Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik

Machner, Hartmut

June 2024, Softcover

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Structural Timber Design

Seim, Werner

June 2024, Softcover

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Gesunder Umgang mit Narzissmus für Dummies

Smith, Laura L.

June 2024, Softcover

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Positive Psychologie für Dummies

Leimon, Averil

June 2024, Softcover

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Einnahmen-Überschussrechnung für Dummies

Griga, Michael

June 2024, Softcover

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Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing

Yu, Hang Z. / Tuncer, Nihan / Feng, Zhili (Editor)

June 2024, Hardcover

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Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung für Dummies

Schwab, Rainer

June 2024, Softcover

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Applied Metallomics

Li, Yu-Feng / Sun, Hongzhe (Editor)

June 2024, Hardcover

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Piezoelectric Materials

Wu, Jiagang (Editor)

June 2024, Hardcover

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Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials

Lin, Yunfeng / Gao, Shaojingya (Editor)

June 2024, Hardcover

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Atomically Precise Metal Clusters

Zang, Shuang-Quan

June 2024, Hardcover

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Magnesium-Based Energy Storage Materials and Systems

Zou, Jianxin / NuLi, Yanna / Hu, Zhigang / Lin, Xi / Zhang, Qiuyu

June 2024, Hardcover

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Stahlbau: Teil 1: Grundlagen

Kindmann, Rolf

June 2024, Softcover

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89,00 €